does any of these Solar Returns indicate a breakup?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by 696969 on Wednesday, November 27, 2024 and has 4 replies.
Cancer is me, Libra is my bf

we’re going through a rough patch right now and I know I should be more rational about this, but I just wanna look into the charts as well. we’ve been together for 3 years, but it’s long distance. he recently moved to my city, but we’re not living together mainly because he thinks I’m unreliable. I left my toxic job a few months ago and I’m struggling with depression and also family issues, I’m living with my mom and grandma now. my mom is still on a sick leave after a month in the hospital, but my bf just keeps bickering about how miserable it is that I’m not actively looking for a job and ways to move out on my own. I feel like he’s being insensitive and it hurts. now he’s giving me the silent treatment. I’m just trying to see signs if we can work it out or I have to prepare for a massive heartbreak. thanks

With his chart I would think he would be more sensitive and compassionate. 😅

Libras however tends to want someone who's equal or stronger and don't want to feel they're the one pulling all the weight in a relationship. At least that's my experience. Maybe he's worried of having to be the one to support you if you move in together.

Sucks that you're going through a tough time. If he's not supportive and causes you stress I think you should focus your energy on your own mental health first and do what you can to get better.

It's over. Try to get your own life back together and in order, that's priority right now.

Considering what you wrote, your current situation dictates that you need to focus on your needs and your situation, not on him. Him not talking to you is actually better for you than I think you realize.
A synastry chart might be better to look at, but overall I would move on and focus on yourself, if you can't resolve the issues when your living in the same city, what's the point. It not bode well for future cinflict resolution. And he sounds like a dick.