Does figuring someone out help you to get over them more quickly?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Adreamuponwaking on Saturday, December 23, 2017 and has 9 replies.
like what "makes them tick" and or

why you were attracted to this person in the first place?
It can. It just depends in what manner and under what circumstances I think.

The more I know about someone who I'm not really connected with,

knowing their character usually helps me be okay with pushing

them out of my life mentally, emotionally.

If we were close though, it doesn't help me much.

I still keep returning to the thought of "why me?"

"If we were close, why do this to me"?

repeat repeat repeat
It's never easy for me especially when I see them as important or deeply...

Like an imprint on a foam bed, only their imprint on me

takes years to release
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
like what "makes them tick" and or

why you were attracted to this person in the first place?
I really like this topic.

I absolutely hate figuring people out. I get bored.

The ones I can't figure out are the ones, who keep my attention indefinitely.

Even with my sag, 10 years but his mars in Scorpio and aqua rising makes him unpredictable.

I feel a sense of disappointment when I notice the patterns. It's like, the puzzle has already been solved.

There is a thin line between ambiguity and consistency.

After I figure out what makes then tick, I have to exit stage left. I can be come manipulative for the sake of having fun and using them as a experiment. Which isn't fair to them.

I do find it easy to walk away from people who I know suck. Male or female

Posted by Adreamuponwaking
like what "makes them tick" and or

why you were attracted to this person in the first place?
...hmmm...nothing makes him tick and attraction just hit and as more I am trying to figure it out - the mire I am attracted!

Shit! Right?
Posted by Aju
It's never easy for me especially when I see them as important or deeply...

Like an imprint on a foam bed, only their imprint on me

takes years to release

Posted by DMV
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
like what "makes them tick" and or

why you were attracted to this person in the first place?
I really like this topic.

I absolutely hate figuring people out. I get bored.

The ones I can't figure out are the ones, who keep my attention indefinitely.

Even with my sag, 10 years but his mars in Scorpio and aqua rising makes him unpredictable.

I feel a sense of disappointment when I notice the patterns. It's like, the puzzle has already been solved.

There is a thin line between ambiguity and consistency.

After I figure out what makes then tick, I have to exit stage left. I can be come manipulative for the sake of having fun and using them as a experiment. Which isn't fair to them.

I do find it easy to walk away from people who I know suck. Male or female

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this makes sense as a sag scorpio mix
Posted by DMV
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
like what "makes them tick" and or

why you were attracted to this person in the first place?
I really like this topic.

I absolutely hate figuring people out. I get bored.

The ones I can't figure out are the ones, who keep my attention indefinitely.

Even with my sag, 10 years but his mars in Scorpio and aqua rising makes him unpredictable.

I feel a sense of disappointment when I notice the patterns. It's like, the puzzle has already been solved.

There is a thin line between ambiguity and consistency.

After I figure out what makes then tick, I have to exit stage left. I can be come manipulative for the sake of having fun and using them as a experiment. Which isn't fair to them.

I do find it easy to walk away from people who I know suck. Male or female

click to expand

I related to this a lot too. I need change in people or very interesting personalities that keep me wanting to understand them. I personally change all the time, so when anyone thinks they know me I know that they will never do.

Don't lose your head before knowing the consequences. Feeling sorry afterwards is too late. Choose wisely!