Favorite relationship sign

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Storm on Thursday, July 6, 2006 and has 35 replies.
Okay folks, we've all had them.... Those relationships that make you think back adoringly - even if it didn't work out- and think that it was a great time....
What astro sign would you say does that the most for you???
For me it is, and probably always will be Cancer... These guys, I have such an affliction for it's crazy!! Their eyes, their smile, the general way they conduct themselves- never disrepectful unless fully crossed. Always willing to hug and hold and kiss... And that's not even mentioning their intuitive nature, they just seem to know what others don't, at least when it comes to me... Not to mention not a dull moment to be had around them, they love to get out into the world and see what it has to offer. And many a enlightening conversation can be had with them....
So... How bout it???
LEOs... I generally like them. The worst would be GEMINI or SCORPIO or VIRGO.. smile
Worst of mine Scorpio, and capricorn. Tried and failed......
Hello storm,
This is really weird, because you are the third Scorpio/Sagittarius person I know who is absolutely ga-ga over a Cancer. Obviously, Scorpios and Cancers are usually mutually crazy about one another, but I always wondered why Sag rising seems particularly keen.
I think because Cancer represents the eight house of sex and magnetic physical attraction to Sag (this is a bit more technical astro lingo). I mean, I even know loads of Sagittarian Sun signs madly in love with Crabs.
I myself (Cancer) was madly in love with Scorpio/Sag, hugely intense attraction, enormous, incomparable...How very interesting!
I'm a Saggitarrius and it was Definitely my Aries man. We were an item over 10 years ago and are still n touch to this day. WE will always be friends. He was fun, honest, and so geniune. And the bedtime activities were amazing. Its pretty nice, I'm single again and he will actually be visiting me soon. Woo hoo! Let the games begin.
THe worst: Scorpio. I spent four years married to a dishonest, secretive, controlling, needy man, who I can not wait to have completely out of my life. Ick. Scorpio's and Sag's DO NOT MIX.
hey happygurl...why did you and aries break up?
"Scorpio's and Sag's DO NOT MIX."
i don't know about relationships but as friends they certainly do smile
haha, scorps arn't high on the list. i better go before i get a propper bashing...
it's really cute how people tend to rather concentrate on the negative, though. the question was "favorite sign" and people take the opportunity to tell their most hated sign HAHAHAHA
Yeah I noticed it too, and I even did it myself... So what about you LS??? Who ended up being your favorite? Where you can still look back and think, wow, those were some good times!
i don't know the signs of all past g/fs. but i don't think it matters alot, though. my needs are pretty avarage: i want a loyal partner(don't mean sexually faithful , but someone who's on my side in life), someone who's attractive (that includes looks, too, not just ass and tits, hahaha, but they also have to have a killer body, and because i'm not that shallow, my partner has to have the most beautiful slim long legs, too), sexual compatibility and an optimistic attitude. if they're met, the sign doesn't matter smile
lubenica - is that bulgarian?
you're partner doesn't need to be sexually faithful? Please explain.
Best relationship sign?
Scorpio (certain ones Winking)
hahaha, i knew that would be misunderstood. lol i want my partner to be sexually faithful, it#s just more important to me that they are a loyal friend through good and bad times. i think i could forgive a one night stand, if it happened only once and was otherwise meaningless.
for me its sag and virgo, all the way. the sag was probably the most fun, but i'm learning so much from the virgo, even though i have yet to fully take the criticism they dish out with a grain of salt (whaat does that even mean??)
i dated a scorp once too...he was a bit too clingy for me, clingy without explaining himself...stared a lot too. but totally sexy.
My 3 year relationship w/ a Taurus - good times - good times smile (Being a Cap - go figure - we're both earth signs so things did run rather smoothly - her mom was a Virgo so she treated me like her own - I was @ her house more than I was @ my own during most the relationship - one time it was freezing and snowing out and I still wanted to see her so I walked 4 miles to her house just to see her - probably would've still been together if I hadn't stopped seeing her so much spent more time with my other friends and she hadn't met that guy @ work though - oh well - can't win em all I guess Tongue)
I'm a Sag and was totally i n love with a cancerian, mind you i hated him, at first but eventually things got better. I also loved an aquarian.
best relationship was with a scorpio. I am a scorp myself. Now trying out a cap
Best Relationship Sign for muah...
Aquarius maybe because they understand that I need a friendship in a relationship,
or Scorpio, who are intense and honest.
What's all the fuss about Scorpio's? Every Scorp I know is calm & coolie, likes what I like and deep.
They already said thier reasons for not liking scorpios...

I don't have a "favorite" relationship sign cause I don't believe in astrology that much and only had 3 serious relationships.Two of thier starsigns(libra,aqua) weren't compatable with scorps.
Im a leo
My is atleast: Aries, gemini
My fravourite is Virgo
most of my relationships have been good...but i did have a short term relationship with an aries and that was bad for me. i don't think i would ever date an aries male ever again...
MouseyGirl -- You least like GEMINI and Aries?? or do you like them?
cuz Im gonna say those 2 are compatible with you, unlike Virgo
scorpio..... i like scorps... we had our share of ups and downs and it didnt work but nonetheless it was a good one smile
I am still friends with both of my ex-cancers, and very, very good friends, I must say. smile
hi im a sag mine would prob be an aries, libra, cancer in short term and leo's are lots of fun i always wondered about a scorpio but i think il keep away now hahaha and i dont like needy people i prefer the fun loving independant and charming type hahaha
Hi "truthseeker"
hey happygurl...why did you and aries break up?
My aries and I broke up simply because our lives took us in two different directions. He is an actor and a singer, he was faced with the oppurtunity to go to Germany (where he still is). And at the same time I was faced with he oppurtunity to go to Hawaii. At the time, I did not want to be in the entertainment industry anymore, which he totally understood, and I went to Hawaii he went to Germany, where he is doing very well. I also felt at the time, he didn't need a girlfriend it would interfere with his career.
He is actually coming to visit me for about two weeks pretty soon. My mother passed and he is rushing to see me to be there for me.
I know we will never really be "romantically" involved again because I've changed and grown up so much, I'm not the same little girl I was when we were together (he's 10 years older than me...)
But our friendship will be forever and there is a love between us that will always be. The bond we have is wonderful, and I'm so happy that I was able to remain in his life as he's gotten so successfull. I'm so proud of him!
i would say Capricorns, Taurus, pieces and Scorpio! But most of all Pieces!
I am an Aries who loved having a relationship with my ex who was aries sun pisces moon but beware of all the multiple personality. He would flip on what he said a lot. The problem with a lot of aries men is that they can be egotistical. I am really good friends with cancer men and am extremely attracted to a new cancer male. Let's see where things go since I have cancer moon. Aren't cancer men loyal? I also like virgo men but not for relationships.
I am a Libra. I am always nuts about Cancer guys for some reason too. There is absolutely something mysterious about them. They will just watch from the background when you don't realize it. The smile is soooo unraveling to the point of actually seeing into you. It is really bizarre! They want to know as much as they can about you, but yet will disclose very little about themselves. I don't know, but I have never fell hard for any other sign the way I have for a Cancer. I am destined to be with one, hopefully.
Gemini are great talking and communicating feelings with libra
Sag ate just passionate sometimes but they like to be free and go traveling a lot not too goo for me at all
Virgo like to talk about intellectual stuff so libra and them are so connected on that matter
cancer they have a baby face and they are lovely at first but they like to control a libra and always they think that they are better than others.
scorpio so secretive I just want to squeeze them and make them feel easy to talk.
I am a Scorpio and have not really had any intense relationships. Not like i want so my most favorite relationship would have to be with a....i have no idea. I am going for Cancer though because that is who i love now but things aren't working out but by far he is the most *dreamy*
I'm a scorpio....my *best* relationships have been with virgos...my most intense with a scorpio and an aries(no, not at the same time- although that could have been interesting)...my most fun with a gemini.