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Apr 12, 2017Comments: 261 · Posts: 1160 · Topics: 39
The confusion stands though for me... I am supposed to be a 3rd decan Cap which starts at 21 degrees but due to timezones I'm sort of located in a cusp between 2nd decan (ruled by Venus) and 3rd (ruled by Mercury). My degree is 20'59. Do I round up and read the Capricorn 21 part or round down and read the Capricorn 20 part?
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Jun 16, 2017Comments: 110 · Posts: 157 · Topics: 7
A rope going up into the sky.
Cosmic connections left dangling until personal dramas have spent themselves, which takes a very long time. But the cosmic overtones accompany every phase of the journey. They give a peculiar quality to the auric field, as though everything already knew its origin and destination and that knowingness had turned all the colors up a notch. This puts the little self sharply on the spot, for everything is heightened, especially including the dramatic power of distortions and negations. These are amplified to an almost unbearable extent. An internal battleground between a surpassingly cosmic nature and a grossly fallen and distorted personal-emotional syndrome. And it is the way of things that the spotlighted karmic cycle of catching yourself in the act of being false must be consumed before the waiting realizations and reunions become fulfilled. A very sharp edge to events, with so much riding on seeing through your own folly, and freeing up the life-force to respond to the greater worlds with a tug and a sign that there is somebody home after all. The greater cycles can now begin.
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Apr 12, 2017Comments: 261 · Posts: 1160 · Topics: 39
A stately old house in a ruined condition.
Karmic entanglement in patterns, syndromes, and worlds which have no future. Dwelling in worlds apart and worlds gone by. Intent upon salvaging the essence-spark of what was once there and claims your allegiance still. You are heavily drawn back in a virtual stupor or enchantment of following out a script, fulfilling a fate. Every line written ahead of time. Starchy and formal. Haunted, intrigued, bound up within what would seem to be no longer happening. Yet inwardly brooding all-pervasively upon the reverberations and echoes of what went wrong, of what was lost, of the severances and the tragedies. Doomed to stay in the lost places until Divine Spirit intervenes. Self-sentenced to limbo, half glad of it and half miserable and full of longings.