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Aug 11, 2020Comments: 10 · Posts: 408 · Topics: 49
What’s up Fire Signs… As a people watcher I’m going to share with you the common flaw I’ve seen amongst you as a collective. If it resonates I would appreciate a shout out and honesty about a time you did this in your life and it wasn’t beneficial for the betterment of all. By sharing our experiences and knowledge we help each other and build each other as a collective and that’s my objective… Go Team!!!
Fire Signs you face life with a passion and boldness that makes most people admire you and find their own courage inside themselves. No one can deny that. However, you are all in or all out from the start You know what you want and you give all you have freely from the start.
This is dangerous and often taken advantage of by others. People fail to understand such pure emotional love and commitment because they’re too busy focused on their own internal damages and have fears from their past. Too often because of this, you end up getting hurt and sometimes even having to start over again because you held back nothing, and whoever you were dealing with took from you everything.
When you meet someone that you adore, learn to hold back. Match their energy if you can or maybe only give a little bit more than they give you. Feel them out. You Fire Signs have to learn to treasure that precious love you freely give to those who may not deserve any of it. Yes, I agree that life is short, but investing in people and getting no return makes life longer and harder than it ever needs to be… Much Love…
Comment Below…
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Mar 24, 2019Comments: 8 · Posts: 361 · Topics: 22
Wow I agree! Very accurate
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Dec 11, 2018Comments: 863 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 10
“sometimes even having to start over again”
They often have to start over again because they make stupid decisions, especially in love.
“When you meet someone that you adore, learn to hold back“
Just because someone is being passionate and laser-focused on someone or something doesn’t mean it is genuine or those feelings will have longevity. That passion shifts focus to something or someone else. Maybe Leo energy has better staying power. This is why Fire can be as flighty as Air, imo. They may not admit that though.
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
Don’t really have this problem due to my Scorp parts
But I see this in a few Sag friends
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1921 · Posts: 17000 · Topics: 108
I personally don't give all that I've got freely for the the world to flourish in. I give all that I've go to make sure I and those I love get what we want in life. That may sound selfish, but I consider myself a provider so the second I put myself in second place is the moment I let those I provide for down. So by putting myself first at all times I actually put my whole crew first. That's what I feel other elements can learn from fire. Working as a team or as a servant is fine, but if you are willing to burn down everything in your path just to make an advantage for your whole crew it makes the people you love, love you even more.
You've got to be a provider who isn't afraid to take a risk, even if it means starting over from scratch every now any then. Eventually you will be a professional in everything you do, and people will depend on you because of that. That is when fire signs flourish. I guarantee if you think about it majority of providers in your life, and all the people who fix your shit even though you don't truly deserve it were fire signs. Without them you would have to depend on some random stranger you don't know to rescue you when you need something specific in a pinch. You would likely get fucked over too, and you know that. That is why you run to a fire sign because you know they will be wholesome and save you in your time of need, even though we actually hate everything about you. Imagine living that kind of life.