I will never understand the thought patterns of a GEM Male??? Very confusing? Predictable in expecting them to change constantly and show up again. Poof! Who am I going to wake up to today?
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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 995 · Topics: 34
I LOVE Gemini males! They can be incredibly romantic and surprisingly (?) faithful. The key to a relationship with a gemini is friendship. They treasure a deep friendship connection. Once that is established, you ARE IN! It's not fair to say they are always superficial, to me it is the contrary; they need the deep friendship. If they are just attracted to you physically, then yeah, you'll get a certain level of interest from them but not the full interest. And when you do get their full interest, there's no guessing if they are truly interested in you.
When and if you meet again, I would suggest you try to have a good discussion with him. See if you share interests, get him going on that level.
"I will never understand the thought patterns of a GEM Male???"
I am a gemini and I don't think that I will ever fully understand our own thought process. like vanishing, I have no clue how that happens but it does.
I'v been finding it difficult to find a partner who has intelligence, a great sense of humor, an adventure seeker, interested in everything i have to say. The total package is somewhere out there and i'll find him. But as long as i'm looking i'll keep trying to find that spark with different people and i guess that's where some people may get upset with my disappearing act.
Forgive me i'm just on a mission to find the one that will keep me hooked for good.
I'v been finding it difficult to find a partner who has intelligence, a great sense of humor, an adventure seeker, interested in everything i have to say. The total package is somewhere out there and i'll find him. But as long as i'm looking i'll keep trying to find that spark with different people and i guess that's where some people may get upset with my disappearing act.
Forgive me i'm just on a mission to find the one that will keep me hooked for good.
I am a Gemini female who has had two relationships with Pisces males. I found this site discussing relationship vibrations. Which a Gemini-Pisces is a 4-10 vibration. I will look for the link to this page. Basically, it said the Pisces will always try to dominate the Gemini. The Gemini will always view you as an authority figure, like a parent. The Gemini does not like to be scolded or told what to do. Perhaps is there anything you may have said or done to make this Gemini Male shy away? I highly recommend Linda Goodman's Love Signs for relationships. It has become like a bible.
hmm... im a gemini myself..
i know, we ARE hard to contain, but at the same rate if you truly make a deep connection with him, you WILL have him eating out of your hand (not literally)
however you have to know that Gemini can be there one second and the next they're off somewhere else, were like that; and you cant hold us accountable for it.
if things get stale, you might as well kiss him good bye.
dont try to tie him down, this is just general stuff... i dont know enough about astrology.
one thing you shouldn't do, is doubt him.
at least, give him the BENEFIT of the doubt, cause though he might appear to be going right along when you question him or his motives, deep inside he's probably already read YOUR motives and can't wait to move on or on to another topic of conversation (or find another person, if he is that superficial).
it happens to me.
we really are nice people. lol
What I've found about Geminis is that you can't trust what they feel one minute to the next. Not to say they aren't sincere, but they do change positions and moods regularly. Don't become to fixated on what was said as if it were set in stone, it never is with Gemini's and i can say the same for Pisces. Good luck! And keep living, they like to search for what they already have to find out they already had it! 
Signed Up:
Mar 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 205 · Topics: 21
6 months later, countless flings and dates, 1 short term relationship later, my gemini still hasnt called LOL my o my.. their more tougher than a libra. i know he's back in town. well maybe he's just not interested. im way moved on though
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Mar 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 205 · Topics: 21
tougher=harder to catch 
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Mar 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 205 · Topics: 21
gneiss, thanks. apart from asking wther he'll be back before valentines (coz i was travelling) which he answere yes and will ring me, no i didnt say anything else that iw ould consider pushy etc im afraid, coz i did realize at that time we were too new (but i did fancy him a LOTTT) so not sure whether he can sense that. i ddint show it much . i was playing aloof which did lead to 3 dates in a week!! happy times! i guess he just didnt fancy me. im pretty easy like that these days..enjoyed going out with air signs, they taught me how to detach myself pretty well, its annoying LOL
Gemini's are crazy they can be loving but you know that whole split thing just be careful and follow his lead if your not interested say so. But if Gemini is openly willing she where his head is at
Signed Up:
Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1633 · Topics: 53
Cosmic - if you liked this guy a lot i still don't think it's too late. He obviously liked you enough to hang out with you on a few occassions... (if we don't like, we don't humor) and it could have been work and his trip that got him off track. But if you did enjoy him, call him. Say you just thought about him (WE LOVE THAT) and wondered if he was able to go have a drink or whatever it is that you guys had done. Dont' brng up the past be fresh and new, and you never know. sometimes we are hard to rope in, even for dating.. something else comes up and we're off and runnin (later wondering "what ever happened to...")... later we think about it and we don't call cuz, that would be drama.. you would have questions.. blah blah blah. Just an idea.
Signed Up:
Mar 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 205 · Topics: 21
thanks only & babygirl..
ur right baby, i shoudve asked him out for a drink once i know hes back in town but i chose to just kept quiet. i did text him once during easter, no answer. and i thought ok, hes no longer interested and ive moved on. he completely fell off the earth i didnt want to find out why because, i dont know why.. im scarry like that. been dating a libra guy since he's gone awol.. sometimes i do wonder if he (gemini) will ever come back or when that time will come.. or if it ever comes *sighs*
Signed Up:
Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
Sweet Gem, we are on the same mission.......But i don't think i disappear.........I am usually upfront about it, and assuredly when asked will tell. EVEN when NOT asked, LOL, now then i get into trouble feeling the need to be honest and upfront!
MY bad.
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Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107
cosmic you havent gotten over this gem yet?
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Mar 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 205 · Topics: 21
dward..hi.. i have gotten over the fact that i wont hear from him anymore and that im no longer waiting for him..
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Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107
okay good girl......
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Dec 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3890 · Topics: 117
Gemini's are nuts to begin with.. I will be back in a few to try & help more..
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Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1633 · Topics: 53
Not mean at all. He went MIA, he will expect you to have some form of not too good feelings about it. if your gem is truley interested, he will contact you. If he doesn't.... you should really write him off. We go after what we want.. via flirty games, wine and dine.. whatever way we do, you will know he is interested... if he is...
Not to say that this particular gem is worth keeping around. You have to work hard with us to keep us interested, and sometimes we aren't worth the strain. This doesn't mean you should ever change yourself for anyone. But show gems your different sides, we like someone who is fun to be around but also one we can have deep conversations with and connect to on intellectual level. I would advise against ever pulling to tightly to him. Let the gems control the pace of the relationship if you really like him. Conversations about commitment will make us run. Its not that we don't want to be in a committed relationships but we are pussies when in comes to talking about it or thinking about it.
But this is all my opinion, use your best judgment.
After 2.5 years....NEXT!!!
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Mar 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 205 · Topics: 21
He asked if he can add me on FB which I did say yes to, and guess what I found out??? After 2.5 years, he has a little daughter!! Although he is as hot as ever *melt*
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Sep 10, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4684 · Topics: 51
Posted by Alir0x
What I've found about Geminis is that you can't trust what they feel one minute to the next. Not to say they aren't sincere, but they do change positions and moods regularly. Don't become to fixated on what was said as if it were set in stone, it never is with Gemini's and i can say the same for Pisces. Good luck! And keep living, they like to search for what they already have to find out they already had it! 
oh yes, I loved this.."Don't become too fixated on what was said..."
about 15 years ago (maybe more?) a Gemini told me "I am leaving my wife."
Not that he was thinking about it, or considering it or was wondering about it, he was "leaving"
Yeah, well...we are all still waiting for him to actually do it!!
Signed Up:
Sep 10, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4684 · Topics: 51
Dude did you read my post? 15 years.
It's probably the same guy.
If you want to keep getting mindf***ed for the rest of your life then proceed as you are.
HE is the one that should be getting bumped, not this thread.
Signed Up:
Mar 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 205 · Topics: 21
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
HE is the one that should be getting bumped, not this thread.
Thanks I really need this. Have been so restless. He texted me again about weekend plan and I still have not replied (over 2 days now).
I will just make something up. No, actually I really can't make it. Have a date with a new Gemini. FML.