So I have been talking to this business man for about 6 months, actually he's been staying every night after he gets off work. Everything was going great until I got upset because this girl that I don't like told me that she saw him at the pool and he bas
I love it when you..?? Don't say 'can' or 'Could' to a man, 'will' or 'would' Just a couple of things ive read that really work! Also, men want to be 'respected' women want to be 'loved" Lol! I paid money for these insights when my marriage was goi
My life path is 6, but can anyone tell me about 15/6 (which is me)? I'm not finding much on it.
I feel kinda shitty. First I was speaking to a fireman and mentioned hearing sirens going down the interstate and cracked a joke about how bad the drivers are over here. Then he tells me an 18 year old girl was leaving the theme park, got in an acciden
Since I'm writing a story involving astrology, there is something I want to have a super solid grasp on. Capricorns. My questions to you fair-women are the following: -Do you feel you're an exception to the general trend of women being more emotio
Chat with me. Tell me: -which SIGNS ARE THE CONJUNCTION IN. -Which house(s) they in, in your chart. - Are they part of a stellium in your chart? How are you doing do far this year? For me: - Cap -10th -Yes I'm alive and pluto transiting
I recently got in touch with a friend I was close to but haven't spoke to in years. When we were texting she came off phony, like she was trying to be something she wasn't. It seemed kinda off to me, but I just assumed that she's probably just evolved and
I am having trouble with people, which I am usually good at. Feeling emotionally drained Under achieved, worried. Is it just me I have Mars in Sagittarius, and Venus in Leo.
Anybody wanna take my 4 minute quiz? I wanna see how much you guys know about what this site is all about :)