Help me pls Aries with Virgo ex

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Rc2213 on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 and has 1 replies.
I met this guy two years ago. He was great he was always guarded we went out on dates for three months didn't sleep together til then. He was great to my son. I have a Lil boy. I ended up moving in with him, and it was great. I've always felt he was too good for me because he has amazing family and I don't. I grew up very different but that made me strong and independent. I was open with him about me and who I am and this is who I am this is what you get my son too. We'll my son loves him adores him. I helped with the fire dept. He's now a probationary fire fighter but he broke up with me during the begining because he said he couldnt find a balance. Wanted me to move and all. It all happened out of no where. So I was going to then he realized I was leaving and worked it out. I'm an Aries I do get jealous here and there but never psycho. I always lift him up I took care of him no matter how rejected he made me feel or lonely. I have to say he is the best man I have ever met in my entire life. He broke up with me 3 weeKS ago because he thought I was being insecure packed things and went to his mom for three days sent me a text saying he was going to live with his mom that he would pay half the rent but he couldn't lI've with someone who made me him feel unhappy.he is the one whose always depressed and crying about work because he hasn't found his pace he's only been in the fire dept for 4 months. And it's been going for as long as we've been together. The week before he dumped he talked to me about marriage and how i was the best thing that ever happened to him and he and I would do better to communicate and not lose each other. Then it happened. Out of no where. He came home 5 days later and acted like he hated me and ignored me. Was only nice to my son. It ripped me inside out. I cried for days and days

And days so confused. Well last week we had sex yes we did. For 4 hours. The best sex ever and he told me how much he loved me and how he missed made love to me like never before. The next morning he couldn't keep his hands off me and me and my son went to church for an hour I made him food before I left and I said I loved him he said it back. And I came back and he hugged me. So he took us out and then I asked him for a kiss and he please don't make me do that. I was like wtf. Now he's telling me he will leave me the apt to find a roomie. I was working 45 min from home and my sons school was there by my job he asked me to get a job down here and I said r u sure because If I do I want this to work please. Please he said yes it willl. Well I got a great job great pay with benefits been here now two months. And this second month we've been broken up now going on 3 weeks. And I love him so much so much. This morning I told him look I will change I will work on me but I know you love me let your heart soften please. And he just looked tired of hearing it. Every day I wake up at 4.45 am to make him food and walk him to the car before he starts his shift. And even though were no longer a couple I still do that cook clean wash and still work and take of my son and iron his uniform. What have I done? I am so me BTW I'm 30 he's 27