Hey, anyone wanna talk Venus & Mars signs?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by ThePiscesPrincess on Monday, May 20, 2013 and has 16 replies.
I just love to have my Venus & Mars in Trine aspect ??? smile

If you have incompatible Venus & mars: how do you cope in love? must be hard, eh? bipolar lovers... ive had tons of that, like idk if i could please the Venus or the Mars... i do better with people who have compatible venus & mars...
Mars Aries. Venus Taurus.
Posted by Sagtastic1
Posted by ThePiscesPrincess
I just love to have my Venus & Mars in Trine aspect ??? smile

If you have incompatible Venus & mars: how do you cope in love? must be hard, eh? bipolar lovers... ive had tons of that, like idk if i could please the Venus or the Mars... i do better with people who have compatible venus & mars...

Welcome ThePiscesPrincess!
I have Mars in (Aquarius) "The Rule Breaker" and Venus in Capricorn "The Rule Enforcer". Bi-Polar? sometimes. I crave long lasting/sturdy relationship and when I get in one I feel trapped. #Crazy I know! I seem to find myself in relationship with people who have the same complexities. Almost ALWAYS Mars in Aries with their venus in a water sign. My relationships with them have never been boring, but sometimes its hard to be on the same page.
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Oh... Well most people i've been with has Venus & Mars both in fire, i have Venus & Mars both in air, Aquarius Venus & Libra Mars
Posted by AriesIntrovert16
Mars Aries. Venus Taurus.

Is it hard to meet your needs in love?
But i did hear in a forum once, that when Venus was in detriment/fall, that a woman with those placements was probably man in their past lives, if paired with a Feminine mars or in detriment, and that men were women in their past lives.
But i have Libra mars[in detriment, which is a masculine sign], with a Masculine Venus as well, so i might have been a celibate woman in my past life... Venus/Uranus or Venus in Aquarius indicates celibacy vows in past life... i have Venus in Aqua + Venus conjunct Uranus...
Not sure. I suppose my needs arent hard to meet. What about you?
Posted by AriesIntrovert16
Not sure. I suppose my needs arent hard to meet. What about you?

Omg are you kidding me, it's not that hard, just make me laugh, do things that makes me happy, romantic nights that lead to sex and etc...
I have venus in scorpio, which runs hot and intense. My mars is Aquarius, which is cool and detached. Yep, I think it makes me run hot and cold. I need to have stability and know how my SO feels in order to be secure, but at the same time I need my independence and freedom. It is difficult to find someone who can satisfy both. I think that's why I'm attracted to Aqua men.
Posted by truecap
I have venus in scorpio, which runs hot and intense. My mars is Aquarius, which is cool and detached. Yep, I think it makes me run hot and cold. I need to have stability and know how my SO feels in order to be secure, but at the same time I need my independence and freedom. It is difficult to find someone who can satisfy both. I think that's why I'm attracted to Aqua men.

That must suck. well i have Venus trine Mars and i'm happy with that! smile
Venus in Leo and Mars in Leo (conjunction by degrees)
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
Venus in Leo and Mars in Leo (conjunction by degrees)

Big Grin finally someone who has compatible Venus & Mars! smile i like Venus in Leo ppl, in fact my Leo crush has Venus in Leo smile
Hehe, Im not surprised Tongue well we are very warm people, love to hug and are very affectionate, our sexuality is actually quite uncomplicated, we are direct. Sometimes maybe a little too dominating but when it comes to sex my main focus is always HEr pleasure, mine comes second.
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
Hehe, Im not surprised Tongue well we are very warm people, love to hug and are very affectionate, our sexuality is actually quite uncomplicated, we are direct. Sometimes maybe a little too dominating but when it comes to sex my main focus is always HEr pleasure, mine comes second.

Aahaha i don't mind i like to be dominated smile. i have Aquarius venus & Libra mars both in trine smile someone with Venus conjunct mars is my fave smile
Source: http://www.cafeastrology.com/articles/venusincancermarsinvirgo.html

Here Jenni:
Venus in Water, Mars in Earth (Romantic Water, Earthy Desires): You are dependable, loving, and solid in your romantic involvements. You take care of the person you love, and you are generally quite loyal and committed once your heart has been won. Very sexual, you have strong needs for physical expression of love. You feel most loved with physical proof of commitment, and you work hard at making your relationships work on a physical and practical level. You require, more than most, physical presence, steadiness, reliability, and comfort in your relationships. You are concerned about your partner??s emotions, and your expression of affection feels solid and very cozy. You are not the most communicative of lovers, however. Oftentimes, you expect your partner to intuit what you need rather than request it outright. You are serious about love, and you are not one to take a relationship lightly or to throw it away without first doing what you can to make it work. You tend to believe in taking your time when it comes to developing a relationship and to lovemaking itself. As sensitive as you are in matters of the heart, essentially you are much stronger and persevering than you appear. Partners who express loyalty, respectability, and some fragility are most appealing to you.
Venus and Mars in compatible signs: Your romantic and sexual natures are similar, but varied enough to make your love life quite exciting. For the most part, you know what you want in love relationships. Your charm is subtle and natural. While you don't generally come on strong, you don't need to. There is a buzz of understated sexual and romantic energy about you that promises a good time.
Posted by LIBRA1234
Posted by ThePiscesPrincess
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
Venus in Leo and Mars in Leo (conjunction by degrees)

Big Grin finally someone who has compatible Venus & Mars! smile i like Venus in Leo ppl, in fact my Leo crush has Venus in Leo smile

Big Grin Venus in Leo and Mars in Scorp

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Lol that's what i meant by bipolar lovers with incompatible Venus & mars signs... i dont roll with that i have Venus & Mars in trine, both in air. yes i like both.