Hello all! Here is my dilemma:
I was dating a Cancer male for a month and I really fell for him. Our connection was magical. He was VERY sensitive, almost hyper-senstive, but I was willing to empathize and I was very understanding. However, he said some mean things to me and became very critical; he told me I was too deep, I got under his skin, I reminded him of things his ex did which bothered him, etc. When I told him I was hurt and it seemed that he didn't like me the way he once did, he responded that I was being dramatic. He said he didn't want to discuss the situation because it was too much drama for us having only dated for a month. Thus, I suggested we be friends. I was hoping he'd put up some sort of fight. Instead he replied with, "I guess I don't understand how things escalated so quickly and abruptly, but I don't have the emotional stamina to work through it right now. You are the most genuine and good-hearted person I have met and so I'm sad and disappointed it's going in this direction." I told him the things he said had caused me to feel insecure and all I was seeking was a little reassurance, but he never responded. In fact, he hasn't communicated with me at all since this txt conversation last Wednesday. He's completely cut me off and it's really painful. I don't understand.
Me: Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon, Taurus Rising, Venus Aries
Him: Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio Rising, Venus Gemini
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
What? Is everyone in here like .... 12
You win some, you lose some .... grow some fucking dignity and step away, instead of clinging to bad feelings.
I know, I know .. that's just blowing words out of my ass .. because surely you would wish to continue prodding him for more pain rather than realize that while life happens, often two people aren't meant to be a couple
You're right P-Angel, but I understood we weren't meant to be together in a romantic sense and so I ended our relationship. The part I didn't understand is why he wouldn't want to be friends and why he cut off all communication. I just wanted to know if this was a typical Cancer w/ Venus in Gemini trait. I've dated other Cancer men and we've remained friends...
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
don't PM me .. here is a PM from you
So THAT helps explain your blunt and rather cut throat responses...
I will expose it every time. If you have somethign to say to me, say it in public view.
Wow P-Angel. And you didn't show my whole message. You obviously have a bad attitude and now I'm seeing your Cancer moon! I sent you a personal message because I appreciated your response and I was trying to connect with you. You need to work on some humility. I would expect more maturity from a 53 year old woman...
LOL......Sounds like P-Angel needs to get laid...
Haha! I like you, LiquidAir. Same page.
Signed Up:
Apr 07, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 1325 · Topics: 0
He sounds like a boring loser lol...sad but I as a Pisces wouldn't want to be with someone who didn't like deep thinking...
He's not over his ex clearly by his expressive distaste of habits you portrayed similar to his ex...
Run when a man starts putting you down or criticising before you even got started...pfft...come on Pisces he's no fun to begin with...
I feel Cancer men cannot handle a Pisces deep emotions very much ...really I think they see it as too thick and run at the slightest heavy stuff...
A Pisces on the other hand fits right in...will embrace the deepness of someone it is how they connect spiritually with someone...