How important is it for your Partner to initiate conversation ?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by BeautyandTheBull on Monday, September 11, 2017 and has 10 replies.
Is this a ...what work for you kinda thing? ... or just the lack of effort put into the relationship .... seems like everybody I'm surrounded by is having this problem ... some are completely fine with them having to always reach out to their Boyfriends because he always gets so caught up in what he's doing and don't .... idk if that supposed to be acceptable or what but it works for her & I have other friends who are like freaking out about it I was ... communication is major !
Yea kinda feel like all men should feel like this lol
Posted by tiziani
Communication is a lot bigger than conversation.

I'd understand if it's important to someone to talk. I prefer doing activities together or simply spending time in one another's company. I communicate a lot more that way.

I honestly never thought about it that way .....

The guy I'm interested in tells me to text him when I wake up because I'm up before him. I feel fortunate that he's a talker!
Oh really ? Haha we all communicate in different ways .. so I've read in a book .. I can go days without seeing my partner as long as we talk and some people I know hate talking they would rather be around me like you said go out and spend time
Posted by pinkbird03
The guy I'm interested in tells me to text him when I wake up because I'm up before him. I feel fortunate that he's a talker!
I'm a talker ! So I always seem to always attract the opposite of what I am lol and if they are a talker it ends up not even working lol
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Posted by pinkbird03
The guy I'm interested in tells me to text him when I wake up because I'm up before him. I feel fortunate that he's a talker!
I'm a talker ! So I always seem to always attract the opposite of what I am lol and if they are a talker it ends up not even working lol
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That's hard, to be with a guy who doesn't talk a lot and you do. I've done it and it hasn't fully satisfied me. The constant talking helps me bond so much deeper.

Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Posted by pinkbird03
The guy I'm interested in tells me to text him when I wake up because I'm up before him. I feel fortunate that he's a talker!
I'm a talker ! So I always seem to always attract the opposite of what I am lol and if they are a talker it ends up not even working lol

That's hard, to be with a guy who doesn't talk a lot and you do. I've done it and it hasn't fully satisfied me. The constant talking helps me bond so much deeper.

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Omg yes very hard ! Don't get me wrong I've talked to men who can have deep

Conversation in person but over the phone it's like awkward af lol I don't understand lol

I don't really bother who initiates coz like some of your friends, I do believe people can get caught up in things. Things with me won't change due to lack of conversation for a really long time...when everything else between us is fine that is of course.
It's very important to me but Im a Gemini merc and mercury dominated.