This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by SPUNKYTAURUS on Tuesday, July 18, 2017 and has 90 replies.
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How long do you think you should wait to have sex with a man/woman you're dating or interested in?


What's your sign?

(I'm not dating anyone so this isn't about me just general convo)
About after being introduced...

It's with Scorpio...haven't I thought you anything? ???
How long? Til the end of the first date.

Why? So you can get free dinner first.

Sign: Scorpio.
You should have it when you both want it. Time is irrelevant ?
Your asking the wrong question. You don't need to wait a certain amount of time to have sex with someone. You need to qualify them as someone you will let in.

For some people it could be a few hours. For others months.
Posted by Whorpio
How long? Til the end of the first date.

Why? So you can get free dinner first.

Sign: Scorpio.
Your thinking like a pro. All buying dinner gets you is the pleasure of my company for the duration of the meal.
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Posted by over_thinker
Posted by Whorpio
How long? Til the end of the date.

Why? So you can get free dinner first.

Sign: Scorpio.

It's a perfect business. Mutual exchange. I pay for your meal, you handle my deal.
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Dude, you're over thinking it. It's just dinner and sex after ??‍♀️?

Posted by LadyNeptune
Your asking the wrong question. You don't need to wait a certain amount of time to have sex with someone. You need to qualify them as someone you will let in.

For some people it could be a few hours. For others months.
Or like for you until you are too old to remember what are these people talking about!

Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Whorpio
How long? Til the end of the first date.

Why? So you can get free dinner first.

Sign: Scorpio.
Your thinking like a pro. All buying dinner gets you is the pleasure of my company for the duration of the meal.
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Who said your company is a pleasure except your female dog with male name?
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Whorpio
How long? Til the end of the first date.

Why? So you can get free dinner first.

Sign: Scorpio.

Your thinking like a pro. All buying dinner gets you is the pleasure of my company for the duration of the meal.
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Lmaooooo "for the duration of the meal" ???????
Posted by Whorpio
Posted by over_thinker
Posted by Whorpio
How long? Til the end of the date.

Why? So you can get free dinner first.

Sign: Scorpio.

It's a perfect business. Mutual exchange. I pay for your meal, you handle my deal.

Dude, you're over thinking it. It's just dinner and sex after ??‍♀️?

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He must had tried but it's hard to get it up when belly is full...

I've wondered this myself, good to see all of your takes on it. I could never do the first night, or week ? I rarely enter into serious relationships, THEN we have sex. Which is kinda sad because it basically means I never have any and my Scorpio Rising doesn't agree with that LOL So short answer: Only we have both agreed to only see each other and be serious. I am freak so they know it'all be worth it bahahaha
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
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Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
Posted by Gemitati
About after being introduced...

It's with Scorpio...haven't I thought you anything? ???
???? going right in for the kill
Posted by Brittnie
I've wondered this myself, good to see all of your takes on it. I could never do the first night, or week ? I rarely enter into serious relationships, THEN we have sex. Which is kinda sad because it basically means I never have any and my Scorpio Rising doesn't agree with that LOL So short answer: Only we have both agreed to only see each other and be serious. I am freak so they know it'all be worth it bahahaha
Yep! Pass it up and freezer wonder...

I am not a wonderer...?
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???
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Everything relating to sex should become about scorpios silly ??

Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
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When you are 20 it is.

When you are 50 - it's a fracture of ethernity! ?
Posted by ViperSerum
Posted by Whorpio
How long? Til the end of the first date.

Why? So you can get free dinner first.

That's completely amateur

there are girls out there, finessing free meals and swiftly avoiding sex entirely.

But part of me thinks the sex is the cherry on top with you.
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Um yeah if I have to listen to you drag on and on about work and your family and politics and sports n shit you better fuck me afterwards or else I'll feel extremely cheated ??‍♀️

Y'all are a mess ?? you should read each one up till this point ?
Posted by Gemitati
About after being introduced...

It's with Scorpio...haven't I thought you anything? ???
???? going right in for the kill
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Is he a Scorpio? I knew that!!!
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???
click to expand
It's ALWAYS about Scorpios...wasn't it supposed to be? Oops!

Who else than? ?
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Gemitati
About after being introduced...

It's with Scorpio...haven't I thought you anything? ???
???? going right in for the kill
Is he a Scorpio? I knew that!!!
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Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???

Everything relating to sex should become about scorpios silly ??

Omg of course lol y'all rule the gentalias and I rule the feet -_-
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Pisces rule feet? Lol! That explains your foot fetish ?(wait! Was that supposed to be a secret??)
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???
It's ALWAYS about Scorpios...wasn't it supposed to be? Oops!

Who else than? ?
Gemitati your a dork and I like you LOL you literally make me laugh. My sister from another mister?
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I second this ?
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???
It's ALWAYS about Scorpios...wasn't it supposed to be? Oops!

Who else than? ?
Gemitati your a dork and I like you LOL you literally make me laugh. My sister from another mister?
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You better be Scorpio...or I don't give a damn!!!

Except your avatar...seems like little yammy scorps...???
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this or perhaps my Gemini Moon because as Fisk pointed out, it's mental foreplay.
Do you have mars Gemini? you sound like me LOL
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???
It's ALWAYS about Scorpios...wasn't it supposed to be? Oops!

Who else than? ?
Gemitati your a dork and I like you LOL you literally make me laugh. My sister from another mister?
I second this ?
click to expand
My house isn't so big to accommodate all of you 'fans' I will conduct some sort of 'who makes more money' for women and 'who is a Scorpio' for men.

Other signs need to cry...sorry...

Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???

Everything relating to sex should become about scorpios silly ??

Omg of course lol y'all rule the gentalias and I rule the feet -_-
Pisces rule feet? Lol! That explains your foot fetish ?(wait! Was that supposed to be a secret??)
??? I can't believe you told everyone on DXP!!! ??? I trusted you!

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?? It's ok!! It's not that bad. This is no judgement zone ??
Posted by pisceanloves
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this or perhaps my Gemini Moon because as Fisk pointed out, it's mental foreplay.
Do you have mars Gemini? you sound like me LOL
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Do I have Mars?

Doesn't everyone?

I have what?

Where? Ok -!its in Taurus. Aha???
Posted by over_thinker
Posted by Whorpio
Posted by over_thinker
Posted by Whorpio
How long? Til the end of the date.

Why? So you can get free dinner first.

Sign: Scorpio.

It's a perfect business. Mutual exchange. I pay for your meal, you handle my deal.

Dude, you're over thinking it. It's just dinner and sex after ??‍♀️?

But still its perfect right. I mean no one has to feel guilty about it afterwards.
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Very true ??

Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???

Everything relating to sex should become about scorpios silly ??

Omg of course lol y'all rule the gentalias and I rule the feet -_-
Pisces rule feet? Lol! That explains your foot fetish ?(wait! Was that supposed to be a secret??)
??? I can't believe you told everyone on DXP!!! ??? I trusted you!

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Are you an idiot?

Who trusted whom? Ever?

Unless one is a Scorpio...then of course!

But only after sex when he said...nothing.

And acting like he doesn't know who you are...?
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???
It's ALWAYS about Scorpios...wasn't it supposed to be? Oops!

Who else than? ?
Gemitati your a dork and I like you LOL you literally make me laugh. My sister from another mister?
I second this ?
My house isn't so big to accommodate all of you 'fans' I will conduct some sort of 'who makes more money' for women and 'who is a Scorpio' for men.

Other signs need to cry...sorry...

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Look Gemi!! Idc about your growing fan list. Give all of them the house or whatever.I deserve a place in your heart!!! ????
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???

Everything relating to sex should become about scorpios silly ??

Omg of course lol y'all rule the gentalias and I rule the feet -_-
Pisces rule feet? Lol! That explains your foot fetish ?(wait! Was that supposed to be a secret??)
??? I can't believe you told everyone on DXP!!! ??? I trusted you!

?? It's ok!! It's not that bad. This is no judgement zone ??
??? Well now that it's out there.. LOL what can I do #ilikeprettytoes
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You're not alone. Tinman is all about toes?
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???

Everything relating to sex should become about scorpios silly ??

Omg of course lol y'all rule the gentalias and I rule the feet -_-
Pisces rule feet? Lol! That explains your foot fetish ?(wait! Was that supposed to be a secret??)
??? I can't believe you told everyone on DXP!!! ??? I trusted you!

?? It's ok!! It's not that bad. This is no judgement zone ??
??? Well now that it's out there.. LOL what can I do #ilikeprettytoes
You're not alone. Tinman is all about toes?
Tinman knows what's up with pretty toes ? it's a man secret Big Grin
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Ok what is up with toes??
Posted by Teena
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???
It's ALWAYS about Scorpios...wasn't it supposed to be? Oops!

Who else than? ?
Gemitati your a dork and I like you LOL you literally make me laugh. My sister from another mister?
I second this ?
My house isn't so big to accommodate all of you 'fans' I will conduct some sort of 'who makes more money' for women and 'who is a Scorpio' for men.

Other signs need to cry...sorry...

Look Gemi!! Idc about your growing fan list. Give all of them the house or whatever.I deserve a place in your heart!!! ????
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Women out!

I love you beats love.

Nevermind and have your milk and cookie and I will read you sex bed story so you won't be hurt. OK? ?
Posted by bittercupcake
I'm old school... so I thought no you should wait until you see that he's become emotionally involved and he checks out A-Ok ??

Otherwise don't bother, because at the first sign.. he'll flitter off to the next exciting thing- possibly a woman who actually made him wait for it
Very funny! Not...
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Teena
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???
It's ALWAYS about Scorpios...wasn't it supposed to be? Oops!

Who else than? ?
Gemitati your a dork and I like you LOL you literally make me laugh. My sister from another mister?
I second this ?
My house isn't so big to accommodate all of you 'fans' I will conduct some sort of 'who makes more money' for women and 'who is a Scorpio' for men.

Other signs need to cry...sorry...

Look Gemi!! Idc about your growing fan list. Give all of them the house or whatever.I deserve a place in your heart!!! ????
Women out!

I love you beats love.

Nevermind and have your milk and cookie and I will read you sex bed story so you won't be hurt. OK? ?
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Hahaha..that sounds exciting. I love eroticas??❤️❤️
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???

Everything relating to sex should become about scorpios silly ??

Omg of course lol y'all rule the gentalias and I rule the feet -_-
Pisces rule feet? Lol! That explains your foot fetish ?(wait! Was that supposed to be a secret??)
??? I can't believe you told everyone on DXP!!! ??? I trusted you!

?? It's ok!! It's not that bad. This is no judgement zone ??
??? Well now that it's out there.. LOL what can I do #ilikeprettytoes
You're not alone. Tinman is all about toes?
Tinman knows what's up with pretty toes ? it's a man secret Big Grin
Ok what is up with toes??
Sorry it's a man secret and we can't tell you ?
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Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by pisceanloves
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this or perhaps my Gemini Moon because as Fisk pointed out, it's mental foreplay.
Do you have mars Gemini? you sound like me LOL
I have Capricorn Mars smile so I'm patient and don't mind waiting. I also have a total of 4 planets in Capricorn.
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I was talking about you getting bored easily and prefer waiting when pursuing something serious, cause that's how I am. Longer the period and it tastes better Big Grin I have 3 planets in cap as well, we are same generation so it must be saturn uranus neptun for you lol
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???
It's ALWAYS about Scorpios...wasn't it supposed to be? Oops!

Who else than? ?
Gemitati your a dork and I like you LOL you literally make me laugh. My sister from another mister?
I second this ?
My house isn't so big to accommodate all of you 'fans' I will conduct some sort of 'who makes more money' for women and 'who is a Scorpio' for men.

Other signs need to cry...sorry...

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?? I'll take my seat around the table thank you ?

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by pisceanloves
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this or perhaps my Gemini Moon because as Fisk pointed out, it's mental foreplay.
Do you have mars Gemini? you sound like me LOL
Do I have Mars?

Doesn't everyone?

I have what?

Where? Ok -!its in Taurus. Aha???
click to expand
My question was for dreamyboy but mars taurus sounds very good, Congrats smile
Posted by bittercupcake
I'm old school... so I thought no you should wait until you see that he's become emotionally involved and he checks out A-Ok ??

Otherwise don't bother, because at the first sign.. he'll flitter off to the next exciting thing- possibly a woman who actually made him wait for it
Checks out where? At check out point?

And I thought I was an old fashion!!! ?
Posted by bittercupcake
I'm old school... so I thought no you should wait until you see that he's become emotionally involved and he checks out A-Ok ??

Otherwise don't bother, because at the first sign.. he'll flitter off to the next exciting thing- possibly a woman who actually made him wait for it
Woman made him wait while masturbating to his image? Cool beans!!!

I rather have one time experience than wonder...would HE being good or not?

At least you know if he is not...

And keep looking...

Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???

Everything relating to sex should become about scorpios silly ??

Omg of course lol y'all rule the gentalias and I rule the feet -_-
Pisces rule feet? Lol! That explains your foot fetish ?(wait! Was that supposed to be a secret??)
??? I can't believe you told everyone on DXP!!! ??? I trusted you!

Are you an idiot?

Who trusted whom? Ever?

Unless one is a Scorpio...then of course!

But only after sex when he said...nothing.

And acting like he doesn't know who you are...?
Gemitati what the fuck are you talking about??!! ???????
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...about fuck...what else???

I don't remember talking about sandwich...
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???

Everything relating to sex should become about scorpios silly ??

Omg of course lol y'all rule the gentalias and I rule the feet -_-
Pisces rule feet? Lol! That explains your foot fetish ?(wait! Was that supposed to be a secret??)
??? I can't believe you told everyone on DXP!!! ??? I trusted you!

?? It's ok!! It's not that bad. This is no judgement zone ??
??? Well now that it's out there.. LOL what can I do #ilikeprettytoes
You're not alone. Tinman is all about toes?
Tinman knows what's up with pretty toes ? it's a man secret Big Grin
Ok what is up with toes??
Sorry it's a man secret and we can't tell you ?


If you really wanna know, you have to at least have an extended clitoris ?? also, pics of this extended clitoris.
click to expand
I only have pics of yours!! ??
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by bittercupcake
I'm old school... so I thought no you should wait until you see that he's become emotionally involved and he checks out A-Ok ??

Otherwise don't bother, because at the first sign.. he'll flitter off to the next exciting thing- possibly a woman who actually made him wait for it
BOOM! I agree!
click to expand
Unless you waited for so long so you can't remember what were you waited for:..

User Submitted Image
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???

Everything relating to sex should become about scorpios silly ??

Omg of course lol y'all rule the gentalias and I rule the feet -_-
Pisces rule feet? Lol! That explains your foot fetish ?(wait! Was that supposed to be a secret??)
??? I can't believe you told everyone on DXP!!! ??? I trusted you!

?? It's ok!! It's not that bad. This is no judgement zone ??
??? Well now that it's out there.. LOL what can I do #ilikeprettytoes
You're not alone. Tinman is all about toes?
Tinman knows what's up with pretty toes ? it's a man secret Big Grin
Ok what is up with toes??
Sorry it's a man secret and we can't tell you ?


If you really wanna know, you have to at least have an extended clitoris ?? also, pics of this extended clitoris.
I only have pics of yours!! ??
???? Fuck you ?????? oh hell no I'ma fight you Miss Chicken Legs???
click to expand


Fight me mister!!!???
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Teena
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Dreamyboy
My idea has changed on this. Before, I would've said something relatively short, like less than a month, but I get bored fast. Especially if it happened so quickly. Now, I actually would prefer to prolonge it as far as I can. The longer I wait, the more interested I get. I like to bask in the early stages of courtship. Drives me wild and is a huge turn on.

Pisces Sun

But I suspect it's my Aries Venus that wants this.
Will 5 years be enough for you to DECIDE? Urghhh
Thats too dam long LOL
Life is long...Scorpios think they gonna live forever! Trust me! ?
How did this become about Scorpios?? ???

Everything relating to sex should become about scorpios silly ??

Omg of course lol y'all rule the gentalias and I rule the feet -_-
Pisces rule feet? Lol! That explains your foot fetish ?(wait! Was that supposed to be a secret??)
??? I can't believe you told everyone on DXP!!! ??? I trusted you!

?? It's ok!! It's not that bad. This is no judgement zone ??
??? Well now that it's out there.. LOL what can I do #ilikeprettytoes
You're not alone. Tinman is all about toes?
Tinman knows what's up with pretty toes ? it's a man secret Big Grin
Ok what is up with toes??
Sorry it's a man secret and we can't tell you ?


If you really wanna know, you have to at least have an extended clitoris ?? also, pics of this extended clitoris.
I only have pics of yours!! ??
???? Fuck you ?????? oh hell no I'ma fight you Miss Chicken Legs???
click to expand
One more time you will attempt to talk to my cyberbaby like that and you will eat your dickball sandwich right from my hands!!!

Apologize or marry her! And I am only saying that because of...what I was saying??! are an ass!