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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Hook him some food...
Preferably with poison in
(sorry I can't stand em)
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
I've noticed cancer men prefer the giggly, upbeat, types.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
I think this guy generally does like you but the problem is that he may not have actually LOVED you during the time his mom got sick, thus he's not going to attach even more to you or consider your feelings in the manner that he would had he seen you as a big part of his life. Trust me, Cancers are open books waiting to be released & the minute the spot someone whom they feel understands them & is willing to listen to them w/o later rejecting or criticizing them for it, they'll attach & will be yours until their partner does something to change that.
He's not in love with you & b/c you are not a big part of his life yet, he detached from you while all the stuff with his mother was going on. He knows that his emotions are all out of wack & sometimes Cancers actually need a break from all the emotional rollercoasters they put themselves & others through. So in this case, it's not uncommon for a Cancer to go hang with the friends that won't constantly try to activate his emotions with the "Are you okays" or "Do you need to talk"s. He probably just needed some space from the emotional world & felt the best way to do that was to cling on to his friends that he doesn't need to open up to in order to have fun. It sucks for you b/c he obviously left you in the dark. But honey, any time someone (especially a male) finds out his mother has Cancer, his thinking will not be rational, thus nor will his actions. Just give him some time. And if he never comes through then just let go & assume that he never came back b/c he was never emotionally into you the way you thought he was. Either way, just play your part. Let him know that you're there for him but don't show him any jealousy, possessiveness or clinginess right now b/c trust me, him detaching from you was him SHOWING you that he didn't want to see it. He just wants to be off in his own little world right now & If I'd gotten news like that, I would be too.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Well hey, try to assume that it's either one or the other. He's either being dishonest or he's being completely honest. If you keep living in the middle ground with this guy, you'll just keep over analyzing the situation & driving yourself crazy.
If you believe he's being honest, then just have patience. Assume that he might not be his normal self now-days because of what he's going through with his mom. Assume that he's shy & that when he says those sweet words, he means them even if sometimes they come off as corny or too good to be true.
If your gut & intuition is telling you that this guy is full of BULL & is just telling you what you want to hear, then leave him alone. Drop it. Just b/c you're shy doesn't mean that you tell lies or lead people on. They are 2 completely different things. If he's saying things that seem too good to be true, then try to work on your communication with him. Liars & truth tellers often use the same lines. The only way to know the difference though is through how sincere you feel your frieindship/relationship & communication is. Alot of liars say sweet things just like truth-tellers do. It's not WHAT he's saying; this is about how SINCERE you either believe he's being or not. You need to figure that out & I'm sure if you look closely enough you'll get the answer from within, versus through his text messages.