How to get rid of a toxic/narcissistic person...

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by colossalfairy on Sunday, September 10, 2017 and has 6 replies.
Dude, narcissists are some of the easiest people to control. Twist it into your control: feed into his ego (flatter him, love bomb, etc.) so he relies on you for an ego boost. Then, one day just quit complimenting him and doing all the ego inflating shit; become critical and dissatisfied with everything he does. If he don't leave you, disappear yourself. Halfway across the country preferably or else that boy gon kill ya. Good luck smile

Narcissists don't like other narcissists, so when you start playing that game he'll lose interest and find someone else he can toxify.
I think I figured out how to handle this situation. Thanks
release the need to do something....and ignore them.
give them toxic food or drink.
Posted by Whorpio
Dude, narcissists are some of the easiest people to control. Twist it into your control: feed into his ego (flatter him, love bomb, etc.) so he relies on you for an ego boost. Then, one day just quit complimenting him and doing all the ego inflating shit; become critical and dissatisfied with everything he does. If he don't leave you, disappear yourself. Halfway across the country preferably or else that boy gon kill ya. Good luck smile

Narcissists don't like other narcissists, so when you start playing that game he'll lose interest and find someone else he can toxify.
I needed this info with my ex. ??

Where were you?!
If your talking about a legit narcissist as opposed to an overly inflated ego then no contact is the only sane move..