I need some advice on my Virgo man

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by cristy on Friday, March 5, 2010 and has 6 replies.
Hello, my name is Cristy & I have been with my virgo 4 years. He was a truck driver. he went home & got caught drinking & driving. The last time we wer 2gether was April. he's going 2 school & theorpy but all of a sudden we just keep fighting alot & then he broke up with me telling me he has nithing 4 me except a friendship. he was very harsh 1 night drunk & called me a crazy pscho bitch. I am a leo. he tells me alot that he still cares about me but dosen"t c us 2gether. please! help me. I want em back but how do i kkep em when everything i have read says it is over 4 good.
sorry, that my message is all messed up but i still hope u will post me suggestions 2 help me win back my Virgo or just let go of em
Being a virgo myself, let him go. I told the similar thing to my scorpio ex, "I still love you, but it just won't work." He probably do think you're crazy. You can go the friend route with him. You can also try to make him jealous. I'm just saying...
Well I don't think this is an issue of this man being a Virgo. I think this is an issue of this man specifically & all by himself. Forget about all the Virgo/zodiac stuff. Regardless of whether or not this man has good or rational reasons (in his own head) for why he's lost interest in you doesn't matter at this point. This man has disrespected you & has SHOWN you better than he could tell you that he's ready to move on. And yes, it's true with Virgos like it is with MOST men that when they're ready to be done, they're done. And usually when they get to that point, there is nothing you or even themselves can do about it. Once a Virgo male makes the final decision to detach from his partner, that decision is usually final. And it's usually final b/c of all the thought, mental battles going on in their heads & preparation that it takes for them to reach that conclusion in the 1st place. At this point, you should not be desiring any longer the man that 1. Will not respect you and/or 2. Is showing any signs of gaining any respect for you anytime soon. It seems like this guy has some personal issues that have nothing to do with you & hey be glad that they don't b/c things would/could be worse if they did. Seems like he's not on the right track with his own life thus it only makes sense that his relationship with you & others won't necessarily be heaven anyways. Just move on. I'm not telling you not to love him or to easily forget this guy..but relationship 101: Never desire the person that doesn't desire you. It's not YOUR battle nor should it be, to sit around & figure out the WHY's b/c you'll just wear yourself out & you'll drive yourself crazy trying to figure out or get back something that wasn't meant to be. If this guy comes back later on with his act & respect for you together, that's another story. BUT until (and not a second before) he desires you in the way you deserve again, don't give this guy another second of energy or enertainment
I wish that I had something truly inspiring to add, but I do feel your pain. A Virgo boyfriend and I broke up a year ago, and I still sadly compare every other man to him. He spoiled me. And I'm guilty of being chaotic Aquarius... erased him number from my phone, then sent an email confessing my feelings months later. Part of me thinks that I didn't really want to move on, but I am glad that I see that my life is OK with or without him in it. And I will fall in love with a guy whose marriage/husband/father material and not someone scared of emotional stuff. (LOL and this comes from an Aquarius with zero water in my chart, but was thankfully reared by water types.)
Those virgo men though... they can get under a woman's skin as they are way more romantic and sincere than any other man that I've encountered. But the mask of insecurity and lack of emotion truly do matter more than mere moments.
if you want him back after all that, maybe you are crazy. maybe not psycho. that's a bit harsh. but crazy, sure. sounds crazy at least.