Im a Libra woman, hes an aquarius guy

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by diana75147514 on Friday, January 9, 2009 and has 15 replies.
ok so im dating this aquarius guy and lately hes been acting really distant and aloof...ive read somewhere that aquarians are known to be aloof and distant because they want their it true the more the aquarius guy is into you, the more distant he is?? i dont get it because he told me things like "hes starting to really like me" and that "he misses me when he doesnt see me" yet hasnt been calling i am very confused right now...i feel like hes giving me the cold shoulder now...also what can i do to make this aquairus guy come back to me bc i really like him?? also how much space should you give him?? and will he eventually come back to you?? im a libra, hes an aquarius
Ewww they are such a waste of time like Capricorn guys. A guy with Aquarius and Capricorn influences is even worse.
They are a lot alike.
I love Aquas as friends....but in relationships I am to jealous and passionate for them.
Big babies...if you can't handle my heat...out of the kitchen.
How long have you been dating him. I am a libra seeing an aqua for 3 and a half years... Depends I guess on what you want in the relationship and if you can deal with the distancing. I cant decide if Im patient or dumb at times but I do love him and put up with him controling things. I will see him two times a week for awhile then he takes and calls and emails and texts but avoids hanging for over a week-then its normal again. He has a lot of time he spends with his son and sports so to complain seems selfish plus hes older and I have heard older aquarius guys are more independent/bullheaded. I love him- and I am not unhappy- so no pity expected. Libra's I think are very patient..Tell me more about him and his past relationships.... etc.
as long as she's not waiting on his clock... she's gotta let her life keep moving -- -the distancing thing could easily be a control mechanism... balance is key
Well I have a libra moon and my guy has an aqua moon and it seems to work b/c we have a lot of other elements in our chart...some would even call me the flighty one between the two of he is a lot kind of smoothed out his crazy, wild days
so basically more factors to weigh out than just astrology air matching
I am an Aquarius female married to a Libra male. We do have a comfortable friendship, and yes ... i would say i can be a distant aloof aquarius at times. Sometimes there is no particular reason for it. Maybe i am tired or maybe i have something on my mind ... the best thing to do is to not "crowd" your Aqua. If he truly meant what he said to you, then he will surface again. And when he does, you will wonder why you were worried.
Be secure in yourself and don't try so hard to make anyone like you. No games, no tricks, no strategies ... if it is meant to be, it will be.
I'm a Libra who has dated two men now that have Aquarius Rising and one other that is a Sun Sign Aquarius. So far, it hasn't worked out so well. Not saying that it won't for you but you might want to find out/consider other aspects and placements in his chart that you can comprimise and work with rather then depend on the Aquarius side of him. In my opinion the aloofness really pisses me off. I can't stand a guy who doesn't give me the time of day when I want it. Then again that could be because of my Leo Moon and Venus in Scorpio! YIKES! lol ^.^
Let him come to you and you should be alright.
Lol... goodluck to anyone trying to date an Aquarius.
Lol... goodluck to anyone trying to date an Aquarius.
lol - why briana- hahahahahahaha... you have to not pay so much attention to their push and pull control mechanism.... life your life and everything falls into place
they always put honesty ahead of romance.
if they can be honest with themselves first Winking
^^^ exactly Winking
instead of trying to prove a point
They are very honest...but also even more flaky. smile
"...but also even more flaky."
Not necessarily true. That "flakiness" depends on other chart placements and if they are more ruled by Saturn or Uranus.
My mercury in Capricorn keeps me very grounded and yes, brutally honest.

will anyone actually admit to being dishonest? especially saturn ruled? smile
plus mercury's is just the communication planet - other planets will have more effect on grounding and honesty.