Is it over between this cancer man and I?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by h0pelessr0mantic on Thursday, July 11, 2013 and has 13 replies.
.We have been dating for 4 months (not official)
.I went on vacation and when I came back he just did a 180. I know there is no such thing as perfect but it sure felt like it
.his birthday is July 19th and my Birthday is Feb. 28th (pisces)
Well basically out of no where he jus dissappered
and it has been 2 weeks since I last saw him

during this time he would text me but not once initiate to see me
So I made a rather impulsive decision and texted him this last night:
For the past two weeks I have not seen you once and honestly it would be nice to know your perception on this relationship because if you are not willing to put in the effort than I see no point in us carrying on and if you feel this isn't going to work out than i much rather you just end it so i can move forward
he has not replied to it.
thus is this his way of saying goodbye without even having the common courtesy to respond
Wow,ummm, well...See,here's the thing: you're a idiot. and a lot of guys really get annoyed by idiotic women such as yourself..and sometimes we either snap on you harshly(like me)or we just ignore you and chose to deal with you whenever we feel like it(like him)..but its only because you're an idiot,so don't take it personal,just try to use your common sense..i know you have some somewhere in that peanut brain of yours
That was rough Damien!!
If I were you and he doesn't answer back, go "no contact" leave him be. Some people really have no balls and that's their immaturity showing. I know it's not easy being on the other end but in the long run you will be better off. You say your relationship was unofficial so if after 4 months there wasn't anything definite there that should be enough for you to keep stepping.
Posted by h0pelessr0mantic
.We have been dating for 4 months (not official)
.I went on vacation and when I came back he just did a 180. I know there is no such thing as perfect but it sure felt like it
.his birthday is July 19th and my Birthday is Feb. 28th (pisces)
Well basically out of no where he jus dissappered
and it has been 2 weeks since I last saw him

during this time he would text me but not once initiate to see me
So I made a rather impulsive decision and texted him this last night:
For the past two weeks I have not seen you once and honestly it would be nice to know your perception on this relationship because if you are not willing to put in the effort than I see no point in us carrying on and if you feel this isn't going to work out than i much rather you just end it so i can move forward
he has not replied to it.
thus is this his way of saying goodbye without even having the common courtesy to respond

a wise women on here told me "you are not entitled to closure" and she is right...start moving on now. you will be better off in the end.
Posted by h0pelessr0mantic
... dating for 4 months (not official)

that means you aren't a couple, and there are no obligations.
Let me guess ..... you let his dick slide up your skirt without being your official boyfriend.
so, really it was just a friends with benefits relation
so, that means you have NO grounds to get all sappy and whiny on him about relationship issues .... because you never had a relationship with him.

Posted by h0pelessr0mantic
I know there is no such thing as perfect but it sure felt like it

You weren't officially a couple, and likely fucking .... it's amazing what desperate women will say
Posted by h0pelessr0mantic
.... out of no where he jus dissappered
.... texted him this last night:
For the past two weeks I have not seen you once and honestly it would be nice to know your perception on this relationship because if you are not willing to put in the effort than I see no point in us carrying on and if you feel this isn't going to work out than i much rather you just end it so i can move forward
he has not replied to it.
thus is this his way of saying goodbye without even having the common courtesy to respond

click to expand

He doesn't owe you curtesy .... he doesn't owe you shit.
Your text to him was nothing except desperate emotional dribble.

The only thing you need to be pondering is how you are going to grow up from this, and not be pussy on the side .. and you can start by not having a fairy tale relationship where just because a guy smiles and talks nice to you that it means he loves you, and is a perfect man for you.
jesus Christ .... why can't women get in their head that just because YOU feel, doesn't equate to him feeling what you are feeling?

He never made if official with you because you aren't all that to him ..... so get some fucking pride, hold your head high, erase him from existence and step the fuck away .... instead of coming in here or to your friends whining and pouting about hurt feelings that YOU did to yourself by letting yourself believe the fantasy in your head.

because here is the truth: if you were all that to him, then he would act like it ... he doesn't, so do yourself a favor and have some pride, for crying out loud
Posted by h0pelessr0mantic
.We have been dating for 4 months (not official)
.I went on vacation and when I came back he just did a 180. I know there is no such thing as perfect but it sure felt like it
.his birthday is July 19th and my Birthday is Feb. 28th (pisces)
Well basically out of no where he jus dissappered
and it has been 2 weeks since I last saw him

during this time he would text me but not once initiate to see me
So I made a rather impulsive decision and texted him this last night:
For the past two weeks I have not seen you once and honestly it would be nice to know your perception on this relationship because if you are not willing to put in the effort than I see no point in us carrying on and if you feel this isn't going to work out than i much rather you just end it so i can move forward
he has not replied to it.
thus is this his way of saying goodbye without even having the common courtesy to respond

Well, I can see why he hasn't replied. Impulsive is right. Just, wow. Perhaps a simple "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. Are you free this weekend?" might have worked just as well then see how he responds. Even a simple, "I haven't seen you in a while, is everything okay?". You stated that you two weren't official, but you're demanding that the man tell you where things are going just because you didn't see him for a couple of weeks? Is that a conversation you really want to have over text?Did you ask him to spend time with you at all or do you just expect him to initiate all contact?
I'm no Crab, but I will tell you if someone sent a text like that to me, they wouldn't get a pleasant response.
Posted by TaureanAries
Cancer men.....oh lord....they are a head trip....

They can be, but I really don't think this is about the Cancer man. She clearly over reacted.
Don't worry about PAngel. She doesn't realize this is the 21st century and that women don't have to wait to have sex or feel like sluts if they give into the chemistry. That's the trigger: chemistry. It is very very hard to hold off having sex when you've got serious chemistry. I know: been there/done that. Furthermore, I've had sex early on in my past two long term relationships and having sex early on was a not factor. We felt it. We acted on it. It was right.
Thing is, romantic relationships are always a gamble. Four months is about right to get a true barometer about where things are going. And I'm sorry to say it looks like he wants out. You did nothing wrong having sex with him or hoping it could turn into something real. What you have to do now is let go and let him come to you. If he leaves, he was never meant to be yours. That is hard but true. We're all learning as we go along and every relationship is unique. Good luck and know the heart is resilient and you can love again.
first and foremost I just want to say I appreciate all your responses. I am really new to this. they mean a lot even the harsher ones despite it being a tad too brutal but as they say the truth is brutal.
so here's the latest update:
we spoke on the phone last night and he apologized for being so distant he has been overwhelmed with work and I told him I understand from than on we just hung up but unfortunately I didn't bring up the next time to hang thus my question is should I wait till he intiates to hang out? and than bring up how our relationship is evolving?
& p.s. we did have sex without any secure foundation and at that time I hadn't realized the tolls of it since it really did feel like genuine passion
Do you, he sounds busy, if he wants to see you he'll call when he has time. If he doesn't, move on...
Wasted time is, well, a waste of time!
Any guy whether Cancer or not, if they don't bother reaching back out to you then he's simply immature and doesn't know what he wants. I don't care how busy someone is if they want to talk to you they will find a way.
Why does everyone make this so damn complicated? Look the bottom line is this. If a man isn't initiating or contacting you he's just NOT interested. PERIOD. There is nothing complex about it. Men are simple, straight to the point. It's a no brainer. If he really was interested he would be contacting you and since he's not what does that mean? Think about it logically. No man will be too "busy" for someone he's truly interested in. Unless you have a job that literally takes all your time (IE: heart surgeon) your ass ISN'T TOO BUSY.