He approaches me on the 2nd day of our first time meeting with "Let's be in relationship". We have a few hours talk and I ask him why is he so fast to want to be in a relationship with me and his reply is "because I know you will be serious in relationship and that's what I want". Of course I knew what's this is all about and gave him the offer to be just friends with benefits and he said no. Thankfully I didn't give my heart to him because it could've been worse. Even at the start I took this situation with caution but decided to give him a chance.
At the beginning it was perfect between us. The conversations, how he treated me, sex, he showed care to me. I stay with him for long time in his home. I cooked for him, I cleaned his room, etc.
He came to my home and told my parents that he will marry me. We spent 24/7 together. And when we weren't together he was messaging me and calling me all the time. Good morning messages, updates about what he is doing during the day and in the night we fall asleep on video call.
And the time that I knew will come, came. He became so busy we barely even talked. We didn't meet for long time. He started making excuses about why he didn't call me or answer to me. And I wasn't even blowing up his phone. I would write a message and he will be inactive all day, no need for hundred messages. He became so distant and our conversations were short and dry.
I knew something is happening. One day he called me and said that he wants me to go to see him and I should take the bus. I went to the bus station and had to wait 4 hours for the bus. And on top of that it was 45 degrees Celsius. Just 10 minutes before the bus would've come he called me and said "we can't meet today". When he said that I was so hurt I became speechless and just said very quietly "why?" And he said "I have work etc" and just started making excuses. I didn't said anything anymore and just ended the call. I knew he is lying. I knew he is gonna meet someone else today. So later in that day I called his mother because I was in good relationship with her. I asked her how she's doing and etc. And then I asked where is he and she said that she doesn't know. During all the day I had very bad feeling, my intuition and common sense just told me that he lied to me. He called me after midnight saying that he had work all day and will sleep because he will wake up early in the morning. Another lie. 2 minute call.
The next day morning my cousin calls me and tells me that all day my Aquarius boyfriend yesterday was with his ex and later bring her in his home and in his room.
-once he said he went fishing and that's why he didn't call me... - "17 hours you was fishing?" "Yes."
- "my wisdom tooth hurts I can't talk" ., ends the call to call someone else. - busy call...
- "I am going to buy cigarettes" 15 hours. The store is 10 minutes away from him
- "my grandma will have heart attack I will go to see her" - goes out to meet his ex
And many more non sense excuses.
I got tired of all this and called him p&Ssy. He screamed his lungs out yelling at me. Thinking about it now I find it funny. Few days later he calls me saying that I don't love him and I'm not contacting him at all. I said its done, I have no time for bullshit.
Thankfully I didn't gave him my heart and always knew something would happen. He's not loyal. I found new people and friends felt good without all the bullshit He put me through and few weeks later he messages me. "Let's be together again I'll be serious this time" I reject him and he repeats that and asks what's my problem. I explain to him and he just keeps repeating the same thing again and again like his brain isn't working. So I decided to take revenge on 1 thing. Making me wait on HELL HOT weather just to say NOT TODAY, I will make you wait on POURING RAIN. And my plan worked.
Lies,lies lies. Got bored and goes in circle. Is that just a normal Aquarius behavior?