Don't you wish you can go and torture these people like them? Beat them and do onto them what they done to their spouse, child, parents, elderly or animals.
I had to write this forum since I've been up all night thinking about this and it's driving me crazy. So here it goes.... I am a Sagittarius woman and for some reason I'm ALWAYS drawn to Cancers. I work at a busy bar downtown and a group of guys starting
hello. Im here to ask about virgos. Are they really so ignoring egofull and so rigid? its been three years we got married but i cud not understand him. he never cared for me and i dont feel love from him. he makes me so hyper coz he follow his mum and sis
Today, I didn't go to the office because I had fever and colds.
I'm feeling better now but just a couple of hours ago, my mum came to me and confronted me about my job. She asked "why are you doing this? Do you want to quit from your job?"
I was fla
I am an Aries woman - 25 yo. I had a Taurus female friend. She introduced me to her friends about 2-3 years ago. About 2 years ago her Virgo friend was interested in me.
I felt she was jealous, she couldnt stand that her 'bes friend'- as she called him w
Title says it all - one sign that no matter what you do you can't get along with them, etc. Also list what your sun sign is!!
I'm a pisces sun and of the signs I've met I always have trouble with geminis
I was in a relationship with this pisces man. They are great lovers, protecters and givers. But, when in a disagreement or in misunderstanding arguments, we both curl into our defensive modes and he goes quiet.
I give him time, and give myself time, bu