Leo ex

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by loligr on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 and has 6 replies.
what is better way to get a leo man back?

ignore him or telling him that you want him back?

there's no such thing as "back" as in they way it was.

once emotionally damaging water has run under the bridge ... then the way it was is history.

If your intention is to get a relationship back to the way it was before such a major fuck up that the bond between you both broke ... then it's finished.

Pick your ass up off floor and move along
For my Leo, whom I have an off on relationship with...I contact him, but I don't make myself seem desperate by saying "I want you back", big mistake. If he keeps ignoring me ...I leave his ass be, cuz on top of that I seem foolish to keep contacting and it'll just push them away further. Sometimes you might have to wait a month but no matter how long it takes those Leo's can't stand to see you going on, doing well without them by your side. He'll contact you if it's been awhile, or contact him after a week or a few.

Hope that helps...
Leo's can be a pain..
yeah i Understood that..
thanks smile
Why do you want him back? and if so, for it to be the way it was before? Instead of looking at it like, BACK< you gotta look at it as FORWARD. Once a relationship is broken, you don't fix it, you REBUILD it, better if possible.
Tell him you would like to try again , and don't play games if he gives you a chance.Ignoring him is not gonna take you anywhere but sadville