Leo males: 'Cuddly Cat' or 'Not All That'?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by SoftCookie on Friday, June 2, 2006 and has 19 replies.
Just wanted to get people's opinions on the friendly felines. Please don't lump us in with the lionesses, their bossiness gets on our nerves too (sorry ladies). I am a pompous jack*ss on occasion, but always mean well. I can't help it if other can't keep up. Winking
Myself, I usually get along great with Gemini women, but the Twins always contradict themselves so it's a relationship best left at good friends (with benefits smile, of course). Scorpio women are steamy but sting to kill if you play too rough. Librans are beautiful, but usually too busy fishing for compliments to see beyond themselves. I better stop before I insult the whole zodiac...
Message posted by: SoftCookie on 6/2/2006 5:35:32 PM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.7
Just wanted to get people's opinions on the friendly felines.
Librans are beautiful, but usually too busy fishing for compliments to see beyond themselves.
Now your not fishing for compliments here Mr S are you????
My leo and I just decided that we aren't right for each other...I'm a scorpio. However- I adore him. We're similar in many ways, maybe too much. This was the first opportunity I had to get to know a leo, I've never crossed paths with one before. I'm impressed. It was fun, safe, exciting...but seemed too superficial for me (that's really the wrong word, but I can't think of a better on right now.)
**** Librans are beautiful, but usually too busy fishing for compliments to see beyond themselves.
This from a Leo. lol!
My cousin is a Leo, he is adorable. Women generally throw themselves at him, so at 37 he still thinks he is 24. He is a mess when it comes to women, but he is fun for me to hang out with since we are related by marriage, have lots in common, and get along well.
I have been trying to date a Leo but it isn't quite working. Bad timing plus I think I am a little out of his league. Unfortunately, down dating never works but we communicate well and understand each other well. Probably because I have so much fire and air in my chart. His inability to move things forward is a problem though, but Leo is definitely on my yes list.
I have been trying to date a Leo but it isn't quite working. Bad timing plus I think I am a little out of his league. Unfortunately, down dating never works but we communicate well and understand each other well. Probably because I have so much fire and air in my chart. His inability to move things forward is a problem though, but Leo is definitely on my yes list.
Cheers to inflated egos Winking
perhaps he feels the same way...
the reverse, that is
ummmm ... no.
Now your not fishing for compliments here Mr S are you????
No, I'm ugly as a toad but I try to make up for it with personality smile
In all honesty, you see unkindness where there isn't any.
Do you not see how dating someone who is not at our level makes the other person uncomfortable? Our level meaning all of us.
There is no way this guy could date me and be comfortable. He would always be dealing with other men. Always. Even if I am not looking, other men will be. I can be clearly on a date with someone, the moment they leave, a man will come up to me and start chatting me up.
It would be unkind to make him deal with this at the moment. He has had a bad break-up and lacks his confidence. It would upset him to continue. Perhaps in the future, but I don't know.
Sometimes letting someone go, is an act of kindness. You just don't see that.
Message posted by: SoftCookie on 6/6/2006 10:23:00 AM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.7
No, I'm ugly as a toad but I try to make up for it with personality.....
lol, I'm sure your not, all furry and cuddly with a big mane and sharp teeth......
Sorry if I came off as rude, that honestly wasn't my intent. It just seemed that your comments that you were out of his league and that dating down never works seemed a bit condescending toward the guy that you're dating. Perhaps you meant that his emotions aren't in the same place as yours at the moment.
Just watch the excessive Libran flirting with other guys while on dates, not many men (or women) can handle that, regardless of sign.
No worries Cookie.
I can come across as flippant. Very little I do is flippant. I just don't like explaining. lol! Plus, I was snappy with you too. Elsewhere. So I apologize for that.
They flirt with me not the other way around. I am selective because many cannot handle all the attention. There is a joke about the burden of beauty in there somewhere. lol!
As for you and me, in my mind, we are all good!
No problems, truce.
But there is also a proverb that beauty fades, just prepare yourself for the day when compliments from eager admirers are hard to come by...
Message posted by: SoftCookie on 6/6/2006 4:34:40 PM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.7
No problems, truce.
But there is also a proverb that beauty fades, just prepare yourself for the day when compliments from eager admirers are hard to come by...

You know Mr S if I had to rely on the approval of other people especially men i think I'd top myself right now, we all grow old, it's the only sure thing in life, I just don't need it really and truly. If I cannot beleive in my own worth who will??
Not knocking Libras, Leos have a vanity problem too. It took me awhile to realize that time marches on (especially on my face)
Message posted by: SoftCookie on 6/6/2006 5:36:21 PM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.7
Not knocking Libras, Leos have a vanity problem too. It took me awhile to realize that time marches on (especially on my face)

You can have a vanity problem that eats you up until it sends you mental, but what do you do, but accept it Mr Cuddly cat. What will change nothing.......Don't mean to be morbid but it's the one sure thing in life nothing else is........thank you I will bow out now after my theatrical statement......thank you one and all, where is the wine......

**** But there is also a proverb that beauty fades, just prepare yourself for the day when compliments from eager admirers are hard to come by...
What makes you think this will ever happen? Beauty is beyond the skin my dear. What makes me attractive is not my face. It is the total package.
My self-worth comes from within, not without. I earned it the old fashioned way.