HI everyone I've never done this before but I've read some things here about this situation and I'm curios to here what yall have to say about my situation because my situation is different to a point.
I am a Scorpio man with a Venus and Mars in libra.
And this women is libra and has a Venus in scorpio and Mars on Leo if I'm not mistaken.
This story begins about 4yrs ago. When we met she was still with her baby daddy. Then one day she left and moved where I was to get away from him and his abusive ways. She let me hear recordings on her phone of how it was. She was totally hurt and I couldn't believe it because I knew the guy. So me being me wanted to help her. She came with her sick mom and son. Her brother lives here so and that was the reason she came here. It wasn't for me. But my heart went out to her and her situation so I helped her. She was something else she would text me and ask about my day and was very flirtatious. I of course responded in this and would do things for her like get her flowers and edible arrangements, to getting her mani pedi when I could. We became best friends an more. We would talk about things and agreed on almost everything from relationships to how short life is so live it. We would talk about the future not hers an mine so much but what we wanted. Up to this point everything we have spoken about we have done.
I know she has been in 3 failed relationships. Her first hubby cheated the second hubby not so sure about but the third whom she didn't marry she decided to have a child with. She told me she got off birth control and everything to have him. She also said it was a huge mistake cause after that he turned into a total ahole.
Now we would go out and do things and have a blast. We were totally compatible. On so many levels.
I treat her like a queen. The first 3 times like I had said previously I did whatever I could for her. Getting her nails done,buyingflowers,or buying things she needed. She absolutely loved these things. Her friends were envyous of thus and would ask why can't I meet a guy like you.and everytime we got to point she would turn off and we would stop. She would get distant and cold and then boom it was over. This hurt the hell out of me. But later she would contact me and we would get together as if nothing ever happened. Her mom even would say I don't understand you guys and how yall do this.
Let me explain somethings about me as a man. I am a firm believer in karma. I have daughter and she is my princess. I open doors and treat like a man should. Cause I'm the example of what she should have in a man. And I would hate for one day I have to hold her and wipe her tears cause some ahole cheated on her or did her dirty. And my karma would come back at me 2 fold.
I've told her many times that a women came from a mans rib not from his feet to be stepped on nor his head to be above them but his rib to be by his side as an equal and protected and close to his heart to be loved.
Now on this 4th go around between me an her she called me and apologized. About everything. That I didn't have to do the the things I had done for her time am time again. And she was sorry for what she had done. I was like ok no problem. We started hanging out again and basically took off where we left off. But this time it was different she was totally invested. She would do things she didn't do previously. She started working at Walmart over nights and I had a day job. Her mom was sick and she would go to work and leave her 10 yr old son with her sick mom. I of course asked if she wanted me to come and stay the night to keep an eye on things an she said yes. Eventually we were living together. Everything was great for awhile. I would help clean the house take out the trash and even give her a day off from her bizzy night so she could get some rest and take care of her mom. She loved it. And then her mom got really sick and went to the hospital. Now she is in a nursing home in the short term area.
But before this happened she was getting distant and being cold. I even said we need to talk and when she asked why I said things are getting wierd again but we didn't have a chance to talk. But we didn't cause of our jibs and then her mom went to the hospital.
But while I was there I helped i would do whatever was needed. When she would come home from work everything was prettymuch done. I would make sure she had her drink ready for her so she could unwind an give her a short massage while she spoke about her night at work.
Now several weeks prior her sister who isn't really her biological but her baby daddy sis were going to church for an aunt whom just passed away. The baby dad went also. I of course stayed and let them all go an respected the fact that this was a family day. Her and him really weren't getting alone but I believe if you have a child yall need to get it togehter for them not for anyone else. They deserve better.
Now after her mom went to the hospital and everything I had just said previously we talked aND she said. She needed some space I of course was ok to a point. And she said that I was doing too much. I was confused. She said that I treated her like a queen but i was doing too much. I dint make any sense.
If I'm doing everything right why push me away again?
I told her I'm not a light switch that can be turned on an off and she did apologize.
Why do libras do this?
I'd like to thank anyoNE who is reading this and apologize for how long it is
But I had to tell it all to possibly get some insight on this
And once again I thank you for your time and energy for any response
Stay blessed