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Jul 15, 2018Comments: 266 · Posts: 846 · Topics: 14
My virgo friend ( M ) was engaged to be married last summer (June 2018) to his Cancer ( F )
he's aqua moon + scorp. venus
she's aqua moon + cancer venus
*together more than 4 years, living together for almost as long.
Weeks before the wedding - she called the wedding off and broke up with him completely.
It was pretty shocking and he took it pretty hard ( obviously..) but he never talked about it.
He made it clear the topic was off-limits and to never mention her again.
Around august 2018 he packed up his things and traveled for a few months.
When he came back ( october) he was seeing someone again - casually
( we never met her)
November 2018 came around and his ex cancer starting posting about her new boyfriend on social media.
Almost a year later now he's ready to introduce his new girlfriend to us ( next weekend ..)
I guess i'm just..surprised how fast they both moved on from their relationships?
I mean.. they almost got married...
How long does it take you to bounce back from a breakup?
(Serious..long term relationship)
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May 26, 2019Comments: 1554 · Posts: 3893 · Topics: 78
Just because you are with someone new doesn’t mean you’ve moved on emotionally. Aqua moons are good at hiding it from themselves.
It takes a long time for me.
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Mar 24, 2019Comments: 5071 · Posts: 10541 · Topics: 281
one day you just figure we're all drones
and you'll grab the first non-irritating drone and just go do whatever
that's why people rush quickly to the next one after a long, idyllic stroll
know what sucks? that's probably gonna last longer
last resorts often do
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Feb 23, 2013Comments: 22238 · Posts: 25616 · Topics: 84
As soon as they find love somewhere else.
My pinion is that Men take things way harder then women. Lots of reminiscing about the past and things that could've changed, remembering good memories and mostly forgetting the bad and being able to sweep it under the rug.
Women are mostly about finding love and looking forward to a new beginning, romance and new love. As well as remembering every bad thing that ever happened to them so they can leave their ex exactly where he's supposed to be once they've moved on.
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May 26, 2019Comments: 466 · Posts: 596 · Topics: 7
When you’re done you are DONE
Im not sure what the big deal is.
Whether it’s been 4 months 4 years or 40 years.
You are done. Move on!
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Oct 31, 2017Comments: 1489 · Posts: 2835 · Topics: 0
it gets shorter each time for me...I think I started with like 4-5 yrs recovery after my first adult love of about the same length. That was rough....went on meds, was seeing a counselor, isolated myself for a long time...thought I'd never get over her. All it took was meeting someone else, feeling those butterflies all over again, the excitement of getting to know someone new/different completely eclipsed the sorrow.
nowadays, it would probably take me 3-6 mos. at most after a 2-4 yr+ LTR, and yes I would probably be dating very soon after a breakup of any long-term....
I think its a major milestone in life when you realize you can fall in love, not just once again, but many more times throughout. And not just that, but that there are different kinds of love, all worth experiencing. Just considering one spectrum - heavier/more draining emotional connections that really feel more passionate but are just a drag in so many ways, full of euphoric highs/depressing lows, and overall chaos/instability vs. lighter more fun/easygoing bonds that aren't as obsessive, are more routine, but ultimately have higher overall compatibility/longevity. Further, you can grow to appreciate the fact that you had the full range of experience and be thankful for the original relationships not working out. When young, often you put someone on a pedestal because you don't have a point of comparison...
Sure there's always the residual emotional pain of loss, regret, etc., even with the end of a platonic friendship you have that - but there's also the excitement of getting to be with someone new, someone you don't know everything about, aren't bored of, new convo, new experiences, new sex, etc. that a lot of people repress desires around, while they're in lackluster LTRs that probably should've ended a long time ago.
I feel like often the only or main criteria people still use to judge the validity of a relationship is "how long did it last?", or "did it even last?". There are so many other angles and questions to ask though. How long should any relationship last? Would you really want to experience only one love? How long does it take you to get bored of someone, for things to feel stagnant/stale, for you to feel like you've learned everything there is about them, and life with them? Sometimes more passionate/emotional bonds are short-lived, precisely because there is so much feeling involved, and people get wounded deeply, and that doesn't necessarily make it any less or more valuable than a longer-term more stable bond.
I never judge anyone who jumps from one relationship quickly into another. If anything, I envy them. I think all the talk about self-healing, and learning to be alone, is often bullshit. Most people aren't really good at this....Really, most professionals can't heal you of your accumulated brokenness, so much less so your pile of unfinished self-help books. Much self-healing can be done within the context of a relationship, often with a partner on the same path. People can do the solitary self-healing bit for years and still bring all the same baggage into a new relationship, only now they're even more bitter, more rigid, and have developed all sorts of anti-social tendencies. I've done that myself. Often a new relationship can and does heal you of old wounds because your trauma and all of your beliefs and habits surrounding it were formed in relationships, and you're counterbalancing it by building new relationship experience/memories, learning that things can be different. Perpetual loneliness is a wound worth healing in and of itself - maybe the worst - and I'd choose multiple short-term relationships over that any day....
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Feb 07, 2018Comments: 2429 · Posts: 2637 · Topics: 65
I was with my ex Scorpio 5 years. 10 on and off.
He moved on within a month.
I had a quick rebound and 5 months later with my current mate.
I was so done l, there weren't any lingering feelings for him, so I easily moved on.
He moved on quickly because he was cheating.
I do wish I waited and was single for at least a year.
I had a lot of baggage to deal with that my new s.o had to deal with too.
I feel bad but he stuck by me through the worst of it. And I couldn't be happier.
He's the absolute best! 🥰
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36311 · Posts: 40809 · Topics: 321
A long time
I don’t get how people move on so quickly
Scorpio dom
Moon and Mars in Taurus
Doooooomed lol