My Juno sign though... i'm not okay with that thou

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by ThePiscesPrincess on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 and has 6 replies.
Okay because my Juno's in Taurus and i don't agree with this.
I don't get along with people who are Earth dominant, or have prominent Taurean planets xcept for Asc & Venus... Because i lack earth in my chart. I don't see myself with someone who has some kind or visible Earth quality about them. I see myself with someone who has some prominence in Fire or some shit...
My birth chart: User Submitted Image
BUt how do u embed links and stuff?
Posted by Sangfroid
Posted by Sangfroid
I'm no expert and I'm just beginning to learn about Juno. You have Mars in Libra and your Juno is in the 7th house? Maybe the answer will be obvious to you some day.
I have a 1st house Juno in Scorpio and I thought WTH?! the first time I leant that and read a bit about it. Then I had the "aha!" moment when I realized that my husband's Leo stellium is in the 8th house which is the house usually associated with Scorpio. If I hadn't met my husband, I'd probably still be wondering what that Juno is about and how it relates to me.Winking

I hate that we can't edit. Water is what I have the least of and have the hardest time with so in a round about way I think I understand why you have this reaction to finding your Juno in an Earth
click to expand

So my future husband could have a stellium in the 2nd house?
If you have no earth in your chart it would only make sense that you're supposed to learn lessons from people with prominent Earth. In fact it wouldnt surprise me if lots of people you tend to attract have considerable Earth.
Every chart tells a story, a path youre supposed to follow in order to evolve, you just have to decipher it.
Juno is about your marriage partner, the qualities that you deep down look for in a man in order to commit yourself to him.
Having Juno in Taurus doesnt necessarily mean you're supposed to marry a Taurus or another Earth sign in order to evolve, it only means you would be attracted and therefore commit to partners who prove to be solid and reliable, etc..aka the Taurean qualities.
My Juno is in Taurus as well, I had never dated Taureans before, but the girl Im dating right now is a Taurus, the whole thing for me has definitely felt like a process outside of my comfort zone (which is necessary to grow) because for the first time ever Im really being VERY patient in the courting/dating stages, thats why normally I always date pretty much just fire and air signs, because I normally have no patience if things take too long. Though now Im starting to see the value of building things with someone, step by step, the value of patience and working towards something little by little, I still get a bit exasperated at times though, but at least I know things are moving forward smile