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well once again i had the dream of my cousin this time...i dont want to scare her but she recently stole my phone so.... and no she stole the phone today..i had this dream friday ..im here for the holidays...
would you tell her..it honestly changes nothin
Do you find it useful?
Would you start a certain activty on a certain date to harness a sign's energy?
Has that worked for you?
How do you use it?
What has astrology given you?
This is a long story but I will try my best to get to the point as I need advice. Please be kind.
5 year relationship with a son, we've had our ups and downs. He is from Jordan(Muslim) and I am Indian (Hindu)
We had a huge blow out about two months ba
This is a long story but I will try my best to get to the point as I need advice. Please be kind.
5 year relationship with a son, we've had our ups and downs. He is from Jordan(Muslim) and I am Indian (Hindu)
We had a huge blow out about two months back
"Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Matt Kirshen explore the possibilities of tessellated space structures, artificial gravity, and other challenges of space living with Founder of MIT Space Exploration Initiative and Aurelia Institute CEO, Ariel Ekblaw."
Say nine consecutive times. Make the sign of the cross every time you say the prayer. Publish Immediately.
O Great Passion
O Deep Wounds
O Blood Shed in Abundance
O Meekness
O God of Meekness
O Cruel Death
Have Mercy on Me and Grant my Re
just trying to get a little more insight and your opinions :)
Sun Pisces 25°37' I ASC Virgo 14°04'
Moon Pisces 15°10' II Libra 9°20'
Mercury Pisces 8°03' R III Scorpio 9°02'
Venus Taurus 10°19' IV Sagittarius 11°58'
Mars Leo 2
1. Do you believe in reincarnation?
2. Do you think that reincarnation means being a different form of life or different person than you are now?
3. If you were reincarnated as yourself again over and over would you want to be reincarnated?
Met another Scorpio while out & about the other day. But this one has heavy Saggi energy in her chart.
We've chatted a little and she seems pretty straightforward. No games and very communicative. She works some crazy ass hours as a GM for a restaura