No water whatsoever...

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by MintSprinkles on Thursday, July 25, 2013 and has 10 replies.
I'm really curious to hear from people or folks who know other people who have absolutely no water anywhere in their natal chart...what is that like? Do you feel any REALLY feel emotions or do you have to rationalize & I am happy! I know a person who has no water at all in their chart & I believe the cancer rising is their only saving grace for feeling anything...and even then they are excellent at hiding how they feel.
Help me understand & give me a glimpse into your world. smile
Those people scare me. Lol it's not that they lack emotion, they just have trouble showing them.
Posted by cappy129
Those people scare me. Lol it's not that they lack emotion, they just have trouble showing them.

Lol, why do they scare you? Actually I can see what you're saying, the person I described above is a guy I'm talking to & I've often felt scared because I don't want to get hurt by him. It wouldn't even be intentional, we'd sleep tegether & then he'd disappear because things would be to "intense" then I'd be left feeling like crap! I've already decided that I'm not sleeping with him unless I get a commitment, which works out because he wants to go slow anyway so no rush for any of that lol
They scare me because I'm highly emotional. Lol I seem really stoic, but inside I'm an emotional wreck. I'm passionate and intense, but I only show it to the people I love. So, I avoid people who rationalize emotions because I can never really open up to them. They usually get freaked out. So I scare them, and in return their lack of emotional expression scares the hell out of me. Usually it's mutual. Lol
totally no water for me. Of course we have emotions, lots of them! We are human after all. But indeed we do have a lot of trouble showing them. I know I do seem rather cold and unemotional to the outside world rather cold and unemotional, but the opposite is true. And being aware of that fact I also work on it.
Then again, I personally am not as emotional as a cancer or scorpio would be. I would even consider their emotions borderline drama melodramatic. But that's just my opinion.
bear with me for the grammar and sentence mistakes I made in my post..
dang! it's too early for me.. bare... not bear
Posted by Europesaggy
totally no water for me. Of course we have emotions, lots of them! We are human after all. But indeed we do have a lot of trouble showing them. I know I do seem rather cold and unemotional to the outside world rather cold and unemotional, but the opposite is true. And being aware of that fact I also work on it.
Then again, I personally am not as emotional as a cancer or scorpio would be. I would even consider their emotions borderline drama melodramatic. But that's just my opinion.

yup, thats what the perception is; melodramatic
Wow, thanks for the input guys! And I apologize for the misunderstanding, you guys FEEL emotions just not very good at SHOWING them. Ok got it! Lol
I have a chart with mostly air/earth signs, my sun and mercury are the only fire....and although I am lighthearted and unemotional on the outside when I am all alone I let it out(if I am going through something at the time). Very emotional people tend to scare me and they make me highly uncomfortable.