North node conjunct pluto - pluto sextile north node

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Sheever on Tuesday, December 26, 2017 and has 4 replies.
Merry Christmas everyone,

Just wondering if anyone can give me an insight of having this pairing in synastry besides our chiron quincunx pluto, and ascendant opposition ascendant contacts?

Thank you
Posted by Squished_Marshmallow
North node/Pluto will be very intense and felt to the core... Can be about transformations where the Pluto person tries to reach the NN person about how they could change and accept what they go through in order to transom/transcend...

Sorry I didn't get to your charts... My inbox got spammed when I was asleep and I couldn't delete like 100+messages...
Thanks, how does it effect the situation we have not double whammy but different contact of the same planets? Also that chiron contacts

Thank you