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Aug 25, 2012Comments: 25 · Posts: 885 · Topics: 40
i have got this placement and this is what i read in one of the descriptions i came across on net...
Aquarius on the 7th house cusp and/or Uranus in the 7th: Leo Rising has the need, as a kind of birthright, to feel important, be noticed, and be appreciated; it wants to stand out from the crowd, to present itself as a single, unique individual in its own right, and to establish its selfhood. Leo Rising can also be somewhat dramatic, often displaying a sense of entitlement, along with a magnetic, charismatic personality. Along with these qualities, Leo Rising also often brings natural warmth, an innate sense of joy, generosity of heart, and the capacity to give lots of love and affection. But in return, it also expects from its partner -- no matter the partner??s sign -- a high degree of admiration, praise, and recognition.
With Aquarius on the cusp of the 7th house, Leo Rising may find itself actually seeking a partner whose perspective places less emphasis on the personal self and its need for individual expression -- someone more geared to goals and concerns that apply equally to all people. When Leo Rising??s more typical self-emphasis is tempered by cool, objective reasoning from its soulmate, allowing it to see itself as part of a greater whole, Leo Rising can learn from its inner Aquarian to be generous in a detached way, without always expecting lots of glory in return. This type of balanced relationship will enhance the true Leo nobility, dignity, and self-pride; and Leo Rising will have found its ideal soulmate: someone who can bring out its generous heart.
But if Leo Rising??s inherent need for affection, fun, and love is met with Aquarian indifference, unengaged aloofness, and a kind of over-rational high-mindedness, Leo??s light will begin to dim. It??s then that the partner will no longer represent someone offering a new perspective on life, but will instead be perceived as an open enemy who??s out to put a damper on Leo Rising??s exuberance and joy.
If Uranus is in the 7th, regardless of the Rising Sign, significant relationships will be unusual in some way; they may be unstable, unpredictable, or just oddly different. Or in another sense, they may exhibit a high degree of consciousness, where matters are brought to mutual awareness and a high level of understanding through objective thinking. But however it manifests, Uranus in the 7th will typically denote eccentricity in some
Signed Up:
Aug 25, 2012Comments: 25 · Posts: 885 · Topics: 40
anyone else who has this placement?
what are your views?