Parents v. kids

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by cancer-ous on Friday, June 1, 2007 and has 4 replies.
I know this forum is a lot of frantic dating issues. but how do we relate to those around us? Is there a forum for parents and kids? like here is my son and I.
Me / Him
sun cancer/ sag.
moon aqua/ libra
rising leo/ aries
it is not always a pretty site with us. Very intense. Very close, very distant.
i know a lot of you are young w. no kids yet, but any insight on this relationship that cant be broken up??
Well, my initial thoughts when I read your signs was that you probably have a pretty deep connection under the surface, admire and respect each other in your own minds, but on the outside you clash hard and have a pretty evenly matched strength of will.
Hi Cancer-ous,
Maybe your relationship with your son at this moment is just perfect.
What are you having issues with?
....and how old is your son. My mom and I clashed badly and frequently in my high school years. She is an Aquarius with Taurus rising and Virgo moon and I am a Libra with Taurus rising and Libra moon. There is no person I have more respect and love for in this world more than my mother now. A lot of it just has to do with growing both the parent and the child.