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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
Yes my ex.
He would lie to the extent that you'd have to double check if he said he had a burger for lunch.
I first realized when we were dating and I left him. When we met back up to be friendly he told me he had bought tickets to a festival in Austin, TX. Presumably to impress me that he was doing great and going on vacation. I grew up with a compulsive liar mother, so I know immediately when someone is lying.
Anyways, he pretended to be on this trip. Didnt leave his house for 4 days. Made up elaborate stories, people, events, fake conversations, stuff that was just not necessary. He bought me a poster from the supposed festival, but didnt realize it was actually from a bands Australian tour. It took him two years to finally confess. If I told you other stories like this and the insane details he'd go into... youd be floored.
Sun Libra in house 10
Moon Scorpio in house 12
Mercury Scorpio house 11
Venus Scorpio in house 12
Mars Leo in house 9
Jupiter Libra in house 11
Saturn Libra in house 10
Uranus Scorpio in house 12
Neptune Sagittarius house 1
Pluto Libra in house 11
Ascendant Sagittarius in house 1
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Sep 13, 2017Comments: 183 · Posts: 1056 · Topics: 6
Ex husband Scorp is a pathological liar. He would lie to people and make up stories about his life seemingly just to get off on making others believe him.
It seemed like it boosted his ego. For instance at the shore once, walked up to a group of bikers acting like he knew about motorcycles and talks with them for about 20 minutes. They all believed him. He never rode a bike in his life.
Told one of our sons when he was 6 he played professional baseball, then my son goes into school and tells his friends only to get made fun of.
I could give many examples but it was just obvious. After we lived together, he didn’t care if I saw he was like that. Sometimes he believed his own lies. He still does. It’s sad really. Everyone sees through him after a while. Never at first though.
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Dec 14, 2016Comments: 7399 · Posts: 18799 · Topics: 84
Most lies are easily figured out for me, simply because I look at the person overall and their actions outside of the lie.
For instance, there are pathological liars that lie for attention. This person needs to have a spotlight on them at all times, so they will do just about anything for that attention. Some will use hyper traumatic incidents, to garner the attention and validation they want. They almost become TOO detailed in the story, when talking about it, and don't exhibit the common traits that someone whom actually goes through it. The story usually develop and become twisted, each time they tell it as well. A good example of this, was when Lunabee made her abuse thread. The story started off about her significant other abused her. She posted up pictures of herself as further proof. As the attention she seeked, gained momentum, she couldn't stop herself and the truth came out. She actually hit her partner, ran away from him, tripped, and face planted into the road.
Then there are the pathological liars that mold their lies to present themselves as better individuals than they are. The ones that try and present themselves to be more successful in life, whether that be standard of living, or relationship value based. You can see it all over DXP. People forget, that to be a good liar, you have to have good memory. Most, even here, don't have good memories. I will run across people on here, that are single, and make posts that are geared solely to attract the opposite sex. For women, they project themselves to be Betty Crocker types, with minimal sexual partners. "Oh I have only slept with 2 men in my life!" But if you look at their past posting history, you can find how they talk about 3-4 different men based off their sign, and refer to FWB situations. Then you have the men, that project they are super successful career based, and are everything, everyone else wants to be. But really, they are what I refer to as "Oakland Red Bottoms". Because they have 800 dollar shoes, with 20 dollar Forever 21 dresses. They have spent their lives accumulating material objects, but live paycheck to paycheck. They essentially think the women populace will be more inclined to date them, if they project they are well off.
Compulsive lying is usually an ass ton of white lies, and developed as a defense mechanism. It is usually nothing to do with projection, or validation. It's usually a lie about the most asinine of things, but people lie so that a fuss doesn't need to happen, and the lie isn't going to cause emotional damage.
I find any sign capable of doing any of these things, so I don't think anyone should attribute lying to just one. Matter of fact, I think EVERYONE lies.
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
Everybody knows at least one
How sad really
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Jan 30, 2017Comments: 4555 · Posts: 7614 · Topics: 100
It was a Scorp friend of mine from a long time ago. She claimed to be ADHD or schizo or something and was allegedly on meds, but it was never confirmed. You literally could not hold a rational conversation with her because every single word that came out of her mouth was a lie. It was impossible to shoot the breeze with her. She just could not stop lying. One example being she'd go on about partying with DJs all around town but when I'd rattle off random local DJ names, she'd draw a blank - never heard of them.
I'd also get one story from her and then I'd get a completely different story from everyone else who knew her. When busted, she'd launch her theatrics routine about being sorry.......and then she'd do it all over again. She was also a major slut and she would constantly hit on my Virgo ex, who did not like being around her at all. Went on for a couple years and in the end I had enough of her theatrics. Fell out of touch and never made contact again.
She wasn't a mean person, she had a kind heart and was very forgiving. But was way too trashy for her own good, she had no self respect and always had a thing for those gross Lebanese guys who wear a ton of cheap perfume and think they're irresistible. They treated her like crap. I heard she's a single mom now.
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36034 · Posts: 40656 · Topics: 321
I know two guys who are compulsive liars and they both have the same sun and moon signs !
Aqua sun
Scorpio moon
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
i'm still lol'ing at Nikki's "But look at their postings and they talk about boasting 50 men...."when they were only dating 2 in their life.
lol@men with
" you have the men, that project they are super successful career based, and are everything, everyone else wants to be. But really, they are what I refer to as "Oakland Red Bottoms". Because they have 800 dollar shoes, with 20 dollar Forever 21 dresses. They have spent their lives accumulating material objects, but live paycheck to paycheck. They essentially think the women populace will be more inclined to date them, if they project they are well off." quote..
lol nikki gets down.
@tiz, i thought mostly to share what happened in the past with others and if it relates to astrology.
but yeah it's emotional based.