We have been together a year and he is 58 and I am 59. We are both typical of our signs and truly have a great, fun time together. He said I love you first, sex did not happen right away, his family loves me. He has talked about retiring together in a few years. Yesterday he had a melt down and I am not sure what to do. We spend weekends together but I guess not this one. Friends and family say don't answer calls or texts and let his insecurities take over. I know there is no cheating as it was done to him by his ex and abhors it. He texted this morning from his overnight job that it wasn't me, he is burned out, he can't think straight and he has nothing to give anyone. And All because yesterday he forgot his phone at my house and had to come back and get it.
So the question is do I ignore him and wait for him to come around? I feel like I am not being supportive.
Signed Up:
Dec 07, 2011Comments: 33 · Posts: 13769 · Topics: 154
Why was he so upset about forgetting his phone at your place? Was he worried you would see something you shouldn't?
No. He lives 45 minutes from me and had to start his part time job at midnight. We were on our way to the gym and on a very crowded I95 when he realized it. He feels like he is stressed, making stupid mistakes and wanted some space. He texted me a couple of times today and I basically told him I would support him as I always have.normally I am there tonight and we spend Sunday together. Not this weekend I guess! I guess the question now is how will I know when the coast is clear?
Signed Up:
Mar 16, 2014Comments: 3 · Posts: 330 · Topics: 11
Weren't the answers we gave you at the Cap forum good enough?
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Mar 16, 2014Comments: 3 · Posts: 330 · Topics: 11
For someone to be that upset over having forgotten a phone....it just smells weird to me but HEY, perhaps he was expecting a very important call, missed it and now his life is ruined?
Hi WolfMoon,
I did read your reply. He lives 45 minutes from me and is a therapist. Patients contact him and he was working an overnight double soft and yes, needed his phone. Did he need to freak? No, but he says he is stressed so it makes sense. He texted once yesterday, reiterated he was stressed and needed a little alone time. He now has it.
Signed Up:
Dec 01, 2005Comments: 11 · Posts: 1565 · Topics: 18
So he's staying in touch with her while he's on hiatus. Caps usually disappear without a word. The fact that he hasn't makes me think there some pieces are missing in this story. She's too freaked out