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Jan 05, 2014Comments: 23 · Posts: 2298 · Topics: 37
Aquarius men are notorious for their lack of commitment. I live 12 blocks from an aquarius man I dated for 8 months and I couldn't even get him to make weekend plans with me (He is 50, never married and no kids) Always leaving his options open till late on a Friday or Saturday night in case a better date came up. You are an option, as was I. I've Iced mine and I would suggest you do your version of the same.
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Jan 05, 2014Comments: 23 · Posts: 2298 · Topics: 37
I would love to be able to give you some answers that would appeal to you. Unfortunately you are caught in a situation that you will fight for, cry for, and feel like shit for .... for as long as it takes for you to decide that you can't take a single thing more. When you get to that point and you feel like nothing you will have to pick yourself up and put yourself back together. It is an empowering experience and I would not take it from you.
As far as the 'Assclown' goes? He is a boring rendition of a man from my perspective.
I really do not mean to sound harsh to you. I am blunt because I have lived this and talking in fluff won't help you at all.
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Nov 16, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 2245 · Topics: 36
My Aries mom met an Aqua man online and they dated for several months. He had never had children, btw. He was 70- SEVENTY!- and wasn't sure he could commit to just one woman. When he told her he also had feelings for an old friend of his, she cut him loose immediately.
They still have conversations online, and she considers him a friend of sorts, but her Aries pride will NEVER allow her to let him back in in any other capacity. She is now happily dating another man who isn't confused (or pretending to be confused) about what he wants...he wants HER and no other. I think you should take a cue from her and not put yourself through this emotional turmoil.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Come on. Be realistic. You're putting WAY too much thought and energy into someone you've never met who lives on another continent. If you haven't met them in real life, they really don't exist as far as a boyfriend or an exclusive relationship. That's just dumb to put all the relationship restrictions on an on-line relationship when you haven't even had face to face, in person communication.
Okay. So what if you do meet? What if you felt nothing when he kissed you. Why waste all this mental energy and time and emotions on someone you might not even have chemistry with?
It's not love until you have a real life relationship with someone. Oh, you think it can be love because yall jive so well on line, but it's not. It is a fantasy you've built up in your head.
He is dating local women and he should be. He is being realistic. There is nothing wrong with on-line friendships where it is somewhat safe to share you personal stories and thoughts with. People are more comfortable sharing things with someone far away, because that person is not in their day to day life and the chances of that personal information being thrown publically in their face is not likely to happen.
You're doing yourself a disservice by getting all hyped up with someone you don't even know in real life. Get out and meet some local folks. Go on a date. Find someone to love who you can actually spend time with.
He's basically told you this is going no where. So keep the friendship, but find someone in your proximity. Stop cheating yourself and making yourself crazy about someone you don't even know in person.
Signed Up:
Jan 05, 2014Comments: 23 · Posts: 2298 · Topics: 37
I totally missed the detail that you had not even met with him yet. My apologies, it was early. I have a little more advice for you and then I'm out ...
I think you are probably just one of us many mixed up Women (myself included) with little real life experience or knowledge of what a Real Man looks like, or a Loving Relationship.
Some of the things that helped me and remember to take each with a grain of salt as this is Your Journey, and Not Mine:
The Site called 'Baggagereclaim' There is so much advice there but remember each article is written from the perspective of one Woman with no real education to back what she says. I have to say that it has helped me immensely anyway, even if it was hard for me to read.
Start listening to your Gut Instincts and know what your Boundaries Are. Who Are You? What do you Want from a Relationship. Make those boundaries and do not let anyone cross them. This gets better with practice, as do all things.
Find things that help you feel "Empowered" and "Strong" like a song (Roar by Katy Perry does it for me everytime) and use them when you feel that confusion settling in.
Last but not least.... Make a List of Everything that is Awesome About You. Read it every morning for at least a month straight. Read it throughout the day as well. In fact Read it as much as you need to read it so you can retrain your autopilot thinking. Sentences that start with "I Am" are perfect.
I hope this helps you to see you are a beautiful person that deserves the best Love.