Question about Venus in Taurus

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by chistateofmind on Sunday, April 6, 2008 and has 5 replies.
"They don't like anything
wishy washy and should probably avoid relationships with
people who have the Sun or Venus in mutable signs. "
From the thread about Venus signs - Does this hold true regardless of Sun/Moon signs? I'm Pisces/Aries Moon, I can see where there coming from concerning Gems & Sags, but Virgos and other Pisces aren't that bad IMO. Any thoughts?
I was thinking the same thing too actually, as 90% of my relationships have been with mutable sun signs. And I think it maybe is best to stay away from them!
"i think it holds true, but it gets more powerful depending on sun and moon."
Exactly, if only I could find out how Pisces/Aries plays off the Venus in Taurus. I've had a majority of my relations with fixed signs, Scorps specifically. But looking back they've had venus in mutable signs...
I've currently got my eye on a Taurus coworker, I'll let you know if it works out with a fixed earth sign.
Gullible? I'm not sure about that. IMO cheating has a more to do with ethics and less with astrology, every sign is capable.
I also attract Scorpios.
Can't say I have any jealousy issues, if anything I have problems communicating/expressing how I feel in relationships.