Read this urgent explaination of Transit of planets in synastry chart!!!!!

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Rania_1498 on Thursday, February 6, 2025 and has 13 replies.

I checked my birth chart transit And my boyfriend The transit of the planets in our planets Is opposites each other Like jupiter is transiting in my 1rst house His jupiter is transiting in his 7th house Venus and saturn and neptune and north node transiting in my 10th house And those exact planets transiting his 4th house. Pluto is transiting his second house And pluto is transiting my 8th house His mars is transiting in his 8th house And mine is transiting in my second house

Moon and uranus are transiting his 6th house

And me are trasiting my 12th house.

Not only this

Lilith and vrtx are transiting my 5th house and for hom trasiting 11th house .

Mercury and sun transiting my 9th house

And for him in 3rd house transit.

Even for the other planets and astéroïdes transiting the opppsites.

Like chiron is transiting my 11th house for him in the 5th house

What does all if this meaning Is it coincidence or what?

And we are no contact now

Since a week after a fight he gave me a silent treatment and we are not talking.

Does it mean we will go opposite direction ?

Wtf are you even talking about? Vertex does not transit anything cause it does not exist in transits! Silent treatment is pretty self explanatory too.
Posted by PhoenixSag
Wtf are you even talking about? Vertex does not transit anything cause it does not exist in transits! Silent treatment is pretty self explanatory too.
I was reading the map.

And it was located in that house.

During transits.

I'm unaware of using vertex as transits. That sounds like harara. Which goes into those hourly reading.

Heard of very advance astrologers but thats very high level.

Vertex is complicated.

From personal experience Mine conjuncts venus in libra 6th, my love relationships come with catches and Im begining to think they aren't meant for me to keep. That sucks so bad.

Hoping the one I want stays.
Posted by Lostthoughts
I'm unaware of using vertex as transits. That sounds like harara. Which goes into those hourly reading.
Heard of very advance astrologers but thats very high level.
Vertex is complicated.
From personal experience Mine conjuncts venus in libra 6th, my love relationships come with catches and Im begining to think they aren't meant for me to keep. That sucks so bad.
Hoping the one I want stays.
Yes mine in scorpio hhh
Posted by Rania_1498
Posted by Lostthoughts
I'm unaware of using vertex as transits. That sounds like harara. Which goes into those hourly reading.
Heard of very advance astrologers but thats very high level.
Vertex is complicated.
From personal experience Mine conjuncts venus in libra 6th, my love relationships come with catches and Im begining to think they aren't meant for me to keep. That sucks so bad.
Hoping the one I want stays.

Yes mine in scorpio hhh
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Any aspects? And what house?

Shit never mind. Be very very careful about astrology. Siauations may arise that are meant to. Out comes are determined a lot by how you respond so, it's important you think hard about looking.
Posted by Lostthoughts
Posted by Rania_1498
Posted by Lostthoughts
I'm unaware of using vertex as transits. That sounds like harara. Which goes into those hourly reading.
Heard of very advance astrologers but thats very high level.
Vertex is complicated.
From personal experience Mine conjuncts venus in libra 6th, my love relationships come with catches and Im begining to think they aren't meant for me to keep. That sucks so bad.
Hoping the one I want stays.

Yes mine in scorpio hhh
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Any aspects? And what house?
Shit never mind. Be very very careful about astrology. Siauations may arise that are meant to. Out comes are determined a lot by how you respond so, it's important you think hard about looking.
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In scorpio conjuction pluto and south node in 5th house.

What do u think
I have also mars in scorpio 18 degrees in the 6th house

Lilith in taurus 12th house

And moon in pisces 10th house

Venus at 22 degrees conjuction sun in capricorn.

Posted by Rania_1498
Posted by PhoenixSag
Wtf are you even talking about? Vertex does not transit anything cause it does not exist in transits! Silent treatment is pretty self explanatory too.

I was reading the map.
And it was located in that house.
During transits.

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Your english is hard to understand but if I got it right maybe I understand now. You should post your charts somewhere to make some sense out of it because with what you wrote is really hard to understand what is going on and which transits are questionable in which chart. Transits to vertex are meaningful events in life, everything that touches Vertex triggers some course of events
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by Rania_1498
Posted by PhoenixSag
Wtf are you even talking about? Vertex does not transit anything cause it does not exist in transits! Silent treatment is pretty self explanatory too.

I was reading the map.
And it was located in that house.
During transits.
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Your english is hard to understand but if I got it right maybe I understand now. You should post your charts somewhere to make some sense out of it because with what you wrote is really hard to understand what is going on and which transits are questionable in which chart. Transits to vertex are meaningful events in life, everything that touches Vertex triggers some course of events
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Ah ok i see let me check then

Yes english is my 3rd language sorry
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by Rania_1498
Posted by PhoenixSag
Wtf are you even talking about? Vertex does not transit anything cause it does not exist in transits! Silent treatment is pretty self explanatory too.

I was reading the map.
And it was located in that house.
During transits.
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Your english is hard to understand but if I got it right maybe I understand now. You should post your charts somewhere to make some sense out of it because with what you wrote is really hard to understand what is going on and which transits are questionable in which chart. Transits to vertex are meaningful events in life, everything that touches Vertex triggers some course of events
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Yes vertex with lilith in my 5th house in libra.

Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by Rania_1498
Posted by PhoenixSag
Wtf are you even talking about? Vertex does not transit anything cause it does not exist in transits! Silent treatment is pretty self explanatory too.

I was reading the map.
And it was located in that house.
During transits.
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Your english is hard to understand but if I got it right maybe I understand now. You should post your charts somewhere to make some sense out of it because with what you wrote is really hard to understand what is going on and which transits are questionable in which chart. Transits to vertex are meaningful events in life, everything that touches Vertex triggers some course of events
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Vertex and lilith transiting in 5th house in libra
Posted by Rania_1498
Posted by Lostthoughts
Posted by Rania_1498
Posted by Lostthoughts
I'm unaware of using vertex as transits. That sounds like harara. Which goes into those hourly reading.
Heard of very advance astrologers but thats very high level.
Vertex is complicated.
From personal experience Mine conjuncts venus in libra 6th, my love relationships come with catches and Im begining to think they aren't meant for me to keep. That sucks so bad.
Hoping the one I want stays.

Yes mine in scorpio hhh
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Any aspects? And what house?
Shit never mind. Be very very careful about astrology. Siauations may arise that are meant to. Out comes are determined a lot by how you respond so, it's important you think hard about looking.
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In scorpio conjuction pluto and south node in 5th house.
What do u think
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So vertex, pluto, south node, and 5th house.

Well you got a choice. You could enjoy life and what comes or know the truth of a aspect of why you are here and meant to share/bring awareness to others.

🫣Do you want to actually look?