Relationship Advice

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by LeoGirlSal on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 and has 1 replies.
Hello everybody,
I broke up with my boyfriend a couple of weeks ago and i'm actually here to give advice and not ask for advice..
I was trying so hard to make things work with him and to understand his star sign, when anything would go wrong i'd blame myself for not understanding or not just getting him, and work hard enough at the relationship. In the meantime i realized he wasn't really putting any effort at all, but criticizing me and denying that i'm putting in any effort at all. To the point of telling me that all attracted him to me was my mind and not my looks, and that he had to adapt to my looks.. (I've been told various times by other men that i am beautiful) I realized that apart from astrology and everything, he was just not the guy for me, he didn't appreciate me enough and that i deserve better.
I'm writing this to tell other women out there to stick to the belief that she does not deserve anything less than great! Balance is not letting anyone love you less that you love yourself. Don't ever put in effort with someone who's not willing to accept and love you just the way you are, no questions asked. Only put in the effort when he's worth it. I know it's not easy letting someone you love go, it sure as hell wasn't easy for me, but the fact of the matter is; I did this for me, because if he always feels like you're not pretty enough for him, or not worthy enough, he would eventually leave you or just hurt you constantly by things he says. I know my boyfriend hurt me a lot, but i didn't realize it except when i suddenly saw the entire picture and knew that i shouldn't stay in such a relationship any longer.
You may think he was the best thing that ever happened to you, but if he isn??t treating you right what is the point.
Sometimes you think that he is the only one, I know I have been through it, but when you find the right guy you will know it. If he loves you he??ll show it, if he truly loves you, you??ll know it, and if it will last forever you will never doubt it.
It??s not easy to forget someone- you may never forget??_ But you can learn from it. Everything in life is a lesson- what you take from what you learned is what is important. If something did or didn??t happen, it did or didn??t for a reason.
The first 3 days of a break up are the hardest- but each day that goes by is easier. Sometimes it takes a heart break to learn what we really need and want in life- and its those who don??t stop until they have just th