Relationship advice with Cancer Woman and Pisces Man after a fight

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Cancer168 on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 and has 8 replies.
I've been in a long distant relationship with a Pisces man for about a year. We had a big big fight (I thought he signed up for an online dating site) and we ended things in the heat of the moment. I ignored his messages of him trying to explain himself and he messaged my best friend trying to convince her it wasn't dating website too which we both believe him after. We spoke everyday and he tried hard to make it work. He was the one who pursued me mostly from the beginning and set the expectations and wanted to do long distance, etc. I love him I truly believe he is my soulmate.

I'm not sure if I should assume we are really over. We had a trip planned to see eachother in Mexico in July. He asked me about the trip insurance to cancel it... I was really hurt by this and said for him to please not message me unless he wants to work things out between us. I then just couldn't stop messaging him... just asking how it could be over after one big argument and he said it wasn't just an argument it hurt him that I accused him... ugh then this is the embarassing part and I went off:

"So you can't say anything? You lied about adding girls on FB and I forgave you. You lied about working just to avoid my call or maybe you were with a girl. You can't tell a girl you are going to marry and impregnate her then just fall out of love. That doesn't make any sense. I feel so hurt! Just block me if it's over! You can hurt me so many times and I hurt you one time and it's over. " He never responded. So we didn't message for a few days, and I said I missed him. He read it and didn't respond. Then I started talking about things, not related to us and he responded

When I asked if we are over... He responded with "Why have you met someone else?" and I said "No I just don't like feeling like you have moved on" and he said "I haven't moved on" So then I was like well does that mean we are together and he said "I don't know yet" then I said well I am either 100% yours or you are 100% mine I can't do it the other way and not know and he never responded. Then I said I was sorry for everything and I have loved every second I have spent with him and he said "give me some time and I might forgive you"..... Then a week later he still doesn't initiate, but I asked if he was still in love with me and he said you don't just fall out of love with someone. Then I said "I love you" and he never responded and I was like well you not saying that you love me makes me feel like you have moved on... and I thought he ignored it but the next morning he wrote "I do love you"... Recently, I asked if we are over again because he doesn't message and he said I'm busy I will message you after and he never did. I said more emotional texts on how I feel so hurt and he never responded.

Will he come back after time? Is he just over it? I regret sending those blaming emotional texts, but I am hurt and it sucks he isn't empathetic to the situation. But him saying he does love me makes me con
@Op what site was it then if not a dating site?
You a cancer and what's he?
He's debating about things. Pisces tend to shut people out when we are debating things, especially when it comes to the matter of the heart. We don't want to make the wrong decision and for him to be like that, it sounds like his head and heart are opposing each other.

Give him time, let him work things out in his dream cave. He will come out of it. Could be soon, perhaps not. It sounds like what he needs is space, so let him have it. It sucks, trust me I know, but you may force his hand if you keep messaging him.

Let him come to you when he is ready. You can send him a message here and there, a week in between messages, to let him know that you miss him and what not, but don't prod him.

Sounds like the lack of trust got to him.

If he hurt you over and over again...why are you with the man? I mean, you may love him, but is it worth being tied to someone who hurts you continuously?
Yes,give him time.
Posted by tbird
He's debating about things. Pisces tend to shut people out when we are debating things, especially when it comes to the matter of the heart. We don't want to make the wrong decision and for him to be like that, it sounds like his head and heart are opposing each other.

Give him time, let him work things out in his dream cave. He will come out of it. Could be soon, perhaps not. It sounds like what he needs is space, so let him have it. It sucks, trust me I know, but you may force his hand if you keep messaging him.

Let him come to you when he is ready. You can send him a message here and there, a week in between messages, to let him know that you miss him and what not, but don't prod him.

Sounds like the lack of trust got to him.

If he hurt you over and over again...why are you with the man? I mean, you may love him, but is it worth being tied to someone who hurts you continuously?

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What you're doing is right. You really really have to get him to trust you again. Once we're hurt it takes A LOT to get back in our good graces. Trust is hard. All you have to do is keep it up but don't be annoying. Just be sincere and thoughtful and I assume he 'll come around. Sounds like you've got some trust issues to work out too.

Sounds like something a little girl would do who isn't getting enough attention ... this constant emotional texting with intentions of trying to get him to carry your insecurities for you.

You have the emotional maturity level of a 12 year old.