Sag male and Virgo female?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by virgoOPPP on Sunday, April 21, 2019 and has 20 replies.
yay or nay?

Sag sun/Sag moon
any experience with this pairing?
Posted by greylatern

It can work with supporting aspects.

A lot of miscommunications and misunderstandings. I got hung up on the details alot and put holes in her ideas and actions. Total buzz kill for her. I still feel bad. Loved her optomisim and passion. Reckless and that bothered me. I'm also Virgo Mercury 1st decan. A learning experience for both definitely.

If I did it over again, I wouldn't pop her bobble constantly like I did. Instead work with her and help her plan things out with enthusiasm. Don't drought her in Minor details and handle those myself cooperatively.

Just be open minded.
all i know is that he called me queen

i don't like being a party pooper

i'm actually more like my agreeable libra mars in person tbh

and he's got Cap merc, Cap venus, Taurus mars

Everything is great just not in the bedroom

They are way too fast and not in a good way

If I had a penis I would love a sag women

The men, kinda cold in the bed
The mutable connection
Jay Z and Beyonce are working out fine so....
Mutable on mutable is ideal.

Virgo has to communicate and not put the world on ice to solve things by themselves.

Sag can't be selfish
Posted by DMV

Mutable on mutable is ideal.

Virgo has to communicate and not put the world on ice to solve things by themselves.

Sag can't be selfish
it's going pretty fast

he's got Sag moon/Cap merc/Cap venus/Taurus mars
Posted by BadassGoddess

Jay Z and Beyonce are working out fine so....
Idk man

Alot of cheating

My friend have the same birthday as Jay and he have a aqua moon

He's engaged to a cancer with like 8 side chicks. He would like all of his females to get along..

Then had the audacity to try to be possessive over me after he hid his engagement....

That's still my dog
Posted by ELIGAB

Posted by BadassGoddess

Jay Z and Beyonce are working out fine so....
Idk man

Alot of cheating

My friend have the same birthday as Jay and he have a aqua moon

He's engaged to a cancer with like 8 side chicks. He would like all of his females to get along..

Then had the audacity to try to be possessive over me after he hid his engagement....

That's still my dog
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cool beans
Posted by ELIGAB

Posted by BadassGoddess

Jay Z and Beyonce are working out fine so....
Idk man

Alot of cheating

My friend have the same birthday as Jay and he have a aqua moon

He's engaged to a cancer with like 8 side chicks. He would like all of his females to get along..

Then had the audacity to try to be possessive over me after he hid his engagement....

That's still my dog
click to expand
thing i noticed about them is that they'd lie about the smallest things

that's why i don't know if i can trust them
Posted by ELIGAB

Posted by BadassGoddess

Jay Z and Beyonce are working out fine so....
Idk man

Alot of cheating

My friend have the same birthday as Jay and he have a aqua moon

He's engaged to a cancer with like 8 side chicks. He would like all of his females to get along..

Then had the audacity to try to be possessive over me after he hid his engagement....

That's still my dog
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Venus in sag in Men is ruthless.

There will always be someone on the side.

Its their happy place.
Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by ELIGAB

Posted by BadassGoddess

Jay Z and Beyonce are working out fine so....
Idk man

Alot of cheating

My friend have the same birthday as Jay and he have a aqua moon

He's engaged to a cancer with like 8 side chicks. He would like all of his females to get along..

Then had the audacity to try to be possessive over me after he hid his engagement....

That's still my dog
thing i noticed about them is that they'd lie about the smallest things

that's why i don't know if i can trust them
click to expand
Really passionate liars

Then try to say he told me about being engaged

Insulting my virgo memory

Posted by ELIGAB

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by ELIGAB

Posted by BadassGoddess

Jay Z and Beyonce are working out fine so....
Idk man

Alot of cheating

My friend have the same birthday as Jay and he have a aqua moon

He's engaged to a cancer with like 8 side chicks. He would like all of his females to get along..

Then had the audacity to try to be possessive over me after he hid his engagement....

That's still my dog
thing i noticed about them is that they'd lie about the smallest things

that's why i don't know if i can trust them
Really passionate liars

Then try to say he told me about being engaged

Insulting my virgo memory

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dude even tried to lie to me about his age which is pointless coz he's like what 28 and i'm 25 like how what is the reason for you to want to age yourself to my exact age so we can have more in common? haha weird fuck.

i ask simple questions like a bday and they try to dodge haha

at least Scorpios would try not to answer/omit

but these bitches outright lie
Posted by DMV

Posted by ELIGAB

Posted by BadassGoddess

Jay Z and Beyonce are working out fine so....
Idk man

Alot of cheating

My friend have the same birthday as Jay and he have a aqua moon

He's engaged to a cancer with like 8 side chicks. He would like all of his females to get along..

Then had the audacity to try to be possessive over me after he hid his engagement....

That's still my dog
Venus in sag in Men is ruthless.

There will always be someone on the side.

Its their happy place.
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Interesting, Beyonce is a libra venus

Virgo stuck in love, whether good or bad smh

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by ELIGAB

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by ELIGAB

Posted by BadassGoddess

Jay Z and Beyonce are working out fine so....
Idk man

Alot of cheating

My friend have the same birthday as Jay and he have a aqua moon

He's engaged to a cancer with like 8 side chicks. He would like all of his females to get along..

Then had the audacity to try to be possessive over me after he hid his engagement....

That's still my dog
thing i noticed about them is that they'd lie about the smallest things

that's why i don't know if i can trust them
Really passionate liars

Then try to say he told me about being engaged

Insulting my virgo memory

dude even tried to lie to me about his age which is pointless coz he's like what 28 and i'm 25 like how what is the reason for you to want to age yourself to my exact age so we can have more in common? haha weird fuck.

i ask simple questions like a bday and they try to dodge haha

at least Scorpios would try not to answer/omit

but these bitches outright lie
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Lol yea that's strange

Nah scorpio man lie too and then get crazy if they feel exposed..

You know people hate letting us virgos down.. lmaoo
Good luck! You have Sag in your chart, right? You should be able to understand them pretty well. Don’t you have a Sag moon?

Most important tip is if he wants to see you, then see him. That’s how you know he likes you. If he doesn’t make time for you or you say no too much, he will drop you, or string you along, while looking at other options.
Posted by saggurl88

Good luck! You have Sag in your chart, right? You should be able to understand them pretty well. Don’t you have a Sag moon?

Most important tip is if he wants to see you, then see him. That’s how you know he likes you. If he doesn’t make time for you or you say no too much, he will drop you, or string you along, while looking at other options.
i have taurus moon

my jupiter is 1H though
Posted by DMV

Posted by ELIGAB

Posted by BadassGoddess

Jay Z and Beyonce are working out fine so....
Idk man

Alot of cheating

My friend have the same birthday as Jay and he have a aqua moon

He's engaged to a cancer with like 8 side chicks. He would like all of his females to get along..

Then had the audacity to try to be possessive over me after he hid his engagement....

That's still my dog
Venus in sag in Men is ruthless.

There will always be someone on the side.

Its their happy place.
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you said he'd be generous but he turned out to be a GOLD DIGGER wtf whenever i try to date a sag guy, it feels like the worst thing ever