So my boyfriend has a lot of scorpio and pluto in his chart. He's a scorpio sun, mercury, venus all conjunct pluto. Leo moon and gemini mars. Birthday is nov 8 1990. I'm really curious about him. He doesn't show any jealousy, any kind of feelings at all really, and doesn't say much verbally, only sometimes. Since he's met me he's taken me out on so many dates and texted me every single day since he's met me, and still does. After a month and half of that he asked me to be his girlfriend. He's taken me to meet his family and friends he's very affectionate, understanding, loving, caring, funny. He's told me a couple times that he cares too much about me and that I mean a lot to him and that I'm all that matters to him.
Currently I am going through a pluto first house transit and its conjunct my ascendant by less than one degree right now. I have capricorn ascendant at 10 degrees. My bday is june 28,1995 8:17 pm. And lately I found myself really jealous, suspicious, moody, hurt, and analytically. I over analyze everything, I get jealous of the littlest things. And I don't like feeling this way but these feelings feel impulsive, or compulsive? Can anybody give me insights.
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Aug 28, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 520 · Topics: 59
It's perfectly normal that you want reassurance from time to time.
I'm trying not to buy very often I get really intense and when I try to keep it at bay it gets worse. Haha and no he doesn't do anything like that at all, doesn't talk to any other girls or say anything about any other girls. It's the thins that I know I shouldn't be getting jealous of because it's completely irrational! But I can't stop feeling this way, like for example something that happened way before he even knew me. It's a long story and it's complicated. And I've talked to him about some stuff before but I get really uncomfortable and when he tries to hug me I just like petrify and my face turns all red.