scorpio man that pretends he didnt hurt me

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by psychologicallyBeautiful on Friday, January 11, 2013 and has 29 replies.
I've been in a relationship with my ex scorpio for 5 years. We briefly broke up last year and both moved on to new relationships. We started speaking again, broke off our relationships and got back together. 3 weeks ago he cheated on me with his previous gf and just disappeared. I wrote him an email asking him for all of my things. We met up, I got my things and just walked away without saying goodbye. So I was sitting on the train on my way home and to my surprise he was standing in front of me just watching me like some creep. I avoided eye contact and got off on my stop. The next day he randomly writes me an email asking if I fixed my iphone. The nerve! We never discussed how he betrayed me and he never apologized. Why does he think its ok to have casual conversation with me as if nothing happened? I honestly miss him and love him but I'll never be able to trust him again. At this point, I'm ignoring him although its hard. I just would like some insight on how hemay be feeling or what he's thinking.
I'm a cancer.
He's a coward, that's what.
My ex had a lot of Scorp placements and he's done a lot of that stuff too. Still mystifies me to this day, but to hell with it.
It's his problem to deal with those demons, not yours. Deep down, he's probably beating himself up for screwing up, but on the outside, he won't portray that bit, but has a weird way of showing it (staring).
what an ass !
Posted by psychologicallyBeautiful
I've been in a relationship with my ex scorpio for 5 years. We briefly broke up last year and both moved on to new relationships. We started speaking again, broke off our relationships and got back together. 3 weeks ago he cheated on me with his previous gf and just disappeared. I wrote him an email asking him for all of my things. We met up, I got my things and just walked away without saying goodbye. So I was sitting on the train on my way home and to my surprise he was standing in front of me just watching me like some creep. I avoided eye contact and got off on my stop. The next day he randomly writes me an email asking if I fixed my iphone. The nerve! We never discussed how he betrayed me and he never apologized. Why does he think its ok to have casual conversation with me as if nothing happened? I honestly miss him and love him but I'll never be able to trust him again. At this point, I'm ignoring him although its hard. I just would like some insight on how hemay be feeling or what he's thinking.
I'm a cancer.

sorry u had to go through that. i always wondered that 2 about scorps.
Ugh! 5 years is too long to put up with a shit like that.
One swift kick to his groin and I,ll guarantee he wont be following you anymore
Posted by NovemberSun
I'm sorry you had to go through that.
If you are thinking thoughts about how you deserve better and that this was not acceptable behavior, good. If you are thinking thoughts about moving on and doing things to self-nurture yourself, even better.
If you are thinking thoughts that wonder how he's feeling, then ignoring is not good strategy.
No person on this site can tell you what he is thinking or feeling or why he did what he did. If you want to know you have to ask him. This means that you have to open a dialogue. If you feel to hurt to do so, then by all means don't! But, if you want to hear him, ignoring isn't the most effective strategy.
Now if you need advice or help on how to prepare YOURSELF to have the most effective conversation YOU can take responsibility for, well, then that's a different story. All you can ultimately take care of is you. And, you deserve much self love right now.
Here's something that could help:

Thank you. I have absolutely no intention of speaking to him again.
Posted by NovemberSun
I'm sorry you had to go through that.
If you are thinking thoughts about how you deserve better and that this was not acceptable behavior, good. If you are thinking thoughts about moving on and doing things to self-nurture yourself, even better.
If you are thinking thoughts that wonder how he's feeling, then ignoring is not good strategy.
No person on this site can tell you what he is thinking or feeling or why he did what he did. If you want to know you have to ask him. This means that you have to open a dialogue. If you feel to hurt to do so, then by all means don't! But, if you want to hear him, ignoring isn't the most effective strategy.
Now if you need advice or help on how to prepare YOURSELF to have the most effective conversation YOU can take responsibility for, well, then that's a different story. All you can ultimately take care of is you. And, you deserve much self love right now.
Here's something that could help:

--This is such good advice, love it. So well written too.

I'm so sorry this sounds simply awful. Sad
I have no advice but I wanted to chime in with some support
Posted by psychologicallyBeautiful
I've been in a relationship with my ex scorpio for 5 years. We briefly broke up last year and both moved on to new relationships. We started speaking again, broke off our relationships and got back together. 3 weeks ago he cheated on me with his previous gf and just disappeared. I wrote him an email asking him for all of my things. We met up, I got my things and just walked away without saying goodbye. So I was sitting on the train on my way home and to my surprise he was standing in front of me just watching me like some creep. I avoided eye contact and got off on my stop. The next day he randomly writes me an email asking if I fixed my iphone. The nerve! We never discussed how he betrayed me and he never apologized. Why does he think its ok to have casual conversation with me as if nothing happened? I honestly miss him and love him but I'll never be able to trust him again. At this point, I'm ignoring him although its hard. I just would like some insight on how hemay be feeling or what he's thinking.
I'm a cancer.

I think you just need time to heal. Keep ignoring him.
No need to ask why or wonder what he's thinking, because he's not really your concern.
Remember he cheated on you, then acted like it was no big deal.
Let that snake slither back into the swamp and you just keep your chin up.
I love your screen name. smile
You're rght! Thank you
Posted by psychologicallyBeautiful

.... 3 weeks ago he cheated on me ......

I honestly miss him and love him
I'm ignoring him although its hard.
how hemay be feeling or what he's thinking.

You're an idiot, plain and simple .... because only one of those would be hanging onto a cheater.
Address that about yourself ... and then you won't continue to make a fool out of yourself by making this kind of thread.
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by psychologicallyBeautiful

.... 3 weeks ago he cheated on me ......

I honestly miss him and love him
I'm ignoring him although its hard.
how hemay be feeling or what he's thinking.

You're an idiot, plain and simple .... because only one of those would be hanging onto a cheater.
Address that about yourself ... and then you won't continue to make a foolt out of yourself by making this kind of thread.
click to expand

Thanx for your opinion. I hope I'm not as bitter as you in 40 years.
Address your anger before calling someone an idiot. May god bless you
I'm not angry, just because you hear something you don't want to hear, doesn't make me angry.
You're an idiot, plain and simple.

Here you have made a thread so you can encourage as many people as possible to embrace your pain, to share in your pain, to relish in how glorious it is ... because that's the only reason to memorialize something.

And this thing you are cherishing ..... is how much you FEEL for a fucking cheater.

that makes YOU the idiot .. not him.

He gets his dick wet, and still has you pining away for him ... yes, that makes YOU the idiot
Posted by psychologicallyBeautiful
I just would like some insight on how hemay be feeling or what he's thinking.
I'm a cancer.

So the fuck what on how he may feel or what he's thinking .. the man cheated on you.
You're suppose to have some fucking integrity and walk away without giving him one iota of your energy.
No, not you, not The Cancer .... you are going to give him credit, by virtue of deserving of your attention.
What fucking crap ... no wonder men are players, the women they have to deal with these days have no integrity ... AT ALL ... and they don't even know it, they think it's cute to give of thier feelings to an asswipe.
:::: shakes head ::::

Suffer as you wish, and obviously you wish to very much

Posted by P-Angel
A woman wants to have her feelings in pain. And evidence of this is in the simple facts that get acted out as a reaction to hurt feelings every day.
For example: if her feelings are hurt, she tells everyone she knows, so that these painful memories of her emotional injury is a constant reminder, so she can continue to embrace how much it hurt her.
let's be realistic here .. if you don't like something, you veer away from it, you avoid it, you remove it from your life. BUT, if you keep it close to you via talking about hit always, hashing it out over and over = that isn't removing it from you because you don't like it ........ that's keeping it close to you because you like it.

Fact! Women like to be in emotional pain.

click to expand

Posted by psychologicallyBeautiful
Posted by NovemberSun
I'm sorry you had to go through that.
If you are thinking thoughts about how you deserve better and that this was not acceptable behavior, good. If you are thinking thoughts about moving on and doing things to self-nurture yourself, even better.
If you are thinking thoughts that wonder how he's feeling, then ignoring is not good strategy.
No person on this site can tell you what he is thinking or feeling or why he did what he did. If you want to know you have to ask him. This means that you have to open a dialogue. If you feel to hurt to do so, then by all means don't! But, if you want to hear him, ignoring isn't the most effective strategy.
Now if you need advice or help on how to prepare YOURSELF to have the most effective conversation YOU can take responsibility for, well, then that's a different story. All you can ultimately take care of is you. And, you deserve much self love right now.
Here's something that could help:

Thank you. I have absolutely no intention of speaking to him again.
click to expand

thats just not true. you guys were together for 5 years. he has talked his way back into your life b4.
I don't have to explain my actions to you but since you took your precious time to write me 3 essays, I will say this:
My integrity can't be measured by an anonymous thread I posted on a website. You do not know me personally to make these incorrect assumptions about how I'm handling this. As a woman... A RESPECTFUL graceful woman, I'm fully aware of my emotions and sensitivities. This isn't something I'm using to stay in pain- it's quite the opposite. The only thing I'm guilty of is my curiosity. I apologize if I offended you with my lack of experience in being a complete bitter bitch.
Yes I love my ex and miss him- for 5 years he was my best friend. If I'm a fool for sharing that with complete STRANGERS then so be it. You should sit down, you're more worked up about this than I am.
He didn't cheat on you. Don't worry you'll be okay

He didn't "talk" his way back into my life before. If he would've cheated on me last year - it would've been completely over then. We got back together because I moved back to the city.
Posted by psychologicallyBeautiful

He didn't "talk" his way back into my life before. If he would've cheated on me last year - it would've been completely over then. We got back together because I moved back to the city.

were you 100% completely in a committed relationship with each other during the 5 years? no off & on? no mishaps?
if he calls you, would u answer?
Yes 100% committed. He does call, email, text CONSISTENTLY. That's why I said its hard to ignore him but regardless of what anyone says- I've been doing a pretty good job at understanding that I deserve better. The reason that I posted this thread was because in all of his attempts to contact me, he hasn't once acknowledged his fuck up. It boggles my mind that his ego is this huge.
Posted by psychologicallyBeautiful
It boggles my mind that his ego is this huge.

Testosterone is an amazing thing, really.
Posted by psychologicallyBeautiful
... because in all of his attempts to contact me, he hasn't once acknowledged his fuck up.

It boggles my mind that there are people out there so ignorant that they don't realize that keeping score is a competition to keep two at odds connected to each other ... rather than being mature enough to step away.
Afterall, this competition that you've decided to spend emotional energy on is based on your need to be righteous.

How can a person actually be so emotionally stupid that they betray themselves and call it love?

:::: shakes head ::::

You peoples are fucked up in the head, and spending your love energy backwards.
Do you wanna know why he will not apologize or acknowledge what he did?
Because, it would give you closure from him. He doesn't want you to have that closure. If you had closure and he admitted everything...then, you would truly be done with him. However, you can make the decision to block his calls and his emails.
You are burning daylight with this fool. I have a Scorp female friend whom is going through the same thing with an Aqua man.
He is a douche bag and he keeps contacting her but, she will not block his number, email, or FB. He bugs her enough and then she gives into him and BAM he runs off to a new girlfriend. And she calls her friends crying. I had to stop taking her calls.
You want his ass gone? Then, channel your inner Aries and burn that bridge forever...
He is getting in the way of your true destiny.
What difference does it make if he admits to whatever it is you are going on about.

The man fucking cheated on you, you fucking dumbass ... so, what are you going to do?

You're going to give him so much fucking credit .. that you come here and whimper about how much you care.

Stupid bitch
P-Angel, why do you have to call her names like stupid, donkey and so forth? That's just uncalled for. You can be blunt in giving your opinion but the name calling? It's so easy to be tough behind a screen isn't it?
Posted by psychologicallyBeautiful

He didn't "talk" his way back into my life before. If he would've cheated on me last year - it would've been completely over then. We got back together because I moved back to the city.

It's never that simple to JUST move on. I feel when you are betrayed so many emotions arise that it's hard to think straight. I know that when the dust finally settles, you will have a better look at your boyfriend and realize he hasn't been too good to you. Move at your own pace, keep your eyes wide open and try to make decisions based on that gut instinct we all have.
Posted by psychologicallyBeautiful
He didn't "talk" his way back into my life before. If he would've cheated on me last year - it would've been completely over then. We got back together because I moved back to the city.

You're so full of shit. So, instead of owning your actions, you have an excuse as to why you got back with him so you don't have to hold yourself accountible for yourself.
Just because you move back to the city, doesn't mean you have to go back to a boyfriend.
It just boggles my mind that you actually believe that people can't put two and two together to read you like a book.
Stupid bitch
these scorpio guys!
I've worked with lots of them. All cut from the same cloth.
They are a menace to society.
All they're good at is being in your face, like your train ride.
I piss all over them and so should you.
Scorpio guys are easily identifiable. They almost all have a scorpion tattooed on them.!