Sex and Psychic Readings

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Gemitati on Friday, October 16, 2015 and has 11 replies.
Another wonderful reading:

Love and romance are wonderful things in life. And by and large that is what most of my customers are looking for here on Keen. However, as a psychic, I have come across an issue that has caused confusion and distress.

Most customers are calling me about that one special person. The person they dream about, obsess about and who dominates their daily thoughts. Unfortunately, while attempting to get accurate psychic information, some take a short term attitude toward a long term problem and begin sleeping with other people. And herein lies the problem.

Sex, no matter how casually it is handled in modern culture, is never a casual experience from a Cosmic perspective. There is no such thing as 'safe sex.' Not only are fluids transferred, but your energy is blended in a very unique way through physical intimacy. Sex, although it may be subtle, permanently changes your auric field. You are never the same.

Now, I'm not writing this to scare people. I'm certainly not writing for praise, since I have a strong feeling most people resent it. I am writing it because if you're coming to me for accurate psychic information or having trouble getting accurate data from your preferred psychic, sex with people other than your love may be the issue.

Your aura, energy, body, karma and cells are exchanged and permanently changed, through sex. This is why most ancient traditions handled human sexuality with caution.

I recently read a genetics news article where doctors are discovering viruses that permanently change the DNA sequences of those infected with it. Trust me, one day soon they will uncover proof of the same permanent DNA changes taking place through human sexual contact.

From an energetic point of view, the change in your auric field, can completely distort accurate psychic information. Since you as the customer, are the 'anchor person' I'm getting the information through, any changes in your energy field or body will skew that psychic data. How is any psychic supposed to pick up accurate information about your love, whom you're not being intimate with, while you are busy blending your body and aura with another person?

Any psychic, not just me, is far more likely to get information about the person you're being intimate with, and not your love.

So my advice is to abstain from any sexual contact with anyone else other than the object of your affection. If you cannot abstain from sexual contact with someone else, I think you need to reevaluate just how badly you really want that person you profess to be obsessed with.

Sorry to be so rough, but that is the truth.
I am wondering about prostitutes...
Posted by tiziani
There is no such thing as safe sex, period. Not even in a one to one relationship with the person you love. There's no safety net.

Disagree. It does not depend on love but on the fact that none of the people involved are cheating.
It is not impossible. Rare but not impossible.

I don't really think the article was about safety in sex. It is about entirely different matter.
I had no idea changing a partner changing you in such way...

If people knew and believe in sex with different people affecting them so much - there would be a lot of
changes in a world of sexual relationships.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by tiziani
There is no such thing as safe sex, period. Not even in a one to one relationship with the person you love. There's no safety net.

Disagree. It does not depend on love but on the fact that none of the people involved are cheating.
It is not impossible. Rare but not impossible.

I don't really think the article was about safety in sex. It is about entirely different matter.
I had no idea changing a partner changing you in such way...

If people knew and believe in sex with different people affecting them so much - there would be a lot of
changes in a world of sexual relationships.

Lol it's not really a care of disagreeing or agreeing. It's not my opinion, it's just fact. There's no such thing as a 100% risk free sexual relationship, even between two monogamous partners. There isn't a test out there invented to lower the risk to zero.
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What does THIS:
I took from the article that when two people merge in sex, it causes a change in our cellular makeup. However small it may be, the energy is modified.

have to do with safety???
Posted by tiziani
Of course, they're not going to advise that because what are the odds of people reaistically abstaining from sex, just for a psychic reading?

Those who aren't extremely sexual, not cheaters, single with no luck for a long time, prudes...
I am pretty sure people who are looking for readings are those mentioned above who doesn't get any
so they go see when will they get it. smile

But concept of every person you had sex staying with you forever scaring shit out of me! You?
Posted by RainDancer
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by tiziani
Of course, they're not going to advise that because what are the oo


Those getting laid are those who don't have time for physic readings, hahaha

LOL exactly.
But those might stop having sex altogether IF they knew all that written in articlesmile
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LOL I think us 3 need to discuss it in person with a drink(s) smile
Posted by aquaboy84
That's why I tell these wh@res on here to act right. Not because I'm a rude asshole because I've always had a bad feeling that too much casual sex with different people can fuxk a person up. Its fucking me up right now as we speak. Its called soul-tieing. I've made a thread about this already. If you believe in the bible then it says that once you have relations with someone, part of your soul is with them forever. And the more of your soul you give to different guys you wh@res, the potential damage of your personality and psyche can change regardless of astrology but astrological placements and how you grew up can influence the energy shifts

This is why I am wondering about prostitutes. What a turmoil must have they have going on!
Posted by aquaboy84
That's why I tell these wh@res on here to act right. Not because I'm a rude asshole because I've always had a bad feeling that too much casual sex with different people can fuxk a person up. Its fucking me up right now as we speak. Its called soul-tieing. I've made a thread about this already. If you believe in the bible then it says that once you have relations with someone, part of your soul is with them forever. And the more of your soul you give to different guys you wh@res, the potential damage of your personality and psyche can change regardless of astrology but astrological placements and how you grew up can influence the energy shifts

And by saying w@hores you don't imply that men can do what women cant?
I hope you don't say men can do how many they want because they are not receiving body fluids?
Posted by RainDancer
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by aquaboy84
That's why I tell these wh@res on here to act right. Not because I'm a rude asshole because I've always had a bad feeling that too much casual sex with different people can fuxk a person up. Its fucking me up right now as we speak. Its called soul-tieing. I've made a thread about this already. If you believe in the bible then it says that once you have relations with someone, part of your soul is with them forever. And the more of your soul you give to different guys you wh@res, the potential damage of your personality and psyche can change regardless of astrology but astrological placements and how you grew up can influence the energy shifts

This is why I am wondering about prostitutes. What a turmoil must have they have going on!

Ugh. My heart bleeds for them, and not that they would care or want it to, but because the merging of two people should be cherished, IMO, it truly is something to share in love. It deserves to be put on a pedestal.

Love in general deserves a pedestal.
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More men than women doing it just for love to a sex not to a person.
And if the article is holding water -- it means men in general are screwed up since
teenage years. Considering men are practicing a lot until one will get the ring.
So if woman is getting married as a virgin - she gets a 'gift' of a total screw up! smile
Posted by aquaboy84
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by aquaboy84
That's why I tell these wh@res on here to act right. Not because I'm a rude asshole because I've always had a bad feeling that tand psyche can change regardless of astrology but astrological placements and how you grew up can influence the energy shifts

This is why I am wondering about prostitutes. What a turmoil must have they have going on!

The underlying inner wreck of a where is very underrated to society. We actually celebrate girls who prostitute themselves. You see it on instagram or twitter in the modern world as "booking info" like that's supposed to soften the blow. That's why I really kinda hate my exes who cheated or didn't know who they were as a person before dealing with me because now I have no idea what type of people I've been dealing with and I'm scared now.
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I am to old for instagrams and stuff.
But you shouldn't be scared. You should maybe look for women and relationships
outside of the internet world. And how is this even possible ' I have no idea what type of people I've been dealing with'?
What do you mean you have no idea? What kind of relationships you had???