Sexual Capability and Experiences

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by PhishFood on Monday, August 20, 2018 and has 30 replies.
This thread comes off from another thread of similar nature

Calling out all the Cap in Mara women and those who have had sexual experience with this placement

I just read that men with this placement are well endowed in the girth segment of their Willy, but what about women?

How are they impacted by this placement sexually (emotionally/mentally is welcome too as women, sex and emotikns are sort of synonymous)


I think I have seen this placement on one of your posts
Posted by PhishFood

This thread comes off from another thread of similar nature

Calling out all the Cap in Mara women and those who have had sexual experience with this placement

I just read that men with this placement are well endowed in the girth segment of their Willy, but what about women?

How are they impacted by this placement sexually (emotionally/mentally is welcome too as women, sex and emotikns are sort of synonymous)


i dont think it's placements though when it comes to having a big dick. ;p
Posted by lisabethur8

Posted by PhishFood

This thread comes off from another thread of similar nature

Calling out all the Cap in Mara women and those who have had sexual experience with this placement

I just read that men with this placement are well endowed in the girth segment of their Willy, but what about women?

How are they impacted by this placement sexually (emotionally/mentally is welcome too as women, sex and emotikns are sort of synonymous)


i dont think it's placements though when it comes to having a big dick. ;p
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I believe so what you is true but see this, that's what made me think lol

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Is this serious? I dunno if the cap i met has mars in cap but he was cap sun and oh my god. 😬
Posted by PhishFood

Posted by lisabethur8

Posted by PhishFood

This thread comes off from another thread of similar nature

Calling out all the Cap in Mara women and those who have had sexual experience with this placement

I just read that men with this placement are well endowed in the girth segment of their Willy, but what about women?

How are they impacted by this placement sexually (emotionally/mentally is welcome too as women, sex and emotikns are sort of synonymous)


i dont think it's placements though when it comes to having a big dick. ;p
I believe so what you is true but see this, that's what made me think lol

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lol wasn't I in that topic? ;p

that's about endurance i think and longevity with sex

this topic is about SIZE right? and girth? and just overall "bigness"??


ok i will spill a little...

i love my husband's just Finnnneeeeee... no complaints.
Posted by lisabethur8

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by lisabethur8

Posted by PhishFood

This thread comes off from another thread of similar nature

Calling out all the Cap in Mara women and those who have had sexual experience with this placement

I just read that men with this placement are well endowed in the girth segment of their Willy, but what about women?

How are they impacted by this placement sexually (emotionally/mentally is welcome too as women, sex and emotikns are sort of synonymous)


i dont think it's placements though when it comes to having a big dick. ;p
I believe so what you is true but see this, that's what made me think lol


lol wasn't I in that topic? ;p

that's about endurance i think and longevity with sex

this topic is about SIZE right? and girth? and just overall "bigness"??


ok i will spill a little...

i love my husband's just Finnnneeeeee... no complaints.
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Guess time to hide this thread, this aqua Leo guy is doing my head in and I'm just becoming a toddler on speed lol
Posted by PhishFood

Posted by lisabethur8

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by lisabethur8

Posted by PhishFood

This thread comes off from another thread of similar nature

Calling out all the Cap in Mara women and those who have had sexual experience with this placement

I just read that men with this placement are well endowed in the girth segment of their Willy, but what about women?

How are they impacted by this placement sexually (emotionally/mentally is welcome too as women, sex and emotikns are sort of synonymous)


i dont think it's placements though when it comes to having a big dick. ;p
I believe so what you is true but see this, that's what made me think lol


lol wasn't I in that topic? ;p

that's about endurance i think and longevity with sex

this topic is about SIZE right? and girth? and just overall "bigness"??


ok i will spill a little...

i love my husband's just Finnnneeeeee... no complaints.
Guess time to hide this thread, this aqua Leo guy is doing my head in and I'm just becoming a toddler on speed lol
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Big Grin
Posted by RooSagicorn

Posted by PhishFood


I think I have seen this placement on one of your posts

Don't see how that makes sense about guys being well-endowed. We are freaks beneath the sheets they say lol.. my ex Cap Sun was .. but he’s not a Cap Mars. Umm yes I’m a Cap Mars. I can only speak for me. I like variety, am very sensual and sexual, passionate, always ready, but more so in a relationship and/or someone I really care about. It takes me a bit to warmup to you and be comfortable so one night stands not so much. But chemistry? Holy cow. If we have it, somehow I have this big magnetic pull and some guys just go crazy. But they say there is something in my eyes, some see it. 🤷‍♀️ Sex is hella fun what can I say? I’m also a Cap Venus.
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I'm the same ! And same mars and Venus as you lol
Posted by RooSagicorn

I think you should ask @Sag898 why she wants to be with a Cap Mars so badly lol
Ask away
Cap mars here. What is the question?
How do you process sex ? Preference wise, drive wise ?
Posted by RooSagicorn

Posted by Sag898

Posted by RooSagicorn

I think you should ask @Sag898 why she wants to be with a Cap Mars so badly lol
Ask away
Lol just go ahead & tell us. Why ?
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Serious and sexy. I can't explain it. A really good friend of mine has this placement. That first Aries had it. Just huge understanding there
I will not give up in finding one! Believe that!
Posted by Sag898

Posted by RooSagicorn

Posted by Sag898

Posted by RooSagicorn

I think you should ask @Sag898 why she wants to be with a Cap Mars so badly lol
Ask away
Lol just go ahead & tell us. Why ?
Serious and sexy. I can't explain it. A really good friend of mine has this placement. That first Aries had it. Just huge understanding there
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My friend has it too and we were discussing domination as a possibility as that's how she feels sometime, not all the way but considerably.

Another thing I wanted to ask was about a Venus Leo guy behaves in love? A guy she's interested in Leo moon leo Venus, there a something off between them, how do guys with that placement behave ?
Posted by RooSagicorn

Posted by Sag898

Posted by RooSagicorn

Posted by Sag898

Posted by RooSagicorn

I think you should ask @Sag898 why she wants to be with a Cap Mars so badly lol
Ask away
Lol just go ahead & tell us. Why ?
Serious and sexy. I can't explain it. A really good friend of mine has this placement. That first Aries had it. Just huge understanding there
Oh lol. Yeah that would be it. But I’m 12th house so it's like I’m not even aware lmao or is it that I hide it? But some see it. Funny you’re one that reacts to the magnetic pull I’d say 😉
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What's your 12 house
Posted by RooSagicorn

Posted by Sag898

Posted by RooSagicorn

Posted by Sag898

Posted by RooSagicorn

I think you should ask @Sag898 why she wants to be with a Cap Mars so badly lol
Ask away
Lol just go ahead & tell us. Why ?
Serious and sexy. I can't explain it. A really good friend of mine has this placement. That first Aries had it. Just huge understanding there
Oh lol. Yeah that would be it. But I’m 12th house so it's like I’m not even aware lmao or is it that I hide it? But some see it. Funny you’re one that reacts to the magnetic pull I’d say 😉
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My mars scorpio loves the vibe you folks give off!
Posted by RooSagicorn

Posted by Sag898

Posted by RooSagicorn

Posted by Sag898

Posted by RooSagicorn

Posted by Sag898

Posted by RooSagicorn

I think you should ask @Sag898 why she wants to be with a Cap Mars so badly lol
Ask away
Lol just go ahead & tell us. Why ?
Serious and sexy. I can't explain it. A really good friend of mine has this placement. That first Aries had it. Just huge understanding there
Oh lol. Yeah that would be it. But I’m 12th house so it's like I’m not even aware lmao or is it that I hide it? But some see it. Funny you’re one that reacts to the magnetic pull I’d say 😉
My mars scorpio loves the vibe you folks give off!
Lol hmm maybe that explains the connection with the Scorpio moon. 😜 but he’s cancer Mars and holy cow! Maybe I should find myself a Scorpio mars 😂😂
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We would be so devoted to you!! You won't be the same after one. But in a good way smile
I am a Cap Mars Venus Aquarius woman (sun in pisces)

Sex is the most important thing. Its the best thing you can be doing at all times.

I have had difficulty in past relationships with men whos sex drive could not keep up.

I am now with a Scorpio man who can *just* keep up. He is ecstatic because hes never found a woman before whos appetite matched his.

When I am single tho sex is a calculated game depending on my appetites of the hour. I do well with sex without intimacy - but for me to enter into an intimate sexual relationship its pretty much got to be a bad ass of a scorpio to make the grade.

My man isnt rich. He isnt some perfect bodied adonis. But he can give me the quality and intensity and length of duration and frequency I need so I dont care about much else. He respects me, he worships me, and he gets me off and I dont see myself losing interest any time soon because when it comes down to it, if I'm sexually satisfied, I could give a shit about the rest.

My man has Venus in Libra and Mars in Aquarius

He is a Scropio/Sun/Moon/Mercury/Neptune and House 9
I was seeing a Scorpio at one time who was also Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Capricorn like me and omg we never got to the point of sex because we were so busy busting one anothers balls with 'rules' - like the rules were always changing - and I want to say that perhaps it wasnt 'rules' so much as what would turn one another one about the other. And we just ended up arguing in frustration. We still keep in touch and have sort of accepted that we are the male/female version of one another. He came across so cold to me (and yes I was very used to Scorpios and their masks - its wasnt that ) I just never knew he was interested until one night he was begging me to leave my stable and have him and he confessed to how attracted to me he was and i got BULLSHIT mad over it because i was like WHAT?! SINCE WHEN HAVE YOU BEEN ATTRACTED TO ME?! he was so aloof I never knew and it pissed me off it was revealed to me the way it was. LIke i said - we had a way of constantly changing the rules on each other. Hes ridiculously wealthy but I couldnt handle our placements enough to follow through.

lol @ looking for girthy, big dick dudes. The struggle is realLaughing
Posted by saggurl88

lol @ looking for girthy, big dick dudes. The struggle is realLaughing
Well! A girl likes what she likes hahaha

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by saggurl88

lol @ looking for girthy, big dick dudes. The struggle is realLaughing
Well! A girl likes what she likes hahaha

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I think they come in all sizes Winking Placements don't matter much. Genetics do lol
Posted by PhishFood

How do you process sex ? Preference wise, drive wise ?
Its a marathon, not a sprint
Posted by Arkansassy

Posted by LadyNeptune

Cap mars here. What is the question?
How big is your lady dick?
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Bigger than a tube of toothpaste

*helicopters dick
Hahahaha this thread is everything.

Cap Mars/ Aqua Venus & Sun here. All the guys I’ve been with look at me and kind of go “’s like everything’s ‘out’”. My lady parts are very extroverted, I’ll put it that way💁🏼‍♀️

But yeah, as far as sex goes, I’d definitely be more open to experiment with a partner, and when I’m turned on, I want to get busy like...yesterday😂
Cap Mars/Scorpio Venus

Everything is tucked neatly in.. clam shell

We all know I’m horny all the time but I don’t actually sleep with anyone
Posted by PhishFood

Posted by Sag898

Posted by RooSagicorn

Posted by Sag898

Posted by RooSagicorn

I think you should ask @Sag898 why she wants to be with a Cap Mars so badly lol
Ask away
Lol just go ahead & tell us. Why ?
Serious and sexy. I can't explain it. A really good friend of mine has this placement. That first Aries had it. Just huge understanding there
My friend has it too and we were discussing domination as a possibility as that's how she feels sometime, not all the way but considerably.

Another thing I wanted to ask was about a Venus Leo guy behaves in love? A guy she's interested in Leo moon leo Venus, there a something off between them, how do guys with that placement behave ?
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Yes definitely a connection. Venus in Leo in love is very warm, protective and affectionate from what I've experienced. When a Leo moon is in? Hmmm well I guess you are the specialist person in the world. We let you know that hehe
Posted by lisabethur8

Posted by PhishFood

This thread comes off from another thread of similar nature

Calling out all the Cap in Mara women and those who have had sexual experience with this placement

I just read that men with this placement are well endowed in the girth segment of their Willy, but what about women?

How are they impacted by this placement sexually (emotionally/mentally is welcome too as women, sex and emotikns are sort of synonymous)


i dont think it's placements though when it comes to having a big dick. ;p
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These posts drive me up a wall!!!

Yes! ALL (insert sign) have big/small/floppy/curvy...dicks! Yep! 100% exclusions!

How stupid is that really?

I’ve had men of the same sign able and endowed so opposite - it’s laughable to look for the answer to this question! And kind of dumb...