Wondering about sexual compatibility with my girlfriend so I wanted some thoughts/knowledge. I'm scorpio mars (1st house), scorpio venus, 1st house pluto and scorpio ascendant. She is libra mars (8th house). Sex is really really important to me and one of the most if not one of the most important things in life to me.
Here are my issues with her:
1. Low sex drive.
2. Lacks assertiveness/initiative (most of the time I have to initiate/ask for sex or go down on her, she rarely does).
3. Isn't very kinky, freaky, or open minded, and is unwilling to do a lot of things. Not into BDSM, roles, etc. low-moderate kinky at best.
4. Lacks sexual identity, desires/passion, seems like there isn't much that she is truly into, kind of just always follows my lead.
>> For example: Friends who are girls have told me how they LOVE giving oral and do it for fun all the time, certain things/kinks, types of sex, and what they want/love to do, etc. They tell me it with great passion which shows to me clearly that they have deep interest and love for it. I don't get that from my girlfriend.
5. She thinks many things are disgusting such as oral and tasting each other.
>> For example: Me eating her out is, licking my fingers after i finger her, doesn't like cum in her mouth or to swallow, refuses to ever taste herself off my fingers, etc.
6. She doesn't put effort into changing or being open minded, doesn't really put much value or effort in sex.
>> She knows I want a deep throat so bad but never puts in the effort to be able to do that, hellbent on NEVER doing anal ever (no problem if she doesn't, I won't force her but she is not willing to ever even try it and see), and stuff like that, just an overall lack of desire/effort.
What are you fellow libra mars people like? What do you like, what turns you on, what are your kinks, what are you into, do you guys have sexual passion or is sex not that important to you, are there things you guys genuinely enjoy and love or do you guys just follow the lead of your partner, how is your sex drive, is sex important to you guys, and can you guys be compatible with a scorpio mars? Is there any way I can change this or that she will ever change? Is it possible I can be fulfilled with a great sex life with her?
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Apr 24, 2020Comments: 22 · Posts: 1516 · Topics: 17
libra mars, i'm not like that.
i'm open, no inhibitions, no boundaries when it comes down to it. tasting, bdsm, deep throating, etc is a normal part of sex. and i had good experiences with scorp mars.
sounds like she's uncomfortable or unsure of you, maybe inexperience, or y'all aren't compatible on some level. the intimacy should be there.
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36249 · Posts: 40744 · Topics: 321
Sounds like ye are highly incompatible....
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Jan 05, 2020Comments: 514 · Posts: 454 · Topics: 6
I have a mars in scorpio and I dated a mars libra for a long time. He was a total kink and it was great. That being said he had a scorpio sun and moon so that may have helped.....
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
I think you've been watching too much porn, dude! Not everyone is into oral sex, however there are plenty of other ways to enjoy sex and intimacy. What looks like basic sex could be exceptionally good sex, with the right person.
Or, she may not have much sexual chemistry with you. Chemistry doesn't change at will, and the pill could dampen the sexual drive in some women. Nothing you could do about it, either.
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Jul 24, 2019Comments: 3567 · Posts: 7804 · Topics: 92
With his placements I can see why he's into kinky, freaky and oral sex. And if he has a Scorpio sun too that's a triple whammy. I wouldn't be surprised if he do watch porn. I think all this is natural for his placements so who are we to judge. I like kinkiness into my sex life too and I watch porn. I don't see nothing wrong with that. But I wouldn't try to get a woman to have the same desire as I have. My only intake on this is find a woman who like this kind of stuff.
To everyone asking/wondering, I'm a virgo sun. She is a sag sun. I'm a pisces moon she is a cancer moon. The other planets/placements are in my original post and i already said those. Also, to the people talking about porn and whatnot, it has absolutely nothing to do with porn trust me. I just have a high sex drive and high value on sex and it's very important to me and I've been like this my whole life since I can remember which was probably when I was like 12 or 13. It's my nature it's who I am, not because of porn or whatever else. Other people who have similar placements to me can probably resonate with me and understand and would think it's normal. As for you other people who don't, I don't blame you for thinking i watch a lot of porn or i'm crazy or whatever, I understand that from your perspective but you guys should also understand from my perspective which is that this is not the case at all and i'm normally just highly sexually charged it is my nature, I am what I am, I like what I like, without influence.
Also, just to get this clear, I have talked and discussed this with her many times, and we have made some progress but not much. We do have good sexual chemistry, nothing is wrong in that department, we both are very attracted to each other and she says i'm the best she has ever had and I know that's true (humble brag). The issue is not that we don't have sexual comfort and attractiveness and chemistry it's that she is sexually lacking in terms of open mindedness, willingness, excitement, drive, and interest in comparison to me and it's completely fine if she can't match me i'm not looking for someone to be exactly like me but I feel she should be at least somewhat or decently near me to where we can have amazing sex lives. Some of you guys also said that most girls aren't kinky like that, oral, anal, and I can assure you that's just not true it just depends on the girl, i've seen it all and we can't really generalize these things. I know many people personally who would put that statement to shame. Everyone is different.
As for my GF, I feel like the potential is THERE, she's really hot, and when she is horny or has a sex drive we can have pretty good sex and from our discussions I can see that there is a really good POTENTIAL for a great sex life in the future if she can be more open minded and open up and willing and experimental and just increase her interest and motor/sex drive and put value/effort into it. But that's the issue, I see the POTENTIAL but I don't see it actually coming into FRUITION/ACTION right now and i made this thread to see if it would be possible that in the future this can change and if she might "sexually evolve" or something and then we can have an amazing sex life. That's kind of what i'm hoping and thinking and waiting for to happen, and i'm gonna try my hardest to open her up.
Can some libra mars people give me some information/detail about you guys sexually? Specifically the questions I asked near the bottom on my original post?
**What are you fellow libra mars people like? What do you like, what turns you on, what are your kinks, what are you into, do you guys have sexual passion or is sex not that important to you, are there things you guys genuinely enjoy and love or do you guys just follow the lead of your partner, how is your sex drive, is sex important to you guys, and can you guys be compatible with a scorpio mars? Is there any way I can change this or that she will ever change? Is it possible I can be fulfilled with a great sex life with her?**
Do you guys have your own desires/interests or do you guys just FOLLOW the partners? Do you guys like oral/anal? How is your sex drive?
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Oct 11, 2017Comments: 3 · Posts: 3195 · Topics: 7
I'm a Libra sun with Libra mars and everything you mentioned you want to do is right up my alley. My Scorpio venus craves the stuff you want to do. I'd have given anything to try a Scorpio mars man, always wondered how the sex would be.
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
All is see is a list of things YOU want. What about what SHE wants?
Perhaps its just how you worded things here but it reads as pretty selfish. I really hope you don't bring up female friends who love oral as a way to try and convince her to deep throat... cringe.
If you took the time to discover what she likes sexually you'll build trust and be able to introduce some of these things naturally into play.
If she doesn't have a 'sexual identity' as you put it, why do you think that is? My guess is she's only been with men who put their needs before hers and hasn't been able to discover what makes her tick.
Also personally I don't see anything on your list as particularly kinky. Thats a pretty subjective term.
So in the same way a sexual act you see as normal or vanilla may seem out of her wheelhouse.
Have you tasted your own spunk? Maybe cut back on alcohol and red meat so its less foul.
A lot of women have had bad initial experiences with oral, i.e the dude holding them and face fucking too roughly. Again, if she trusts you she wouldn't have all or as many hangups to try things with you.
My suggestion to you is to discuss not only your desires with her, but ask her about hers. Its a 2 way street.
And consider that if this is a long term relationship then you have the next few decades to explore all the things with her. Most would find it exciting to have the opportunity to introduce their partner to a new experience...
After all, for all of us at some point it was our first time/first experience.
However if these are religious sexual hangups I'd say walk away, its an incompatibility issue at that point.
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Apr 24, 2020Comments: 22 · Posts: 1516 · Topics: 17
how do you vanilla babywanks have sex?
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Sep 13, 2013Comments: 800 · Posts: 826 · Topics: 6
when i fucked a libra mars he used to stop after about 5 strokes and whisper 'i can feel your energy'
i just burst out laughing
Lmao exoskeleton I love all your answers/responses.
For the people who are like oh what about her needs, have you talked to her, you're selfish, you're making her uncomfortable, you're cringe, etc. first of all, if this is cringe to you i'm sorry you're just a sugar free vanilla ice cream and I have no interest in you and you will never understand my flavors. No offense, but calling someone else "cringe" because you just don't understand or relate is senseless and it just means you don't resonate with it so you think it's weird and gross. This is the problem, you're close minded and see it in one way. I don't cringe when I see people who don't understand. Learn to accept other people's beliefs and interests and not think people are wrong because they're not like you. As for my girlfriend, I don't think she is wrong if she isn't like me, I'm just wondering if that might change sometime and that's what I was on here for, to see if other people with her signs are different or what the deal is. Additionally, yes we have talked, I have talked to her a lot, this isn't something new so lets get that out of the way. Also, no i'm not forcing anyone or being selfish, i'm never like that, all I have done is expressed MY DESIRES and what I want/need. That's not being selfish. If someone can't provide that so be it but there is nothing wrong with me wanting what I want. I also never forced her to do anything she didn't want to do, I've just tried talking about it but there is not much result. As for sexual identity, it's not my fault or anyone else's fault that someone doesn't have their own sexual identity. As an individual you should know these things about yourself, what you like, how you are, etc. and I've tried a lot to get this out of her trust me, I've tried to open her up, explore her, help herself explore her and gain progress, i've encouraged her to do it herself, and i've aided a lot in that process. She just isnt that interested in it and sex isn't that big of a deal to her so she doesn't view this as a big deal.
Anyways, I will just see how this goes in the next year or so and hopefully there can be positive change and I will just go from there as I will keep trying to help her and sexually evolve her and see what happens.
With that being said, fellow libra mars people please tell me about yourself sexually pertaining to the questions I asked earlier.