So....Venus HATES fire signs =P

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by iceredrobot on Thursday, January 12, 2012 and has 31 replies.
I see where your loyalty stands now Venus -__-

Does Venus like fire? The answer is simple. No. Venus rules an earth sign (Taurus), an air sign (Libra) and is exalted in a water sign (Pisces). Earth is about the senses, while air and water, both being moist elements, are about connecting people, each one in its own manner. We could say that Venus, through the senses (Taurus), brings two opposites together in a relationship (Libra) which can result to the experience of love in the emotional sense (Pisces). Fire, I'm afraid, has nothing to do with all that.
Venus in Aries.

This is the sign of Venus' arch-enemy, Mars. Mars represents the male view of life, to which Venus violently opposes. Mars competes, races and hates standing still. Mars sees life as a challenge and its moto is "it can be done". The Taurus self of Venus fails to see the point in all this, because there's always going to be another race, another challenge, another prize to win and this attitude prevents people from enjoying the pleasures life has to offer. For Venus, this is a waste of valuable time. Aries, however, finds the way of life Venus proposes as completely meaningless. Winning prizes is not simply fun, it is accomplishment. When you reach the end of your life, what will there be for you to show for? If the answer is nothing special, then your life was a failure. It's as simple as that.
Mars is very sexual and very passionate but doesn't understand relationships. As long as the passion lasts, everything is fine. When all of it is spent, there's no need for the relationship to continue. What on earth for? Venus is, therefore, very uncomfortable in Aries as this sign goes against everything it believes in. Women with this placement -particularly if the rest of the chart supports this testimony - very often display manly characteristics or their approach to relationships is what we would call masculine. They may show a dislike for other women when the latter ones become "too feminine" and constantly criticize them for not being honest and direct or for "playing tricks". They also accuse men of not being able to appreciate a "true woman" and cannot understand why they seem to show a preference for "silly and frivolous" women or "bimbos". They are often tomboys and dislike spending too much time in front of the mirror. The problem is - if other elements in the chart point to the opposite direction - that sometimes behind this agressiveness and apparent self-assuredness hides a feeling of inadequacy. The feeling of "I'm not woman enough", especially if other people marginalize them exactly because of this.
Venus in Leo
Leo receives a lot of bad press for being individualistic and egocentric. True, very true. When you are on the path of self-knowledge, however, there's no other way. Leo, ruled by the Sun, is the sign of self-knowledge and self-knowledge requires having yourself as your top priority. The problem with people with a heavy emphasis on the sign of Leo is that, unless they have some sort of talent to justify this self-centredness or simply be fun to hang around with, they can be extremely irritating. Relationships and other people in general are not appreciated by Leo, despite evidence to the contrary. There's often an insecurity in Leo whether or not they are on the right path. That's why they need other people, not because they actually appreciate their presence in their lives, but because if other people love them and admire them, then, yes, they are on the right path, they are doing something right.
Venus, however, is not about the self. When the self is all you care about, even when it is for all the right reasons, there's little room for anyone else. So, this is also a malfunctioning Venus. Remember, the Sun is in fall in Libra, Venus' sign. Venus in Leo can be very flirting, very likeable or even loveable, because it craves admiration from other people and does everything in its power to make the other person say: "I love you, you are the best". But that's all that it really wants. It knows that if it gets involved in a relationship, it will have to make compromises that it is not prepared to make. The other person, however, feels betrayed because, quite naturally, mistook all this flirting for real love. This can be a very seductive Venus, but for all the wrong reasons.
Venus in Sagittarius
Out of the three fire signs, this is perhaps the best fiery Venus. Sagittarius is a sign ruled by Jupiter, which, together with Venus, are the two benefics. They also share a common love for the sign of Pisces. Sagittarius, however, is a hot and dry sign, like all the fire signs and Venus cannot help but feel uncomfortable in it. Venus in Sagittarius views love as a learning experience. This may be true for most people as love affairs provide us with valuable lessons, but that is not the main reason we get involved with other people. Venus in Sagittarius doesn't really believe in "I want to love and be loved", but rather "Can you help me experience love?" It's like that famous Foreigner song "I wanna know what love is, I want you to show me". It's not the same as needing love. Venus in Sagittarius doesn't need love, it finds it interesting, there's a vast difference. Other people, however, object to this, because they feel they've been used.
Yes, it's passionate and exciting, after all it's a fiery Venus, and that can attract other people, but there's a restlessness in this Venus. Because love is an experience, these people want to experience everything that life as a couple can provide. It is not enough sitting on a couch and holding hands while watching TV. This is boring. The presence of a loved one is never enough. This Venus is always trying to find something new to do, but doesn't understand that this can push people away, not because they are against what this Venus proposes, but because pretty soon they begin to realize that Venus in Sagittarius rarely wants anything else.
Credit to: #ixzz1jIa8slxf">here
If you can't stand the fire.. Tongue
I have venus in leo and I'm awesome. >Bat
By that logic.
Sun dislikes Air signs
Moon dislikes Earth O_O
Mercury dislikes Fire/Water
Mars dislikes earth
Jupiter dislikes air
Saturn dislikes water
Uranus dislikes fire
Neptune dislikes earth
Pluto dislikes earth
lovelyBig Grin
y explains why Shakira comes across as passionate despite her *cool* Sun.
ty for the link!
Those with Venus in Aries are drawn to those who have an aura of independence about them. The individual is not willing to compromise much, and can sometimes find arguing and conflict highly stimulating. Venus here likes to make love and war, and they don't like to be controlled in a relationship. Venus in Aries will love who they want, when they want, and how they want.

Oh!! NiceBig GrinBig Grin
A long-term relationship is possible, but the fiery passions must be kept burning in romance, and they must be able to do as they please.
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Venus in Aries seems to have collected a bad rep from astrologers but I think long term is always possible from the least expected source.
Posted by iceredrobot
Venus in Aries.
The problem is - if other elements in the chart point to the opposite direction - that sometimes behind this agressiveness and apparent self-assuredness hides a feeling of inadequacy. The feeling of "I'm not woman enough", especially if other people marginalize them exactly because of this.

Oh man, do I relate this...ick.
LOL, so while we're trying to build some fiery Venus pride (and cos I know iceredrobot can appreciate media-tastic descriptions) these female 80's icon visualizations just randomly struck me thinking about the attitudes of fiery Venuses:

Venus in Aries Joan Jett

< width="420" height="315" ="http:

Venus in Leo Debbie Harry
< width="420" height="315" ="http:

Venus in Sagittarius Olivia Newton John
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
My Venus is in Scorpio-guess I am not as flashy as being in fire. Sad
lol, Nikki, just trying to tack on positive representations to Venuses which are traditionally scorned, i.e. Venus in Aries (not giving a f***), Venus in Leo (being something very striking to behold/look at), and Venus in Sagittarius (being ballsy/adventurous/seeking experience). But trust me, a non-fiery Venus comes with (traditionally) better connotations smile
Posted by bluemoon9043834
The articles take no considerations on the housing placement and the aspects the Venus makes. If someone really truly loves you, the passion never dies... simple as that.

Aww I like thatsmile Very true.
Posted by extempjunk
LOL, so while we're trying to build some fiery Venus pride (and cos I know iceredrobot can appreciate media-tastic descriptions) these female 80's icon visualizations just randomly struck me thinking about the attitudes of fiery Venuses:

Venus in Aries Joan Jett

< width="420" height="315" ="http:

Venus in Leo Debbie Harry
< width="420" height="315" ="http:

Venus in Sagittarius Olivia Newton John
< width="420" height="315" ="http:

Debbie Harry ??? I have such a thing for Leo Venuses. lol Olivia Newton John is cute there
Posted by iceredrobot
Venus in Sagittarius
Out of the three fire signs, this is perhaps the best fiery Venus. Sagittarius is a sign ruled by Jupiter, which, together with Venus, are the two benefics. They also share a common love for the sign of Pisces. Sagittarius, however, is a hot and dry sign, like all the fire signs and Venus cannot help but feel uncomfortable in it. Venus in Sagittarius views love as a learning experience. This may be true for most people as love affairs provide us with valuable lessons, but that is not the main reason we get involved with other people. Venus in Sagittarius doesn't really believe in "I want to love and be loved", but rather "Can you help me experience love?" It's like that famous Foreigner song "I wanna know what love is, I want you to show me". It's not the same as needing love. Venus in Sagittarius doesn't need love, it finds it interesting, there's a vast difference. Other people, however, object to this, because they feel they've been used.
Yes, it's passionate and exciting, after all it's a fiery Venus, and that can attract other people, but there's a restlessness in this Venus. Because love is an experience, these people want to experience everything that life as a couple can provide. It is not enough sitting on a couch and holding hands while watching TV. This is boring. The presence of a loved one is never enough. This Venus is always trying to find something new to do, but doesn't understand that this can push people away, not because they are against what this Venus proposes, but because pretty soon they begin to realize that Venus in Sagittarius rarely wants anything else.
Credit to: #ixzz1jIa8slxf">here

Yup, I'm another one to say this rings very true. .. I find myself saying a love a bf just cause they show such emotions towards me... I don't actually recall being "in love" with them.. The concept sounds nice I guess?! Lol
Posted by aliennation
But tbh, I'm surprised about the V in Scorp, since Scorpios are supposed to be the most rational of all the water signs.

But it does make sense since Scorpios are probably only irrational in matters of love (=venus) smile
Posted by aliennation
I think it's good to have Venus in a fire sign.
Fire signs are unemotional, and Venus is love, so I think it helps keep crybabiness at bay and keeps you from getting too attached to people. It keeps you moving forward, it keeps you independent. Smug
Venus in Scorpio or Cancer seems to f?_ck people up the most.
Especially V in Scorp, as it's the opposite of the natural V in Taurus.

Very true about the Venus in fire signs. I'm a Venus and Mars in Leo; getting over someone doesnt take too long for me, self-respect FIRST, thank you! plenty of other admirers waiting patiently for their turn Tongue
I'm a venus in aries sun in taurus.. I'm having way too much fun with life haha. Right now my conquest is a venus in aries sun in pisces male. I am definitely more assertive in pursuing the object of my desire than my friends. I like it like that. There's no room for unrequited love in my life.
Posted by iceredrobot
Venus in Sagittarius
Out of the three fire signs, this is perhaps the best fiery Venus. Sagittarius is a sign ruled by Jupiter, which, together with Venus, are the two benefics. They also share a common love for the sign of Pisces. Sagittarius, however, is a hot and dry sign, like all the fire signs and Venus cannot help but feel uncomfortable in it. Venus in Sagittarius views love as a learning experience. This may be true for most people as love affairs provide us with valuable lessons, but that is not the main reason we get involved with other people. Venus in Sagittarius doesn't really believe in "I want to love and be loved", but rather "Can you help me experience love?" It's like that famous Foreigner song "I wanna know what love is, I want you to show me". It's not the same as needing love. Venus in Sagittarius doesn't need love, it finds it interesting, there's a vast difference. Other people, however, object to this, because they feel they've been used.
Yes, it's passionate and exciting, after all it's a fiery Venus, and that can attract other people, but there's a restlessness in this Venus. Because love is an experience, these people want to experience everything that life as a couple can provide. It is not enough sitting on a couch and holding hands while watching TV. This is boring. The presence of a loved one is never enough. This Venus is always trying to find something new to do, but doesn't understand that this can push people away, not because they are against what this Venus proposes, but because pretty soon they begin to realize that Venus in Sagittarius rarely wants anything else.
Credit to: #ixzz1jIa8slxf">here

pretty damn interestin because this is my venus sign n it is far from how i am but it sounds pretty true, when me n someon falls inlove if they are not about a certain change for better, and showin progress they get lefted behind, like the underdogs, I hate bein that way but most times i can spot a persons flaw in advance to be able to acknowlegde this isnt gonna workout but itll be fun while it lasts and itll be another lesson learned lol so it is but it isnt, reason we are this way is cuz we wanna a perfectionistic love that doesnt even exist
Posted by Sutekh
Sun dislikes Air signs
Mercury dislikes Fire/Water
Saturn dislikes water
Uranus dislikes fire
Pluto dislikes earth
^ These are correct.
Air is too multidirectional and social. Sun is the ego and will. Thus libra in fall and aquarius in detriment.
Mercury is rational and logical. Fire is ego centric thought and water is osmosis based, not rational.
Saturn in water is irrational fear.
Uranus in Fire is physical violence.

Whoa, so much sense in so few words. Thanks!
Posted by iceredrobot
Venus in Sagittarius
Out of the three fire signs, this is perhaps the best fiery Venus. Sagittarius is a sign ruled by Jupiter, which, together with Venus, are the two benefics. They also share a common love for the sign of Pisces. Sagittarius, however, is a hot and dry sign, like all the fire signs and Venus cannot help but feel uncomfortable in it. Venus in Sagittarius views love as a learning experience. This may be true for most people as love affairs provide us with valuable lessons, but that is not the main reason we get involved with other people. Venus in Sagittarius doesn't really believe in "I want to love and be loved", but rather "Can you help me experience love?" It's like that famous Foreigner song "I wanna know what love is, I want you to show me". It's not the same as needing love. Venus in Sagittarius doesn't need love, it finds it interesting, there's a vast difference. Other people, however, object to this, because they feel they've been used.
Yes, it's passionate and exciting, after all it's a fiery Venus, and that can attract other people, but there's a restlessness in this Venus. Because love is an experience, these people want to experience everything that life as a couple can provide. It is not enough sitting on a couch and holding hands while watching TV. This is boring. The presence of a loved one is never enough. This Venus is always trying to find something new to do, but doesn't understand that this can push people away, not because they are against what this Venus proposes, but because pretty soon they begin to realize that Venus in Sagittarius rarely wants anything else.
Credit to: #ixzz1jIa8slxf">here

I totally agree with this posting.. Though I find my Scorp Sun makes it 10000x more intense. I also have a tendency to act out and become very upset when the person of interest does not want to give in and give me their love.. I could never leave a relationship that might not even work out if I dont get to experience how they are when in love.. Drives me nuts!!
Posted by iceredrobot
By that logic.
Sun dislikes Air signs
Moon dislikes Earth O_O
Mercury dislikes Fire/Water
Mars dislikes earth
Jupiter dislikes air
Saturn dislikes water
Uranus dislikes fire
Neptune dislikes earth
Pluto dislikes earth
lovelyBig Grin

this is a nice topic.
i always thought it was less element and more planetary /energy pull/against.
for example,
mercury will always love jupiter, and vice versa
pluto/mars loves OR hates venus (it's an extreme)
uranus seems to like mars/neptune/jupiter (but not all of them like pluto)
pluto loves mars/jupiter/sun/neptune.
and VENUS, loves everyone. (venus is the planet of love and therefore loves to be loved)
Posted by Sutekh
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by iceredrobot
By that logic.
Sun dislikes Air signs
Moon dislikes Earth O_O
Mercury dislikes Fire/Water
Mars dislikes earth
Jupiter dislikes air
Saturn dislikes water
Uranus dislikes fire
Neptune dislikes earth
Pluto dislikes earth
lovelyBig Grin

this is a nice topic.
i always thought it was less element and more planetary /energy pull/against.
for example,
mercury will always love jupiter, and vice versa
pluto/mars loves OR hates venus (it's an extreme)
uranus seems to like mars/neptune/jupiter (but not all of them like pluto)
pluto loves mars/jupiter/sun/neptune.
and VENUS, loves everyone. (venus is the planet of love and therefore loves to be loved)

Thats all incorrect
Mercury is the opposite of jupiter.
Venus is a benefic, a magnetic energy. and Pluto and mars are malefics, they are enemies of Venus( Scorpio and Aries)
Neptune is adverse to any masculine planets ( Sun, Mars, Jupiter) because it dissolves.
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i get what you said. but it's my opinion. that's what i read, and also observed with couples. i dont agree with you either so i'll stick to what i believe in through my own observation. also, this was corrected to me by an astrologer who's been researching for 35 years. and if you dont know what venus is, it's called the planet of love for a reason. people are usually pulled/drawn to them.
the only thing i can find believable in your comment is, pluto/mars enemies of venus, but if you have noticed many scorpios on this board as well love taurus's and libras.
so sutekh, what describes and explains WHY so many scorpios love taurus/libras??
and magnetic energy = venus, makes sense, so you're right. they pull in all the energy to them. mars opposite, have to fight for what they want.
Posted by Sutekh
I shouldnt even say Scorpios Love taurus because its one of the least successful opposition combos. Venus is magnetic/passive. Venus rules money.

well thank you for that.
but you have to admit they are drawn to eachother.
Posted by Sutekh
I shouldnt even say Scorpios Love taurus because its one of the least successful opposition combos. Venus is magnetic/passive. Venus rules money.

hmmmm just had a thought. i read somewhere that pisces rules money, which could be in combination jupiter - luck/fortune and exalted in venus.
it probably is because they end up hating eachother. i've seen this combo alot in rl.
I think Venus is more comfortable in feminine signs (water and earth) than in masculine signs (fire and air). Libra (domicile), Scorpio (detriment) and Virgo (fall) would be exceptions to the rule, though.
I feel like Aries venus is a 50/50 hit for me.
I'm not impulsive at all, infact quite the opposite, and I generally don't like making the first move (unless my pisces had enough hints that the person was also interested). I'm also not very affectionate. But, I do lose interest when the passion has run out. I'm probably not good for anything like marriage, in that sense. I also do not understand why guys go for those certain type of women. There's so many of them/they're all the same and they all cause problems. I like to think I'm at least unique.
I really like this topic of what planets dislike the others/etc. It's interesting. : )
Posted by Scenic
I feel like Aries venus is a 50/50 hit for me.
I'm not impulsive at all, infact quite the opposite, and I generally don't like making the first move (unless my pisces had enough hints that the person was also interested). I'm also not very affectionate. But, I do lose interest when the passion has run out. I'm probably not good for anything like marriage, in that sense. I also do not understand why guys go for those certain type of women. There's so many of them/they're all the same and they all cause problems. I like to think I'm at least unique.
I really like this topic of what planets dislike the others/etc. It's interesting. : )

maybe astrologers place venus in aries as a detriment not only because its usually martian energy but because it wants to fight for love but love isn't fighting. so i guess it has to evolve if this type of love style needs to development.
Posted by Sutekh
Posted by BlueSandCacoon
I think Venus is more comfortable in feminine signs (water and earth) than in masculine signs (fire and air). Libra (domicile), Scorpio (detriment) and Virgo (fall) would be exceptions to the rule, though.

And Capricorn as its an exalted Mars sign.
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Oh. No wonder i never found "good" descriptions of it, lol.