South Node conjunct Moon in synastry - what are your experiences

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by degenerate_ingenue on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 and has 17 replies.
My moon has been conjunct two guys I recently had an interest in. a very emotionally draining experience for the Moon person. I'm curious to see if anyone else has had this experience but has been the South Node person.

HOWEVER if you have been the Moon person, I'd love to hear and discuss with you too about our experiences to see if they are similar.

I won't elaborate just yet on my experiences.
My "tf" experience was like this...his moon conjunct my SN and my sun conjunct his NN.

Crumbled really fast. I still wish we could've stayed friends but I think it would have not been wise.
Posted by sultrykitty
My "tf" experience was like this...his moon conjunct my SN and my sun conjunct his NN.

Crumbled really fast. I still wish we could've stayed friends but I think it would have not been wise.

I have heard Sun conjunct NN is very powerful! From my reading. I've been studying the NN/SN in natal and synastry deeply as of late. Normally the Sun conjunct NN is a long-lasting aspect, but the Moon conjunct SN is...draining....

I was the moon in my case, so maybe I can explain on my end what it was like. Well first of all, I definitely immediately sensed familiarity upon meeting both of them. It's hard to describe. They felt like "home". They were safe havens, despite their faults. Kind of weird. The one even reminded me of my father in many ways...even in appearances...kind of creepy....but he was also quite different in appearance. They just both had black hair and slicked it back with gel. Brown eyes...kind of basic similarities. Anyways...back to the point (lol).

I will say....prior to reading upon ANY astrology...with these two guys...I was constantly GIVING. I didn't even understand why. I went to complete excess (doesnt help my Venus and Jupiter are conjunct) when trying to make them happy. I was constantly trying to "feed" their emotions even though mine for the most part were being completely neglected. I still felt like I needed to I needed to "make them happy". Then when I read on it...the Moon person (me) feels "indebted" to the SN person. Subconsciously, I think that's true. The things I would do for them were quite excessive and DEFINITELY out of the norm for me. They walked on me, but I felt like I needed to take it and still make THEM happy. Kind of weird and screwed up...but...I learned a lot. They weren't always assholes don't get me wrong, but sometimes they were heartless in their actions. We had great times besides that. But I can understand where the SN person is coming from when it says in the source below that they feel no emotional growth. The Moon basically deflects any growth because they're always trying to compensate for their happiness, and there's no real resolution of conflict which is needed in relationships. At least in my experience, that's how I understand the SN. I couldn't grow emotionally because I was always feeding their emotions but never confronting my own.
"Moon-South Node: This connection represents a past life connection, which may have been a Mother-Child relationship. When the two individuals meet, a sense of familiarity, security, comfort, and safety is indicated. You share a need for emotional security, and are similar in your emotional reactions. This indicates a significant emotional bond, and the two of you may settle into repetitive patterns. The Moon person may feel “emotionally indebted†to the Node person, and may constantly “feed†the Node person’s emotional needs, leaving them feeling drained. The Node person may feel “held back†by the relationship due to the lack of emotional growth the relationship offers. Regardless, the pull can be hard to resist!"


Posted by Ajna

"When your Moon conjuncts your partner's South Node, the attraction is instant. You immediately feel safe, secure, and comfortable in each other's presence. Intuitively, you sense similarity in each other's emotional reactions to the world, and in your mutual needs for security. At some point in time, the South Node person may get a sense that the Moon person is holding him or her back in some way. There is much safety and comfort in the relationship, and the emotional bond is tremendous, but the bond doesn't carry with it a sense of moving forward. In fact, you may tend to cocoon yourselves and fall back on familiar routines rather than take on new adventures together. You may have such an effect on each other as to exaggerate each other's mood swings and desire for safety. If anyone of the two "outgrows" the relationship, it will more than likely be the South Node person. However, the attachment is great and there will be a feeling of emotional indebtedness to each other, particularly on the part of the South Node person. There is a great deal of sympathy between the two of you, and these feelings come naturally"


Very very true for me in both instances.

I'd describe it interpretation is that I was trying to compensate for any past life debt I had to these individuals. I was constantly feeding their emotions but in reality I was never facing my own. To me, my emotions were irrelevant. No problems were solved like a normal functional relationship. I was too busy making sure they were satisfied. There was no growth because I was stunting it by ignoring my emotions completely. It was VERY routine. Boring actually. But I did automatically feel at home with them upon meeting them. I still care for them, but all that remains is deep pain. They emotionally drained me. In reality it was me who drained myself emotionally. They didn't ask for any of the things I did for fact one even asked me why I did all of the stuff I did for him...and I had no answer for him. I didn't even understand my own behavior. It was before I knew about any astrology at all. So I find it interesting to look back on.
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
Posted by sultrykitty
My "tf" experience was like this...his moon conjunct my SN and my sun conjunct his NN.

Crumbled really fast. I still wish we could've stayed friends but I think it would have not been wise.

I have heard Sun conjunct NN is very powerful! From my reading. I've been studying the NN/SN in natal and synastry deeply as of late. Normally the Sun conjunct NN is a long-lasting aspect, but the Moon conjunct SN is...draining....

I was the moon in my case, so maybe I can explain on my end what it was like. Well first of all, I definitely immediately sensed familiarity upon meeting both of them. It's hard to describe. They felt like "home". They were safe havens, despite their faults. Kind of weird. The one even reminded me of my father in many ways...even in appearances...kind of creepy....but he was also quite different in appearance. They just both had black hair and slicked it back with gel. Brown eyes...kind of basic similarities. Anyways...back to the point (lol).

I will say....prior to reading upon ANY astrology...with these two guys...I was constantly GIVING. I didn't even understand why. I went to complete excess (doesnt help my Venus and Jupiter are conjunct) when trying to make them happy. I was constantly trying to "feed" their emotions even though mine for the most part were being completely neglected. I still felt like I needed to I needed to "make them happy". Then when I read on it...the Moon person (me) feels "indebted" to the SN person. Subconsciously, I think that's true. The things I would do for them were quite excessive and DEFINITELY out of the norm for me. They walked on me, but I felt like I needed to take it and still make THEM happy. Kind of weird and screwed up...but...I learned a lot. They weren't always assholes don't get me wrong, but sometimes they were heartless in their actions. We had great times besides that. But I can understand where the SN person is coming from when it says in the source below that they feel no emotional growth. The Moon basically deflects any growth because they're always trying to compensate for their happiness, and there's no real resolution of conflict which is needed in relationships. At least in my experience, that's how I understand the SN. I couldn't grow emotionally because I was always feeding their emotions but never confronting my own.
click to expand

It's interesting because as the SN person, I felt as though he would be able to meet my needs in a relationship that weren't being met in my current one. It was a very strong belief that he was everything my SO isn't, but also had the qualities in my SO that I loved. Although he never gave in a sacrificial way, I wonder if he felt that and that's where the tens

Although he never gave in a sacrificial way, I wonder if he felt that and that's where the tension was rooted. He often went out of his way to offer help or to give advice. I was very, VERY close to ending my relationship in part because this person made me feel as though he would be everything I needed. But there was tension for lots of reasons and it just built up over time.

Thr lack of sacrificial giving could have been the male/female difference, and could also be age (he's mid 30's). I think both of us knew that getting together could either be the best decision we ever made, or it could destroy the lives we had built. I know I felt that, and ultimately decided that the life I had built was worth keeping.
Posted by sultrykitty
Although he never gave in a sacrificial way, I wonder if he felt that and that's where the tension was rooted. He often went out of his way to offer help or to give advice. I was very, VERY close to ending my relationship in part because this person made me feel as though he would be everything I needed. But there was tension for lots of reasons and it just built up over time.

Thr lack of sacrificial giving could have been the male/female difference, and could also be age (he's mid 30's). I think both of us knew that getting together could either be the best decision we ever made, or it could destroy the lives we had built. I know I felt that, and ultimately decided that the life I had built was worth keeping.

This was an interesting read from a different perspective smile

Sorry I go MIA some days, but I read this the other day. My responses gets cut off so I'm going to post my rambling in a separate comment. Haha


I think that could be true. The male/female difference possibility along with age. My life (and their lives) aren't built yet. One was a Taurus, the other an Aquarius. No shock there. Aquarians flock to me like flies, and me to them. I think my dad being an Aquarius is also my curse LOL, but Aquarius is all in my 4th house, so they feel like home to me *sigh* the dichotomy of doom. Will it ever lastLaughing

But back to being serious. Sometimes I think that was why the Aquarius liked me. For the reason you listed. I fulfilled his emotional needs on some level. Like some sites state, I was pretty motherly to him...kind of weird, but I just had this automatic tendency toward it. He had a bad relationship with his mother, and I think in some ways he liked me because I filled the gap that he had for so long regarding "motherly love" and selfless kindness. He was actually the one who asked why I got him certain things I did and did all these outrageous things for him. He didn't really get it, but I know he loved the attention no matter what he says lmao. I'll always cherish it, but it wasn't made to last.

The Taurus was pretty much a walking nightmare, so we wont go there. But he enjoyed being condescending and cruel, despite my kind and selfless actions toward him. Honestly, I don't even know why I dealt with him. He was pure trash. the SN/Moon conjunction predicts, I felt indebted to him subconsciously. I do truly believe that. Because nothing else rationally explains my behavior. It was senseless and I'm ashamed that I let someone like him walk all over me. He was an aspiring rapper for Christ's sake. Who worked at 7/11 mind you. And ended up getting fired because he fell for a fraud attempt when someone called the workplace at 11 pm asking for him to wire over $ 3000. WHO FALLS FOR THAT? SERIOUSLY. I remember saying "Come on...why would you believe that...seriously?" So long story short. I left a guy who was an aspiring rapper who couldn't hold a job at a 7-11 walk all over me. Now that's a beaut. At least it will be a great story to tell my future daughters...or sons. "Back in my day, I liked an aspiring rapper who couldn't hold a job at a gas station and who was 26 with no car, license or job, and all he bragged about was wearing black, doing drugs and being an artist. DON'T FOLLOW MY LEAD KIDS."
That's supposed to say "I let** a guy", not "I left a guy". If I left the guy...that would've been a godsend LOL.
Posted by Impulsv
Leo had gem moon inconjuction with my south node. At first there was an attraction but his jealousy turned me off n even the sound of his voice annoyed me . I guess I was passed the south mode experience. I've read at somepoint the south node person moves on

Yep! It is typically the south node person who moves on because they feel there is no emotional progression with the relationship. The Moon person feels indebted to the SN person and overcompensates most of the time. They are never ready for the relationship to end (usually) and suffer greatly when it does because it is painful. Usually the relationship is quite impactful to both parties though.

I was the moon in both situations. It was pretty painful, but to be honest I'm glad the Taurus is gone. The Aquarius isn't completely gone...but we are on different chapters of life, but I still value him greatly. I still love him and would move mountains for him if I could.
I haven't had the southnode but currently my north node is conjunct with his sun sign......... Upon meeting we were both taken aback, very crazy........ Just now looking into this but these nodes are very powerful and interesting!!
Posted by TaurusinTexas
I haven't had the southnode but currently my north node is conjunct with his sun sign......... Upon meeting we were both taken aback, very crazy........ Just now looking into this but these nodes are very powerful and interesting!!

North Node conjunct the Sun is GREAT. I will send you a link. That is a very positive one to have. You are both progressing and feel a strong connection. Definitely a sense of moving forward together.

South Node conjunctions are the pain in the ass haha. One second let me go grab the link that I like the most. She keeps it short and to the point, but so far she's been very accurate in my opinion and even uses her own life as an example!
Posted by TaurusinTexas
I haven't had the southnode but currently my north node is conjunct with his sun sign......... Upon meeting we were both taken aback, very crazy........ Just now looking into this but these nodes are very powerful and interesting!!!sun-conjunct-north-node-in-synastry/cp0t

Posted by degenerate_ingenue
Posted by TaurusinTexas
I haven't had the southnode but currently my north node is conjunct with his sun sign......... Upon meeting we were both taken aback, very crazy........ Just now looking into this but these nodes are very powerful and interesting!!!sun-conjunct-north-node-in-synastry/cp0t

click to expand

Go to North Node aspects. The link doesn't direct correctly for some reason. It's pretty easy to find smile
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
Posted by TaurusinTexas
I haven't had the southnode but currently my north node is conjunct with his sun sign......... Upon meeting we were both taken aback, very crazy........ Just now looking into this but these nodes are very powerful and interesting!!!sun-conjunct-north-node-in-synastry/cp0t

click to expand

Thank you - this is exactly how I feel as the NN person.
our moons conjunct SNs mutually.

immediate affinity and it feels like "home" when we are together. we are otherwise very different people who may not normally get together. not emotionally draining whatsoever. i was a bit worried that we may eventually start to hold each other back or cramp each other's style given that we are so comfortable with the status quo. the good thing is my rising and sun encourage his NN growth and his sun nurtures my NN very well. i ask him to tell me when he feels that i may cramp his style periodically and i definitely let him know when he was cramping my style lol

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