Alright ppls.. I've been cutting back on some meat intake (ha ha ha...not that way 😏😂😉)
Anywho. I've been looking into some meatless recipes n whatnot n have come across mushroom burgers and I'm interested. Anyone have any recipes? Tips or tricks or idk,
I'm trying to figure out my friend's rising sign. Does he look like a Sag Rising?
As in ... which signs make it easier to get into a relationship with? Little drama, no fuss kind of thing. Like a high school bf/gf of sorts.
So a Pisces guy, that I know of through mutual friends, wished me happy birthday on social media following which we had a brief chat and he asked me if I would like to meet up for a drink sometime. I have always found him attractive so it was a nice surpr
Hi there essay coming up 😂 I will start by saying I’m a Leo who got talking to a Libra man, I could tell he was a Libra just by his Instagram profile before I even spoke to him. We got talking on there and within two days it had got pretty hot and heavy.
so um yeah... this is my chart with the placidus system
btw i use both placidus and whole signs because both seem to match my life
like example placidus (moon in 6th; stomach issues, sun in 8th: transforming and bad relationship with father)
and whole sig
Hey gang. So I was watching some guilty pleasure reality TV show and the Capricorn woman said that her and her husband eloped, and that her mom didn’t know that she was married for 3-4 years!!!....and I know a Capricorn male who has no issues with eloping
What channels do you subscribe to?
List the channel names and what content they contain. I'm looking for new channels to subscribe to.
It’s actually super easy and that’s not butter
1. Do you click physically
2. Do you click intellectually
3. Do you click emotionally
If any of these parts are missing, you haven’t found the right person yet.
More details, in case you’re not sure: