Synastry interpretation - One sided love or it's just won't work?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by MoonChild666 on Monday, July 20, 2020 and has 3 replies.
Hi everyone.

I'm new in astrology, still learning to interpret natal chart but I have limited knowledge on how to interpret synastry chart. I'd truly appreciate if anyone could kindly interpret my synastry chart with my man, together with your opinion and feedback. My birth details and his D.O.B is accurate, except that he might born many hours earlier.

And I have few questions in regards to synastry chart attached. I'm the one inside the chart (blue signs), and my man's sign are shown at the outer chart (red sign).

Short intro

He is 31 years old, 6 years younger than I am. We met online a year ago, communicate a lot with each other everyday, confessed our feelings to each other and mostly in a long distance relationship. It's feels like we have known each other for a long time, and we both feel this strong familiarity between us. We came from a totally different culture, religion and background. To prove that I'm serious in this relationship, I've visited him 6 times at his country.

My questions are:-

1) Why am I the only one who is too eager to get him, please him, do everything for him while he didn't much for me or our relationship?

2) I've read that any planet's placement in second house synastry indicates the person will spoil or spend their money on you. But in my case, it's the other way around. It's me who spent a lot of money and gifts on him, including giving him the money when he asked (he is poor and financially not as good as I am)

3) Judging from the synastry placement and aspects, could you let me know who is emotionally deeply affected in this relationship? Who feels more? Why is that? Is it because of the midpoint aspects? Or his planets almost touching my IC? Or any past karma issue between us?

4) He promised me so many things at the beginning of our relationship, including to marry me. However after almost a year, he started to abuse me verbally and have said so many unkind words to me. Should I give him a chance and wait for him to marry me?

5) I know synastry chart didn't tell that a couple will get married or breakup, but in your opinion should I continue this relationship or just end it? I was alone without any relationship for almost 10 years before I met him, it took me many many years to heal after my previous related had failed. And when we started our relationship, it feels like he has taken a part of my soul. I afraid that when I lose him, that will shatter my core being and break me into pieces.

I'd hope anyone could provide their insight and perspectives based on the synastry chart given. And I truly appreciate your advice on how I could handle this relationship.

Thank you so much.
Posted by PhoenixStorm

Nevermind the synastry... just look at the dynamics of the relationship right now.

Verbally abusive

Broken promises

Taking advantage of your kindness and money

Unbalanced efforts

At this point synastry is irrelevant, pay attention to how he makes you feel and whether this relationship is adding to your happiness or subtracting from it, that’s what’s really important.

I’d not even be tempted with astrology, you already know the story ...
Posted by PhoenixStorm

Nevermind the synastry... just look at the dynamics of the relationship right now.

Verbally abusive

Broken promises

Taking advantage of your kindness and money

Unbalanced efforts

At this point synastry is irrelevant, pay attention to how he makes you feel and whether this relationship is adding to your happiness or subtracting from it, that’s what’s really important.

Astrology isn't everything. It's everything with regards to compatibility, but nothing with regards to physical attraction and offering commitment to someone. We live in a looks-oriented world. So many people would pass up a soulmate to be with a hot person. (FYI, this is only because society conditions us not to be introspective, and deep). **I could have an as-close-to-perfect chart with someone who'se in their seventies. I'm 42 as of July 19th. It doesn't mean I'm going to want to be with them romantically! All possibilities of vanity playing even a slight role in this decision aside, I want someone I can relate to in an age-appropriate way. So when assessing the compatibility of two people, you have to look at the astrology, age difference, and also, appearance and maturity level. Out of all four, astrology and maturity are probably thee most important qualities. You happen to be talking to a guy whose 6 years younger than you. He knows he has a socially approved advantage over you. He's probably going to test it and see if you let it make you insecure.

All criteria to evaluate compatibility aside, this guy's playing you. No guy tells a woman he never met face to face he's going to marry her unless he's testing how gullible she is to shake down for benefits. You're July 3, 1983; a cancer. My advice is to continue talking to advice sites like this about guys you meet "before" emotionally investing in them, or the dating scene is going to eat you alive (and don't enjoy being used; that's a hallmark, masochistic character trait of less-experienced cancers).