Taurus woman trying to catch Libra man! Please hel

This topic was created in the Taurus and Libra Compatibility forum by jaquio on Wednesday, May 3, 2006 and has 27 replies.
I am a Taurus female who is dating a Libra man. I am confused at the moment. He says and acts like he really likes me but then does not call for days. We are like animals when it comes to our attraction, but I've noticed that he never wants to talk on the phone or emails. If he does it is only long enough to ask me over. His saying is "I don't want to talk to you on the phone, I always need to see you face to face."
At first I was flattered but now I realize that we never really talk. As soon as I get to his door he is all over me and I can not help but to respond in kind. He is AMAZING.smile I don't know if there is something more that I should be doing or if that is all we have. We seem to have the same likes but never get a chance to discuss them because we are all over each other. I try to slow things down but that only seems to annoy him a bit.
How do I get this Libra man to slow down and pay attention to what is in my head? I keep reading here that Taurus' disappear, but I don't he does! It is work related (he is a Photo Journalist) so I try not to be petty, but I want a Partner not a sex buddy. As a Taurus female I have no problem finding one of those, but I want something deeper.

How do I get this Libra man to look at me deeper, not just what is surface? Anyone?????? Please
BTW I can not go beyond his sun sign because he is adopted.
How do I get this Libra man to look at me deeper, not just what is surface? Anyone?????? Please
I hope I can help, Im a Libra female and initially the sex is pretty important, in saying that, when we really desire someone it is very powerful and usually not given freely. I would say therefore be yourself, because that is what he likes about you, who you truly are, but don't give your self too freely. Be independant and if I may say don't appear too clingy, be strong he will come back for more, I guarantee it Libra's like people who have a strong will.....Hopefully this helps but it is from a Libra womans point of view not a mans. Good luck.
Thanks X
That is SO weird! That is one of the very things that he told me when we hooked up. He said something about not sharing his self with just anybody. I guess I took that for granted because I live by the same code.
I told him that we should talk and he almost lost his mind. He was about to broad his plane and said that he wanted to talk about whatever it is before he boards the plane(work assignment). I told him that I would rather wait til he got back and talk face to face. He called to day and left a strange message like "I you're still alive". I did not get it.
I don't want to appear clingy, but he seems annoyed when I don't get back to him right away. How often is too often to call. Also I don't want to waste my time if he is not looking for anything serious with ANYONE. How do you think a Libra man would take it if the girl said that she still wanted to date other people if he has no designs on settling down in the future (With anyone)?? I can take that it may not be me but to stick around and he has no desire to marry anyone ever? That's a hard row.
I am also affraid of getting so caught up in the physical that it will fade soon we don't know each other well enough to move on to the next phase.m You know what I mean?
I mean thanks! Loud libra!smile
Message posted by: jaquio on 5/8/2006 2:36:03 PM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.218
I mean thanks! Loud libra!
but he seems annoyed when I don't get back to him right away.
yes we do like to be the centrre of attention and that moves on to my next part
How do you think a Libra man would take it if the girl said that she still wanted to date other people
Not very well I would say, I'd be surprised if he accepted this as Libras don't like to play second fiddle to anyone, we expect total devotion...lol.
I would say do what you feel is right within yourself and use your instinct, if he wants you, you won't have any doubt, but most of all if you want to keep a Libra, you need to be independent and your own person. Hope this makes sense.LL
Hi. I am a Libra married to a Libra. I think in any relationship and when you are crazy about someone and especially in the beginning you want to be close to and intimate with the other person. That was true for me and was for my husband as well when we first met. Very much so.
Intimacy for your Libra at the moment is probably more important than talking because he is in love with you. When I am in love all I think about is being intimate, kissing. Very instinctive. Who cares about talking! That might just be the core of Libra. Enjoy it. I don't think it is just about sex - if you are worried about that.
With regards to your subject of wanting to talk rather than be intimate: sweetly refuse one day and see what happens. But have a topic at hand and force him (with a smile) to discuss etc. Don't bring up the frustration - bring up the topic (if that makes sense). If he realises you are serious he will get it. Libras do want their own way if they can get it.
Hope this helps
I totally understand about the intimate thing. He and I are on the same page as far as that goes. My thing is I may speak to him for 5 or 10 mins. throughout the day and he will say things like "You know I don't want anymore children(Has daughter)right?" and I have no time to process it and respond to it before he has to go. Look we are 15 years apart and he knew that I want a child in the future.
I don't even know if he wants to marry in the future. Not me, but anyone. Is it one of his desires? I think we need to talk about these very important things but he avoids discussion unless I can not respond! Really should I ignore this??
I love him dearly but if he has no desire for the same things I do in the future is there a point to this whole thing? I just don't want to waste either of our time. I am not getting younger and while I don't want to marry just anybody and have anyone's kid for the sake of it. I DO need to know if he even has the same desires. Does this change anything? I don't even know if he loves me really.
He is gone all of the time and it seems like I have to be on call for him. In this case still, Loud, you think he still would have a problem with me dating others??? I don't want to but I have the feeling he is. Maybe because he's all over the world and it would make sense that he would have women stashed away. Is that a Libra trait?? Cheating??
Loud when you say be independent what exactly do you mean?? I have my own career and own friends. Should I not fit him in?? or JUST fit him in? I'm not the type that needs to be in constant contact and I can even handle him flirting in front of me. It really does not bother me. I just flirt myself.smile
How long have you been together - if you don't mind me asking?
Hi Libra,
2 months! He totally freaked out on me today. I can not seem to get him on the phone. Is this the committment thing everyone is talking about with Libra?? WOW! This is pretty deep. He has no clue what I want to talk about exactly, but appears to be scared to death and avoiding me!
I am not calling him all of the time or anything like that, but you would think I was stalking this man. I'm tired. For some reason I think that he would rather just break up with me than talk to me. Is this normal?????????????????
We were supposed to hook up when he got back into town. He left a voice mail that sounded cheery. I sent him a text saying to let me know when he was back and had a free moment (See no pressuresmile. The response knocked me back a few.
He said that I was bothering him and that he was working and it was not a good time. That he had no time to entertain (What the?) and he was busy. I'm SO floored right now. I seriously think that he is just not going to call back and that will be that. But the Taurus in me refuses to let that happen!smile I feel like he is forcing me to TAKE my due respect.
Two months is not a long time. Libras tend not to ask you personal questions, cross over to your territory and make you feel uncomfortable, we appreciate your privacy. I think in turn we expect the same. We develop feelings for you on our own/by ourselves, in our minds. I would go as far as saying that we're quite private people. So...if you are too early in your fact finding about his feelings for you or if he feels that you are invading his personal space whilst he does not know yet how he feels about you and is trying to figure them out his scales are probably somewhat unbalanced and he comes across as a jerk.
I would leave him be for a bit. Give him a bit of space to get the scales balanced again. If he has feelings for you he will miss you. He will not be afraid to get in touch - we're not afraid of taking risks when our feelings are clear to us and we know what we want. But you cannot make him fall in love with you, that he does by himself, by thinking about you, how you are etc. We like going through the drama of wondering if someone has feelings for us.
We don't like sticky. You don't need to tell us how you feel about us. We carry out the analyses ourselves. We DO NOT FEEL initially - a lot is in the head.
Having said all this I don't know any Libras that do casual. I think it's beneath us.
Calling him etc will not make him fall in love with you, or feel more. He does all this in his head. Libras do the conquering.
Also being unavailable is VERY attractive to Libra. Drives me up the wall - totally.
Hope it all makes sense. And remember in general: people do not fall in love at the very same time. And both need to be given time.
Thanks Libra!
I totally understand what you are saying!smile That is the way I was trying to look at it. It is too soon for me to be sure if I love him too. All I know is that I LOVE the way he touches me and being no spring chicken I know that that in it's self is not love.
I don't want to make him fall in love with me. For me the turn on is getting him to realize it his self. He called he yesterday and his whole tone changed. He is now telling me that we have a BIG misunderstanding and he wants to take me to dinner and discuss it.
For me I feel like I can give him all the space he wants and in doing so I only expect the same. He can not expect me to sit around like I am on call for him. I have many other prospects and feel like I should not put them off while he decides on his feelings.
That is why I asked about how libras feel about their other half (Undecided) dating other people at the same time. He is now telling me that I have it all wrong. I don't get it.
See, I'm really not the Clingy type. I'm a Leo Rising and he is Capricorn rising. Is that playing a part you think? I wrote him an email since he was not returning my calls. He then called me and said that the email was provocative and his tone was much softer and nicer.
I just explained that I was not lookin for a "Baby's daddy" or trying to trap a husband and that I never have and never will make any demands on him except respect me or leave me alone.
So,it appears that I was maybe being TOO nice and coy trying not to chase him away. SO Libra DOES like drama???? At this point it feels to me that he was trying to dredge up my feelings so I would put them on display. Does that sound Libraish?
I will let him do the chasing and I will pretty much ignore him and call at my convenience. When he is free I will not make myself available. God I hate games but if that is the nature of the beast so be it. Thanks Libra!
DXPnet is not letting me post more than 1000 characters so am posting two small messages. Here goes:
Libras will ultimately see your point of view. He?s a Libra, after all! Never underestimate the healing through time.
This dating other people stuff, I would not bring that up. If you want to date other people because you truly WANT to date other people then just go about your live the way you see fit. It will probably create unnecessary confusion if you do. One thing that I know about myself is that I don't fight over a man with another girl. She can have him. I?m too special.
When I say that I find unavailability attractive I am talking about emotional unavailability. If I invite someone and get rejected I'll just get annoyed. Emotional unavailability will make me try and try and try again.
I also find it very attractive when someone has a busy social life. It's very sexy.
The drama bit you are referring to, not sure, but I am not good at bringing up the real reason if that might hurt you, I'll tap dance around it and that might come across as being dramatic. Hoping you?ll get it without me having to spell it out.
Just ride it out. We also tend to go with the flow a bit. Want to do what you want to do etc. This may come across as indecisive but it is actually quite sweet.
Wow! -- I am a Leo girl very interested in my Libra guy friend.
We have an agreement never call only text . When I text him and does not text me back -- I know he is doing his wants to be alone needs his space thing.
The other friends in his life (girls) are clingy he hates that
I get it -- but as a Leo I want the attention .
Any suggestions?
And to whoever first posted with message - How is it going??
Be aloof, and on the surface be less interested in him than he is in you. The fact that you have this communication agreement means that there are still conditions to the way he feels about you. Once he becomes unconditional then you know you've got his heart.

Remember everything he tells you and then sometimes quote him. He will be very surprised because usually that's his role...
All the best
Stop Calling Him!
As a Libra, your behavior would completely turn me off. You say you aren't clingy but freaking out because he didn't call you back right away? Yeesh. I don't mean to be harsh but give the guy some space.
Libra gave you bang on advice. That is exactly how Libras work. We need time to process our emotions because we are disconnected from our emotions. We need to think it through. And I HATE people who pry into my emotions. I HATE people who push me emotionally. It really upsets and unbalances me.
Date him and date others. If you want children and he doesn't, you aren't compatible anyway. If you don't have an exclusive agreement then he is very undecided and you should be as well.
We pick you. You don't pick us.
** I just explained that I was not lookin for a "Baby's daddy" or trying to trap a husband and that I never have and never will make any demands on him except respect me or leave me alone.
I know what you are trying to do but it actually comes across the opposite way. It actually sounds desperate. I know that is not what you intend.
Just take a big deep breath, stop explaining and fretting. Really. Trust me. You are throwing all sorts of emotional stuff at him. As a Libra, he will shut down. We can't deal with it.
Seriously, take a deep breath and leave him alone for a few days. In a few days, he will contact you. If he asks, tell him you were hormonal. He needs time to process. Stop pressuring him to process faster.
Libras hate the phone by the way. We did a poll. I always thought it was just me. lol!
From the Leo girl into my Libra friend --
I forgot to mention --
One night we hung out he asked me what type of guys I liked & what my last BF was like .

I was very vague in my answers -- I really did not answer him -- Then I told him the type of guy I like - (which was nothing like him) . Later that night he asked me to spend the night because it was so late -- I said no. He asked me several times -- I still said no .
The day I felt bad -- but was kinda glad I did this . Do you think my actions were wise? My friends thought I was crazy .
When we hang my phone rings all the time -- I think it bothers him -- I told him I can't help it if I am popular .
Is making him jealous wise to do?
Plus i made the agreement to only text him -- it was my rule.
This sounds too much like aquas.
My libra and I should do fine.
Leo Star
1) Being popular is a good thing. It's very sexy in Libra's eyes.
2) Declining the sleep over is even better. Because it builds up the longing further.
3) Being told 'No' in general will not stop him if he wants to be with you. He's has no problem doing the hard work for the both of you.
4) He does not mind vague answers because he is not particularly direct himself. He operates by reading between the lines and hopes you do the same.
Don't deny him but do make it a challenge. Keep feeding it little by little. Rattle him a little bit (not having access is something he will not like). Build up his longing and he will tell you how he feels about you once he has REALISED FOR HIMSELF that now you need to know how he feels. You can SHOW him you care but you CANNOT verbalise this until he has verbalised his feelings to you.
""You know I don't want anymore children(Has daughter)right?" and I have no time to process it and respond to it before he has to go. Look we are 15 years apart and he knew that I want a child in the future."
You want different things than he does. And he's not being respectful of you and in fact, using you. I have a Libra man chasing after me (I'm Taurus), but I'm letting him do the chasing. It sounds like you sit around waiting for his calls or his text messages and you are readily available at any given moment for him. You need to make yourself scarce for a while and make him realize that his wants/needs DO NOT revolve around you.
You also typed that you wrote him an email that stressed you were not looking for a "Baby's Daddy" or to trap a husband. Libras will analyze comments like that to the bone. Bottom line, he probably analyzed that as you ARE looking for a husband and again, you have to be the one to be chased. Give him the chance to chase you. So what if he travels for business? If he likes you, HE WILL MAKE TIME FOR YOU.
Plus answering your cellphone when he is around is just rude. Turn it off. That is the polite thing to do.
Manners matter.
I have dated 2 libran men in my time, and my dad is a libran. the last libran i dated was very hard to read, didnt like to talk too much, most definitely not on the phone and rarely by email....to the point it was very hard to get to know eachother properly. Im a virgo but im a lover of beauty and harmony as Im quite artistic, so the librans appreciate this. I like to go out my way to make myself look as beautiful as possible and both librans i dated went absolutely nuts for this, however, they have a very short attention span, so one minute made me feel i was the most beautiful thing in the world and very much loved/adored and next like i was invisible. the very recent libran i dated, was heavily into me one minute and the next it was like starting all over again trying to win his attention, almost to the point where the relationship was going nowhere. my mum and dad have been happily married for 30+ years but my dad loves woman and loves looking at other woman, he has had affairs in the past and loves beautiful feminine women. the other libran i dated was heavily and intensively into me one minute, and then fell in love with another woman - he told me he was in love with both of us and couldnt choose, to which i told him to get on the bus! however, by that point he had got me emotionally hung up through declaring his love for me, that I was very hurt by this experience.... the recent libran was so attentative to me, that I ended up falling for him too, and due to his switch in interest in me, we had an argument because i forced him into a corner when he refused to respond to me or give me any of his time, which caused our first uncomfortable situation, to the point where he has now blown me out. (hmm, should have known better, but I demand attention because I am high maintenance and accept nothing less than being treated like a queen)
so word of advice with libran men - dont be too taken in by their attention to your beautiful qualities - they will seem infactuated by you, but dont confuse that with genuine affection - its more admiration and being in a temporary comfort zone with you....if you do fall for them at this stage, dont be shocked when they have a change of heart all of a sudden and drop you like yesterdays news.
As a libra....I'm very physical especially in the beginning I can't get enough of my partner. I don't like talking on the phone I rather have my partner near me..not so much clinging on to me but around. We like to jump in fast...so trying to take it slow may just annoy him. I understand the cautious nature of a Taurus, I was married to 2 of them and it annoyed the hell out of me but yet I grew to adore and appreciate it.
This is definitely a new thing for you jaquio, one thing I must warn you about; We Libras are extremely fair people we are 50-50 all the way. We will give to our partners before we give to ourselves....I left both husbands because of their selfishness and stubborness so just be aware of those Taurus traits. I adored the patience...that they both displayed and boy did they need it when dealing with me.
good luck...
i'm sorry but you Libras defend rudeness and inconsideration as if it is entitlement for being a Libra and YOUR rights to disappear.
I adore you Libras but a few days is stretching it when you don't have the common courtesy to at least acknowledge the other person much less let a few weeks or months go by as if it's no big deal. IT IS A BIG DEAL!!!!!!!!. Especially when intimacy is involved !!!!!
There is NO excuse for rudeness and this is just flat out rude no matter how you dress it up.
I went thru a similar roller coaster ride with a Libra I love very much and all I can tell you jaquio is that even the BUSIEST person in the world has time for someone they love. If this guy were really into you (aside from the sex).........he'd be pursuing YOU and you wouldn't have to be trying to reach him. So this instance you mentioned *********I sent him a text saying to let me know when he was back and had a free moment (See no pressure. The response knocked me back a few.
He said that I was bothering him and that he was working and it was not a good time. That he had no time to entertain (What the?) and he was busy.********
He just told you in his own words HOW he sees his relationship with you "as entertainment"! You shouldn't be trying to figure it out any more then that. Libras are great at hinting around hoping you'll read between the lines. Well, there you go! He told you plain and simple.
I HATE having to tell you that but having been thru this all myself..... It's the very things I ignored in the beginning of my relationship because I too am NOT clingy but I want some respect! You deserve it too. So you are not wrong in wondering or asking why the rude behavior. Just realize it for what it is.
Forget about astro signs, the 15 year difference is the REAL issue here. I'm guessing you're 15 years younger. He's had his family and he doesn't seem to want one since he's gone a lot with his career. You want a family in the future and he doesn't, that should be a dealbreaker for you.
The age difference is crucial. 15 years is HUGE!!! Older men who like to be with younger women do so because it makes them feel good. Don't be just an ego boost for an old dude! From how you describe your relationship as being more physically motivated, I don't see much of a deep relationship and your communication is lacking. A deep friendship with good communication is the basis of any good relationship. He enjoys having a young, hot girl waiting for him; wanting him. You want a full life, filled with possibilities, his is limited. Go out and enjoy life, meet new people who have the same wants as you. You will be much happier if you do. Good luck!
I'm a Filipino so, I'm sorry if my English is bad. By the way, I'm a Taurus woman and my boyfriend is a Libra Man. Yes, Libra man are open-minded, it's hard to get their feelings and they always like to be happy, to have fun, but not always about love. If you and a Libra man are still friends and you can't handle it anymore 'cause you really want him to be yours. Well, they don't like talking about love too much, they like to take too much time of having fun than talking about serious topics, even if its just about you being not in the mood, because it irritates them. Just talk about love when its the right time to talk about it, like, you and the Libra man were already close to each other. When talking about love to him, it's shouldn't be flirting. They don't like flirty girls. Some Libra man consider a decent girl. And they really like being praise, because they want to show you that they are great, and they want to hear from you that they really are a good man.
As a Taurus Woman, I don't show him my negative feelings, I'm not showing him that I'm being confused, or you shouldn't tell him that your day is bad. You shouldn't tell a Libra Man about you being negative, because they'll think deeply that they are the reason, why your being like that, even if its really not. You shouldn't show him that your being stubborn, or else, he'll leave you there. If you'll look straight to a Libra Man's personality, you'll see his kinda charming, but deep inside that, sometimes they just wanna a fun moment with you. 'Cause I know Taurus women are really deep, when it's about love. But if a Libra Man confessed to you, its not a joke now, you'll realize how much a Libra man really love you. Because if they promise a thing, they won't broke that promise. A Libra Man will always and always prove to you how much important a thing is. Sometimes, they are kinda serious in some things that aren't really important. Even if its just a joke, they take it really too seriously, but not always! Don't ever tell a joke that hurts a Libra Man, even if its just a joke, just don't do that, 'cause he'll really take it too much, and of course, he's feelings will hurt for that.
If a Taurus Woman and Libra Man were already together;
(In horoscopes) Her specific example would be the Libra boy protecting the Taurus girl from her own down-to-earthiness... but IMHO it is more likely that a Taurus would guide and protect a Libra than reverse. But though, this relationship should be great!