Tell Me The Sun and Venus of Your Exes or Crushes

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Artemis on Sunday, April 1, 2012 and has 110 replies.
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And I'll tell you what the book, "He's just not in the stars" has to say about men based on their suns and venuses from a female perspective. Its meant to be taken with a grain of salt and is actually pretty hilarious and sort of accurate.
Example :
~Aries Sun, Venus in Aquarius~
"Danger. Alarm. Break out the bomb squad. Danger. DANGER WILL ROBINSON. Entering the most terrifying, terrifying love zone. Just stay away. Do it. I??m warning you. This guy, within a month or two of you dating him, will swear up and down that you??re ???it.?? He??ll be ready to bring the priest or rabbi or judge around and just get it over with. He??ll show you how committed he is by throw- ing out all his beloved photos of Jenna Jameson (the famous porn star, y??know????if this isn??t your first red flag, what is?). He??ll sigh and look at you like you??re the last sip of water in the Mohave. Fawn. Worship you. Sigh and shed tears.
He??s the evangelist Jim Bakker of passion (and look what hap- pened to Tammy Faye). He??s a really bad episode of The Love Boat, a trip back and forth to Fantasy Island; and all the while with that Won- der Years innocent, Mister Rogers???trustworthy mug staring back at you with pure loving, sappy adoration in his eyes. Just for you. He is exactly, EXACTLY, what you??ve hoped for all your life . . ."
Posted by DazedScorp
If you post mine... I'll hunt you down and mangle your body.

You know, you really shouldn't challenge the quadruple Leo I have in me. Lmao. I personally think your placements are sexy. This is for the men and women interested in dating a guy with a Scorpio Sun and Venus ~
Scorpio Sun,Venus in Scorpio
"Here??s an interesting mix. Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Venus . . . tick, tick, tick, tick, BOOM!!! This guy??s a chemistry set waiting to explode in the hands of a freckle- faced ten-year-old who just got the stupid thing for Christmas. What were his parents thinking? What, they thought they??d collect on the fire insurance? So, here??s the deal. This Scorpio/Scorpio guy has a nasty side. And I don??t mean mean: I mean dirty, with a collection of porn that could rival Seymore Butt??s (King of porn, y??know? . . . Nah, it??s better if you don??t). Yeah. It??s scary. In other words, he??s not gonna appreciate you???no, nil, not even a little???if you wear those flannel jam- mies (with the bunnies on them, you know the ones) to bed. Honey, he??s got the video cam out. He??s ready. Make the most of it. Want to know what he likes? He??s got ???edible panties?? written all over him. He looks sweet, but he??s been a bad boy. Do it. Do the lace-garter- annoying it??s-gonna-take-me-twenty-minutes-to- get-this-thing-on. You won??t be sorry.
Here??s the bad news: Scorpio Sun, Venus in Scorpio can make any girl fall in love with him. He??s charming, sexy, and rough-and-tumble fresh???like Ivory soap. He??s hot, yet clean. Spiffy, yet slime-free. Scorching, yet charismatic, coola- mundo, composed. He might not even be good-looking, yet you??re drawn to him all the same. Unfortunately, though, so is everyone else. Even the guys. This guy is the opiate of the masses. When he settles down, it??s for good. Trouble
is, you??ll never be sure ??cause he??s got the sneaky, but I??m cool???you??re so beautiful, so what are you worried about????thing down pat. Damn, you??d like to smack him. Or castrate him. Whichever comes first. Unfortunately, he??s just, well, let??s be honest: He??s Fonzie. And you always kinda liked Henry Winkler (Scorpio).
Boyfriend Potential Rating: High if you??re into the sado- masochistic he??s-good-in-bed-but-he-may-just-be-boffing-others kind of relationship. Higher if some stripper has shown hi
"High if you??re into the sado- masochistic he??s-good-in-bed-but-he-may-just-be-boffing-others kind of relationship. Higher if some stripper has shown him the way and he??s finally figured out that he can??t go that route forever. Last thing: You can get him if you??re a pretty girl with morals who looks good, but says something intelligent once in a while. Confuse him by talking like a Ring-Ding, in a beauty pageant, about world peace. Then go out and raise a million dollars for it. Um, yeah. That??ll actually work."
For MzSag :
Sun In Virgo, Venus In Scorpio :
These guys like to make people smile. They actually reveal the fantastic in the ordinary. In fact, if he doesn??t seem to be paying attention to you, give him a good whack. Chances are, he??s too caught up in watching people around him. Yeah. This guy is obsessed with other people??s lives. Not good news for you. He??s got the genius to discover bizarre eccentricities in people??s normal, everyday behavior. This can take the form of a one-year- old with lots of fun keys dangled in front of him. Actually, his humble charm is probably intriguing to you???like Reese??s Pieces to E.T. Though more alien. You??ll want to figure him out. Don??t try. He??s as elusive as Carmen Electra??s bikini line in re- runs of Baywatch. Let??s go deep here. Virgo/Venus in Scorpio is, oh, just a tad obsessed with death and war. He probably talks about it, scorns it, hates it???yet always has a comment on hand about it, like Joan Rivers about celebrities?? fashion choices on the red carpet.
Make no mistake, though. This guy has a wild streak he keeps hidden like Sylvester Stallone??s porn movies. You may just play second fiddle to his work life. He??s like a Lab digging in the ground where he knows his bone is: He won??t give up till he succeeds (and even then he??ll go off and chew on it??? ignoring you). Speaking of chewing, Virgo/Scorpio may have an odd relationship with food. It??s different for each of these guys, but it could be: vegetarian or macrobiotic, always watching everything he puts in his mouth; he could have strange food allergies . . . whatever. It??s totally as kooky as Michael Jackson putting oxygen masks on his children. Wow. Okay. But not quite as strange and sad.
This guy is probably very independent, too???except when there??s a beautiful woman in the room. He??s attracted to beauty, whatever that means to him.
Look. Virgo/Scorpio usually has relationships that last a while??? before he divorces and moves on to the next wife. He takes love seriously, but unless you??re his ultimate dream Fantathy Island Loveboat, he??ll probably commit to you about as much as an eighteen-year-old with ADD hunkering down to study for the SAT. His dry wit and wonderful gift for language make him interest- ing. Just beware that he might someday give you the boot???like the geographical layout of Italy on a map. Without two weeks?? notice. Like macho bad boy Eddie Murphy cavorting with a transve
For MzSag
Next ~
Sun in Virgo, Venus in Virgo
Okay. You could be on the right track with this one. See, here??s the thing. This guy also has the infant-within thing goin?? on, but in a more refined, Virgo kinda way. He has a deep, deep sense of re- sponsibility to family and those around him???which actually makes him a decent potential lovah guy for you. The absolute funniest, most ironic (albeit strange) men live un- der this fortress of a sign (trying to break through is tough, tough???but, once you??re in, it??s preeeetty). Hey, he??s got his de- fenses up, so he??s not gonna woo you by clinking champagne glasses by the fire???he??s more likely to do it by blowing champagne through his nose. His M.O. is to make you laugh, then move in for the kill.
When this guy gets married, he wants to do it right the first time. He actually knows he??s as sensitive as a baby??s butt, and likes to test the product for a while (um: you) to see whether or not he has an allergic reaction to your special brand of baby powder. (Here??s interesting: Our Friends friend Courteney Cox must be attracted to a good guffaw???she had a six-year relationship with Michael Keaton???Virgo/Virgo before she married David Arquette???also Virgo/Virgo. Both guys with
the same sign combos.
Though this guy is hold-your-pee-in hilarious, it??s not your typical garden-like variety. His humor is odd, strangely low-key???not necessarily in your face. And it??s used to protect him like a power shield. He??s quick to mock himself, and has a cer- tain humility to the way he actually sees himself. In fact, his insecurity can be as pronounced as Jen- nifer Grey??s original shnoz???but you may not recognize it. It??s bound to take form in a few peculiar habits. He can give OCD a new name. Like, does he only let you shoot his pic from a certain angle? Does he wash his hands first thing every time he gets home? Listen. You can live with the weird stuff. He more than makes up for it in the love department. He might not be an all-out ro- mantic with words, but he??ll show ya he loves ya by being depend- able and reliable. And refreshing???like a cold brewski on a hot summer day. With lime.
Post mine and Cliff's because you're my bestie and you love me so there.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: High if you like men who always seem, well, ahem, high. Higher if you can take some of the worry burden off their shoulders????cause they think they??re that Atlas guy, holding up the world. Low if you don??t have that clean Au- drey Hepburn good-girl vibe???and don??t laugh at their jokes. They??ll cast you off like an Olympic athlete??s jockstrap after prac- tice.
Next for MzSag -
This was technically covered, but I'll do the Libra version for venus in Scorpio -
Here are the more scorching, defiant Libras when it comes to love and life. They love women, and women adore them right back atcha. When this guy wants to turn it on, he??s got sex appeal and mag- netism that will draw in anyone within his line of fire. He does it with finesse, style : he??s not slick or unctuous. That??s why he??s so ap- pealing.
He can turn it off, too. He??s like a sprinkler system with a timer. It exhausts him to be so on all the time so he needs to retreat into a cave and recharge. He fears being tied down??? though it??s his greatest desire. It??s all that water (Scorpio), which is so heavy, weighing down his air (Libra). He??s a pessimist who cloaks it well with feigned optimism. The rain will come and contribute to his downfall. He??s likely to pull away from a situation before it can hurt him so it won??t.
He can be the worst sort of cheater if he thinks you Trump him. (Yeah, Ivana got involved in The Donald??s business. He didn??t like that. Meanwhile, she went off to gross a mint with QVC.)
Also, this man can be drawn toward depression like Anna Nicole Smith to millionaires with one foot in the grave already. And drugs, to compensate. And corruption.
Funny, though. If he finds a way to make a morally just cause heard, he becomes a saint. As good as Toll House cookies Grandma used to make. As fair as a red-haired, freckled Irish lass, in the sun for the first time. His worst enemy is himself. Which, unfortunately, is what you have to deal with if you want to be with him. He??s anxious, like the show-off drunk at a karaoke bar when the words don??t come up on the screen. Make sure you give him the script so he has something to read from.
(continued )
Boyfriend Potential Rating: Low, simply because he??s able to detach???nothing personal. He doesn??t speak up when something bothers him, so it festers. High if you??re a Libra too, and can be impervious to his incorrigible behavior and annoying traits. When a woman makes him feel bad about himself, he stalks off like a lone wolf. And turns to other women to, uh, lick his wounds.
Sun In Taurus, Venus In Aries -
This one has a presence so commanding, so intense, you have to look at him. He??s like a total eclipse of the sun: You can stare at it, but (oh sh*t) . . . it??s reeeally bad for you. Meanwhile, he has to be sure that you??re his future. He??s the Martha Stewart of love???so efficient, with a get-out-of-jail-free card to boot. (Are you listening, Martha? Don??t you wish you knew that before?) Yeah, it??s true. He??s got contacts up the wazoo. And he??s not afraid to use them at precisely the right time. Precisely. Listen up, though. There has to be a ground-base reason for him to be with you. Security. Mutual interests. Shared taste . . .
A trust fund in your name. Oh, all right. Damn it. I didn??t mean to let the cat out of the bag. This one??s just a little obsessed with money???like in an OCD way. Like checking his wallet every hour to make sure Lincoln hasn??t run off the five-dollar bills to go free the slaves or some- thing. Look, truth is, it??s not all that bad???but he??s gotta believe that you have a decent, steady-paying job, or backup money from another source???at least. If not, this guy will freak. He??s an analyzer, this one. Thinks too much. Bottom line: He doesn??t want the responsibility of obsessing over his financial tab and yours. That means, well, no staying home and raising the young ones. Leave ??em with the babysitter. She??ll do a fine job. Even if she only speaks Swahili. Or Urdu. And learned her child-rearing tactics from Bertha, the stalwart women??s criminal correction center warden.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: High if you feed him through his ego and don??t stress his wallet. Extra high if he stays with you, ??cause he??s not gonna unless he??s really, truly in love. A done deal if you??re a billionaire heiress. Anorexic. Or one of the Hilton sisters???both. And love him for him. But last tip: You can have this guy big-time if you really, truly know in your heart that money??s not part of it. Then this guy will latch on to you and be incredibly generous
Ex #1: Cancer sun/Gemini venus (shudder)
Ex #2: Libra sun/Scorpio venus
Ex FWB: Taurus sun/Aries venus
Current bf: Cancer sun/Leo venus
Still current crush: Virgo sun/Virgo-Libra cusp venus
Ex crush: Capricorn sun/Aquarius venus
Posted by ellessque
I don't have any favorite exes Tongue
do me, PLEASE????? I know I'm not a guy, but I'm a scorp and that's close enough
Scorp Sun, Venus Libra

Like Scorpio/Venus in Virgo, this guy can be self-destructive. However, usually the Libra factor balances him out???sort of???like a Diet Coke alongside a bacon double cheeseburger. For him, knowledge is the ultimate orgasm. Ultimately: his search for the truth. There are always neuroses with this guy. He can be a good partner, though, if you let him shine, whine, and dominate the room. Self- deprecation, too, can sound like Jerry Seinfeld on truth serum. His curiosity about the world gets him going (Christopher Columbus was Scorpio/Virgo), and he will never be swayed by others?? opinions. If you??re laid-back, supportive, and give him good advice without being too Dr. Phil???analytical about it, you??ve got him. Gossip about celebrities and the people you know together is like sexual foreplay for this guy. Nothing gets him more riled
His sense of humor is exaggeratedly hilarious. A little vulgar, too, when he wants to be Anna Nicole weirdly rubberneckingly out-of-whack strange. Exclamation-pointed.
He??s got class, but said in a Fran Drescher??? style nasal voice. Elegance, with a hint of dirty to it. It??s all done with an edge to get a reaction. He??s like, ???Let??s bomb Hiroshima to see what happens.?? Hah. No. That??s not funny. And sometimes he isn??t either. It??s like John F. Kennedy, Jr., failing the bar (three times); ???how could he think of fly- ing a plane??? he asks. No, that??s not funny, either: We??re talking Scor- pio. Even when his jokes are really funny, there??s always a darkness underlying them. Barbed-wire humor. This man will look death in the face for vanity??s sake, then go back under the knife after a botched plastic surgery. For fun.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: High, actually. This guy knows himself, even if he??s just plain weird. He commits only to those he can see himself with for the long truckload haul.
Be careful, though. His sense of responsibility can outweigh his true desires. Low if he marries for pregnancy, for status, for security reasons, or be- cause the devil made him do it. So he says.
Posted by desdemona
Post mine and Cliff's because you're my bestie and you love me so there.

Of course, my darling double Aries and multiple Pisces-princess
NINJAMU - Whats your Sun and Venus? Your boyfriend actually has the same placements I do, so I'm wondering if I should give your combination a look out! Haha.
Ex #1: Cancer sun/Gemini venus (shudder)
People are drawn to him like flies to manure. Don??t worry. You??re the fly. He??s the dung.
Seriously, this guy gives out sexy and magnetic???but when you get close, he??s incredibly humble and self-effacing. How does he do it? How can one man be so charming, yet have the power to seem so grounded, sweet, and???dare I say it??? shy? It??s a heady love potion number 9. You??ll be reeled in like a celebrity to the Dalai Lama (a Cancer, by the way).
He doesn??t usually show his goofy thufferin- thuckotash side, but when he reveals it to you, you??ll sink like you??re in quicksand???fast. Thing is, he knows his appeal to the ladies. But he doubts himself. His midlife crisis looms (even when he??s in his twenties), and he wants to fit in all the good stuff now. He dreads Viagra on the shelf, reading glasses on the night-table, and a middle-aged wife who looks more like his mother than the hot-to-trot sexpot/saint he married.
However, if you??re amusing, grounded, upbeat, never lecturing, overly analytical, or literal, you can be his pi?a colada lady. (The song, remember? He got sick of her, then realized she was the one he??d been looking for???come with me and escape . . . and they lived happily ever after. Uh, after.) This guy is loving and intelligent. Translation: potent. His sense of timing is excellent in life??? comic, dramatic . . . He can use this to woo you or confuse you. It??s a landmine trying to outfox this guy. It??s hard to outrun him, and even when you
walk away slowly, kapow! Just make sure you stand up to him. If he can control you as much as he tries to, he??ll respect you about as much as critics do Jessica Simpson??s acting skills. This guy will crave attention like a waitress/actress craves tips. But be warned: Much of what he does is for show. You have to be spontaneous, fun, get close to him, but also have a life of your own. Otherwise, he??ll ruin you like a husband to his bride in southern Italy: He??ll do it behind closed doors . . . then hold up the sheet in public for all to see.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: Extremely high if you??re mentally agile and can stand your ground. Keep in shape, too. He loves that. Quite a few good guys here can make it for the long haul (see celebs below). Low, if he just got successful or better looking and hasn??t been all these years. Lower, if his reaction to a weekend together and holding hands gives him hives. When he??s in love, you??ll know it. If not, you??re like luggage without wheels. He??ll take you out only when he has nothing else???then label you difficult to steer . . . and put you back in his closet until he needs more bag- gage. (And P.S.: Who does??)
Sun In Cancer, Venus In Leo
(continued) Sun In Cancer, Venus In Leo
Like theater? He??ll snatch up the hottest tickets in town. He even likes women who have a little meat on them. (Olsen twins, stop crying.) So he??s not averse to voluptuous. Ness.
He loves spontaneity and appears to be incred- ibly so. But, guaranteed: Every step he takes, every move he makes, every breath he takes, and every cake he bakes, is planned.It??s designed like a pirate treasure map, then studied, analyzed, and implemented in order to win the booty. That??s why he??s so successful in business.
He also wants things to be easy. He knows he can be moody and volatile???and searches to keep it in harbor, away from the big motorboats (that cause annoying waves). He needs you to be his anchor. Keep in mind, it??s tough to keep this guy true to you???unless you??re the ultimate package. He talks passion, passion. And when he falls in love, it??s over the edge. Plunging down, down, without a net.
It takes him a while to decide on you. He tosses it around in his head like a Cobb salad. You have to be inert while he??s mixing in the creamy dressing. When he??s ready to serve, though, it??ll be a five-star presentation worthy of Emeril. Now: If you don??t help his career (by pure contacts, just look- ing good on his arm, or at least feeding him with good ideas), he can be as dangerous as a rowboat in rough seas. With a hole in it. And no oars. Made of lead. Also, he can be as faithful as a stud horse in a corral with ten pretty mares. Unless he??s in love. Then he??s yours. Having kids is important to him???so if it doesn??t happen, it??ll affect him in life and with you. He??ll freak. He might agree to adopt, but it??ll filter into his neuroses and the way he sees you. Be forewarned. He??ll want to pass on his royal blood lines. Jealousy doesn??t work on him, ladies. Mystery does. And Janet Jackson sings: Con-tro-ol. Now I??ve got a life.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: Potentially high if you can figure this guy out???it??s like navigating cobblestone streets in Rome with six-inch heels. Don??t be too pushy. He must make all the moves. From start to finish. You can get him only this way. Low if you don??t like to be controlled, manipulated, bandied about like a puppet, and dragged around like a three-year-old??s favorite teddy bear.
Sun In Capricorn, Venus In Aquarius
This guy can have a sex appeal that is undeniable. It??s all that air (Aquarius) mixed with earth (Capricorn). The air lightens him up so that he can exude sensuality without being too heavy about it. His charisma is subtle, though, which only makes him more sincere and appealing. He believes in causes bigger than himself. Wants to help the world and all of its victims abounding. He??s a peaceful storm. A light hurricane. Driz- zle with a bit of thunder. A cool cat. An intelligent, too-sweet guy who grows into his own???and becomes a very respectable, solid charmer. He??s a touch psychic and can read people??s motives (which can be scary for you). Although he??s sturdy, he??s got a creative mind that balances his sometimes too-practical nature. Only problem???he can back away from a love situation if he believes it??s the best thing to do. He doesn??t latch on for dear life like Cancer, Taurus, or even Sagittarius, when he??s fallen over the edge. Ego plays a strong part in this. It??s like: Leggo my Eggo. He wants what he wants. Like a kid in an ice cream shop who??s severely diabetic, he??ll order a pint of mint chocolate chip, anyway.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: High, but only once he knows himself. Pretty faithful, too, unless he changes his mind about you. Not saying he??s fickle. Just saying he??s got to be sure.
Posted by Ligeia
I actually have this book as well buried somewhere
in my collection. It's been awhile so don't exactly
know what combo means what. Anywho if you feel so
inclined. My ex-Leo Sun, Venus Cancer.

There??s something maniacal about this guy. He needs to be a star, even if it??s behind the scenes. He??s dictatorial, controlling. He lives for respect and freaks out if you don??t give it to him. Don??t ever patronize him. He might stay with you long enough to ???win?? your respect, but he??ll resent you for thinking anything less than the best of him. His heart??s in the right place, and he??ll go nuts if you don??t know that his intentions are good. Deep down, he also lives for love and family and kiddies. He??ll live . . . for you. He just doesn??t know if he can trust you with that information yet. Here??s the bizarre thing. If he finds the right partner, that is, someone who??s incredibly grounded, kind, hard to get, a lot of fun, never boring, yet deeply in love with him, he can be oh-tay Spanky. Berry good. Berry good, like Dracula with the heart-shaped surprises. Indeed, as a love partner.
BUT. If not, he can be ardent, fervent, avid, . . . quick-tempered, easily incensed, hot- blooded, obsessive, possessive . . . Continue? He??ll give the Psycho shower scene a new look, with a psychedelic wig and an extra-sharp knife. Truly, this combo of signs can be fear-inducing. As well it should. You??ll need a warning. It??s like big, black clouds before thunder and lightning come; twice. Don??t stick around for the drama. Shakespeare??s tragedies don??t end well, y??know?
Here??s why this happens. This guy doesn??t want to cope with his deep-seated sense of uncertainty???about the world, and about you. If he??s in love, he truly feels like a worm on a hook???he doesn??t know which will do him in first: drowning in water or the fish about to swallow him. Truth is, he doesn??t want to put himself out there. He thinks he does, but he??s in denial. And when he does step forward, he??s ner- vous about it. He??s more anxious than the gym coach in a carnival dunking booth???with his star athlete throwing, the day after he??s been docked from a game. He??s always at odds. Allegedly like Michael Jackson in a room full of young boys. He isn??t sure you??ll fit into his strange, complex, fantasy world. Truth is, he??s a phil
He isn??t sure you??ll fit into his strange, complex, fantasy world. Truth is, he??s a philosopher, a poet, a romantic, an idealist. And a sweet, loving, sincere guy???if only he can find the right gal to cherish him the way he fantasizes and daydreams about. If not???and she shows a certain diffidence about the union when he??s decided it??s right???he scarily morphs into a female black widow spider: She mates only once but bites the male??s head off when she??s done. (That must hurt. Not easy to re- cover from without it.)
Don??t worry, though. He feels guilty about it. Afterward.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: High if he??s got balance and can be honest about his sensitivity. Low if he names the children you??re going to have together???the first week you??re dating. And admires caring so much about having close relationships.
Posted by LadyScorpP
Well, why not smile
Pisces Sun/Aquarius Venus...

Also, @PotHeadVirgo -- This is basically about men from a female perspective. You sure you want one? lol.
(Sun in Pisces, Venus In Aquarius) "This guy has a sense of humor about himself. His ironic, warped idea of what??s funny keeps him constantly chuckling, even if the jokes are just between him and him. He loves when people get it, though, and will fall for a woman who can share in the private affair of, what he considers to be, the dark recesses of his mind.
His charm, easy smile, and natural wit serve him well. People trust him, even when they shouldn??t???always. He??s psychic, by the way, so tread softly. Though he resists, this guy is best when he has a partner. If he doesn??t, or if he has even slight mental problems, he can be scary with a capital S. Pisces is emotional but can distance himself. Aquarius can just plain psycho-separate himself, totally. Therefore, Pisces/Aquarius can go the way of frightening-dom (John Wayne Gacy, the clown serial killer of Chicago???who killed more than thirty boys and was revered and trusted by all???was a Pisces/Venus in Aquarius). But. That??s extreme.
Truth is, the majority of these guys are built for marriage, the long haul. Pisces/Aquarius is a wonderful father. A devoted, loving husband. A good role model???even if he likes to play the bad boy sometimes. So sweet, he can give in to it or risk losing his soul. He??s incredibly sensitive; a poet. If his emotions don??t frighten him into retreat- ing and turning to Evil Spawn, he??s as good as gold. Summed up, if this guy??s given the freedom to express himself and pursue the hobbies he loves, he??ll be a homing pigeon, always coming back to base: you.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: High if he??s the norm for this sign. He only stays and marries when he??s in love. And, since he knows himself well, he usually picks right. This guy makes up his own mind and doesn??t listen to what others tell him about who he should be with. Good for him. Low if he??s had a particularly bad childhood, has even slight issues about his sexuality, or is just plain starring in the remake of American Psycho.
Posted by exoskeleton
could you do scorp sun/cap venus please? smile

"Leave it to Scorpio/Venus in Capricorn to pave new ways, yet set up roadblocks that read DANGER: DO NOT ENTER. You want to pass? Well. That makes you either brave or stupid. If you??re not getting the respect you deserve, pull out now before he lets his pent-up dam flow. This guy is all about analyzing, experimenting, and implementing. Pity the woman who tries to stop him. Whether it??s creating (Method acting, Lee Strasberg) or forging a new record for the num- ber of times one can marry (Larry King, seven), he likes to be at the top of his game???even if that means being a relentless bastard. He only pursues what he??s good at. It depends what??s available to him. He instinctively knows what he can get.
Good news: If you??re his ultimate woman, you??ll never have to read his credit-card state- ments for afternoon-delight hotel charges. You??ll sense if he??s true or not. Don??t ignore your gut.
Clincal depression can affect this guy. Suicidal thoughts. However, the real problem comes when he denies himself the sadness. He represses it like the American public did with Janet Jackson??s ex- posed boob. Everything??s a process with this guy. He weighs out every aspect, makes a list of what he twice. Marriage can be a chore to him???he sees he??s got to do, yet he doesn??t necessarily look for- ward to the nine-to-five part of it. He thinks it??s more romantic to stay away, isolate himself, and see you once in a while. He doesn??t want to take the bad with the good. In truth, he treats dating like a science. To him, the bigger, better deal may be just around the corner, so he??s not likely to get to the church on time unless he??s given an ultimatum. His boots were made for walking. Don??t let him walk all over you.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: High, actually, if he??s done a little soul-searching???and not in the bottom of a vodka bottle. Let him go off on his strange, artistic, attempt-at-making-money tangents. He??ll appreciate you for not criticizing him if he falls flat on his face. He??s looking for unconditional love. If you give it to him, he??ll be as happy as a pig at a trough. Low if he??s got access to hotties. He can be as committed to relationships as Madonna is, each de- cade, to finding new ways to shock us."
Lol, you share a birthday with Jim Morrison AND Ted Bundy, sugar ;D
Sun In Sagittarius, Venus In Scorpio
"Dark. Dark. Dark. Like blackout shades in hotel rooms in Las Ve- gas. You know the ones???for those addicts who stay up all night gambling and finally go to sleep at the crack of dawn. Opaque. Creepy. Eerie???like the lake, with an extra e. He lives to reveal the fantastic in the ordinary. Sees purity in the world and reacts badly when his visions are somehow ruined or shattered. Like a little boy searching, searching for what is wholesome and good . . . which is actually why he can be attracted to the dark side: addiction, drugs, or even murder???if he??s not careful. It??s the underside of perfectionism. If the world isn??t perfect, he might as well fling himself headlong into the corruption himself.
On the other hand, he revels in true love and takes it (and himself) very seriously. If he finds someone he deems truly worthy and special, he will attach himself like paparazzi to Lindsay Lohan. If not, he can be as distant and flighty as Larry King and all his marriages. Oh. He has an odd sense of humor. You must, too, (since you??re with him).
Don??t fret, though. Save all that energy for determining if he??s ripe, juicy, and ready to pick???or, uh, rotten.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: Really high if you like slightly per- turbed, strange, masochistic guys. (Kidding. Kinda.) This guy does get attached to his mate. Just make sure his code of ethics is good before you subject yourself to king-of-pain suffering. Somehow, it seems like there are self-destructive tendencies here. And he may be obsessed with death. Or just very unlucky."
Lol this is exactly why I'm going to refuse to date anyone that has any sort of air in them unless its like..Gemini or Libra in Mars or Venus. That commitment-phobia/fear of emotional intimacy freaks me out and makes me cast a Final Fantasy style Protectga.
I mean, its good for people too because it might prevent them from landing into relationships with women that might cling to them like I would. LOLLaughing
Scorpio sun, virgo venus, please. : )
Posted by Scenic
Scorpio sun, virgo venus, please. : )

Right-O, sugar smile
Also, maybe my thread should just be an official hook up thread? If someone sees another person posting who has a combo they want, they should just pull a DazedScorp and ask them out right then and there? I think its cute that two scorpions are coiling around each other in my thread. I feel proudLaughing NO ONE BOTHER THEM. DON'T WANT TO GET STUNG LIKE A CURIOUS KID POKING A SCORPION IN ARIZONA.
Sun In Scorpio, Venus in Virgo : "The powers that be did not leave this guy unmarked. His charm far surpasses anyone else??s within a ten-mile radius. One hundred, if he??s not guarded by a jealous girlfriend. Right. Faithful, to him, is a super-idealistic adjective. ???Just Gotta Have Faith?? is a song sung by an out-of-the-closet George Michael to hot supermodels: senseless. Scorpio/Virgo has no faith in long-lasting love. That??s it. There??s no deep meaning to it, or to life, though he??ll convince you otherwise by the way he woos you (as if he??s out to win the million-dollar prize on a reality dating show). He??ll hang out his Batman sign and flaunt his cape and his latex suit???with big protective cup???to get this party started.
To change the subject???like he does, randomly???this guy can almost have a death wish. He gets himself into truly dangerous situations that make him feel.
In fact, add in an overprotective mother who tells him his penis is made of gold, and he can become a sociopath (Scott Peterson, for example: Scorpio/Venus in Virgo). Truly, these men are poet-warriors, and tend to take themselves too seriously. Self-destructiveness takes on a Joni Self-destructiveness takes on a Joni Mitchell/Sylvia Plath ultra-dramatic suicidal tone (both Scorpios/Venus in Virgo, by the way). Here it is. Because of his analytical Virgo mind, he can get so far removed from relation- ships, it??s almost like he??s walking through the motions, like the AOL guy on your computer screen. With dial-up.
On a positive note, if you??re an earth sign with a little water in your chart, you may just have found your soul mate. Well, that??s the good news. If you can deliver the newspaper to his door, where he??s got two trained rottweilers waiting for you, mouths foaming, you can wear him down like a hooker??s five-inch Payless heels on Hollywood Boulevard.
Boyfriend Potential Ratin
Boyfriend Potential Rating: High if he doesn??t drown in a pool of self-pity before the five-year mark. Seriously: Look to his mother. If he??s grown up in an unstable home with deceit, lies, too much criticism, or, on the other hand, too much adulation or idol- ization, he??s a Charles Manson psychopath (yes, also a Scorpio). Low if he??s got his therapist??s number on speed dial.
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Really good stuff here!!! Wow! How about sun in Virgo/Venus in Leo? How much trouble am I in for? lol
Sun In Virgo, Venus In Leo : "Here??s the weird thing about Virgo/Leo. He??s got serious proble-mos, but you may not pick up on it. He truly wants to stand out and make his birthmark, Cindy Crawford??? style . This feeds his Venus/Leo counterpart, yet that Virgo Sun sign holds him back from being, um, normal????cause the two signs clash big-time. He??s a juxtaposition, of sorts???like your Hassidic friend who??s just become a staunch Republican. He??s methodical about the way he does things and, for that reason, hits work stuff out of the park. However, he??s an idealist and a purity freak; he wants to retain his innocence???so much so that when he gets into his upper thirties, it may start to seem a little creepy.
People actually overlook his strangeness because he??s so god- damn fascinating (like in a rubbernecking car-accident way). These men, Virgo/Venus in Leo, need to be different and stand out. Yet their proclivity for the bizarre and false ranks higher than the ???off?? factor of Pamela Anderson??s breasts on her 108-pound body. However, he gets away with it. There??s hardly an audience he doesn??t jibe with. And that??s what truly makes him happy: putting smiles on others?? faces. He carves out his niche like a good skirt steak, becoming the best at what he does. Yet???a closer examination of the object in question indicates that he??s not quite in his right mind while doing it. Well, actually . . . he always lets his on-the-mark instinct take over. There??s something genius about this guy.
That??s the good news. Here??s the bad. Though there??s a certain kind of integrity to his work vi- sion, he has serious issues in his relations with real people. Again, it??s the conflict of the earth (Virgo) and fire (Leo). Be- cause both signs have scary perfectionist traits, this guy becomes either really, really good at what he does or really, really addicted to something bad in order to squash all his worrying and cope with it???or both. It??s not that he doesn??t love you. He??s just so wrapped up in tor- menting himself that he can??t see you standing there???in back of the one-way police-lockup questioning-room mirror.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: High if he needs you to solve his problems in some way. (And if you have the patience of a sugary sweet substitute teacher the first day of detention.) Realize, too, that if this guy settles down, it??s probably to have the security he needs to pursue his work dreams. Low, if
"Low, if his eternal-child within freaks you out like a middle-aged Harrison Ford with an earring."
Do mine! Do mine! Preetttyy please :-)
Aquarius Sun, Pisces Venus
Scorp sun sag Venus
Posted by Slicks
yo yo yo do Taurus Sun and Gemini Venus =)

"This guy??s heart is in the right place. He??s a good guy, and the most fun of all Tauruses, with a quick wit. Self-mocking. To others, he seems exceedingly sociable. He can start up a conversation and keep it going (even if the other person isn??t talking???talented, really). But what makes him happiest? An audience of one. He just wants to be in love???poor thing???and has a tough time making up his mind, committing. He wants to know that when it??s Game Over, aka marriage, you??re going to be his Rock of Gibraltar. Faithful. Loyal. Ideal. But wait???getting there must be a rocky climb or he??ll discount you like a Chinese knockoff of an Italian designer label.
Again, he??s clueless as to what he wants, exactly. So you have to show him. For now, just keep in mind that all it takes is a little cruelty to get the ball rolling; that is, a boyfriend he can steal you from. A big, hairy challenge. Jerry Seinfeld is the perfect example of Taurus, Venus in Gem- ini. Jerry, in real life, met a woman at the gym two weeks after she was already married. Wanted her. Courted her. (I couldn??t make this stuff up if I tried.) When she finally left her husband and got together with him, rumors swirled that she wasn??t the first married lady Jerry had gone after. But at least she wasn??t sixteen, like Shoshanna. He MAR- RIED her. End of story.
Just make sure he knows that you??re a possibil- ity. Sorta. That you may be interested. Difficult, nearly impossible, but doable. ???Fate.?? Russian
roulette with four bullets instead of one. Play your ace. Then show him the deuce. Luxuriate here. Obviously, when he gets you, it??s necessary: Pull away. Game, but Jeopardy-justified. He??s a romantic???but confused. He has to win you. And he??s got to work for it.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: High if he??s extremely solvent and you still agree to sign the pre-nup. (It??s really not about money, it??s all about ???trust??; (that is, his lack of it.) Also very high if you??re Judge Judy and can give it to him straight. Cinched if you play him as big and dramatic as ???? Angelina Jolie??s lips rock the free world. And also as promising. Low if these analogies are register- ing just about as much as scandals dealing with the British Royal Family being offered coffee at high tea."
Posted by aliaries
Do mine! Do mine! Preetttyy please :-)
Aquarius Sun, Pisces Venus

"Not your average Joe Bear. (Hey, Boo, Boo!) This guy, besides hav- ing a true genius, creative side, knows how to get people to work for him, not against him. He??s a manager. A contact guy. A nice guy. People love ??im. (Even if he goes the sad way of being a jerk, he still manages to earn everyone??s respect and they eventually wind up doing his bid- ding.)
He can go the way of saint, too, when he??s in love. Especially when his friends don??t need him at the moment. Right. Here??s the thing. This guy is a true friend. To many. I mean, too many. If he??s a rare breed of Aquarius/Pisces, and doesn??t have fans clamoring at the door, you??ve found yourself a keeper. But hey, there are worse things. Of all the Aquarius men, this guy??s most likely to settle down early. Plus, he??s a faithful sort. See? That??s not so bad. He??s also interested in the world, at large. Has high standards and interesting political ideals. He likes to go against the grain, yet always ???gets?? what??s important in life. (And loves to be admired for his generous spirit, though doesn??t like to brag about it.)
He wants his actions to speak louder than his words, yet doesn??t lack for the appropriate words???ever. Does he make a good potential? Well. If he can control his finances (they tend to slip away from him like a one-night stand) and you can put up with all his shenanigans with work buddies (who he calls friends), then yes. He??s a good catch and a home run.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: High, if you don??t mind when he??s off in four directions at the same time. Basically high. Low, if you??re the ex-publicist to his Tom Cruise. He??ll take your advice in work and money, then resent you for it."
Posted by LouLore
Scorp sun sag Venus

Good luck with this one! Lmao.
"At the very least, this guy thinks outside the cardboard box. Has he asked you your star sign yet? He will. Fascination with psychic phenomenon, the paranormal, or simply the unexplained is only one layer of his seven-tier cake. Astrology is the icing. Sure, this guy can be a real ladies?? man. Yet he??s got such down-to-earth, trustworthy appeal, it??s difficult to imagine that he??d ever betray you. That??s his game: no game. It??s as simple and vanilla as that. Speak a few languages to impress him. Tell him about your world travels. Mention that child you sponsor in a Third World country. He??s seriously attracted to helping the downtrodden. Looks good on his r?sum?.
This guy has a genius for self-mocking and can be hilarious as long as he??s making the jokes. If he??s criticized, however, he??s sure to lash out like a hun- gry snake at a rat.
He??s fiercely loyal to friends and family??? especially as a daddy. He??ll never forget who??s been kind to him, and he??ll reward them tenfold. Just don??t get on his bad side. It can get Hilary Duff versus Lindsay Lohan scary. (Especially because neither one of them have eaten carbs in a few years.) Scorpio/Sagittarius can be reflective to the point of depression. If he lets you into his morbid little world, don??t feel that honored. He??ll actually regale anyone who??ll listen to his insights. Be flattered, though, when he tells you how wonderful or beautiful you are. He means it. This guy is straight foward. And intense. Staring into his eyes may make you reach for your Ray-Bans. Passion goes with temper, too, so beware of his explosions. He also clings to his youth. Speaking of stubborn, he??s like Winona Ryder coming out of a store with her pockets bulging, denying she took anything. Know the signs. You may be able to see it coming. He??s like a bull before it charges???still, so still, with nostrils flaring. He??s out for shock value and clings to his different personali- ties like a balding, paunchy, middle-aged man
Boyfriend Potential Rating: High if you??re a paradox: the most difficult woman on earth to get, yet sweet as pie when he finally wins you over a year later. You have to be willing to walk away if he doesn??t treat you right. Low if you don??t praise everything he does and have a political agend
Posted by ellessque
Leo Sun, Gem venus. Pretty Please and Thank you.
(thank you for taking the time to do this. we are quite a demanding bunch Big Grin)

Of course, sugar!
"Low, if you let him get away with anything. He??ll crush your heart like Grandma??s generations-old locket you accidentally stepped on with your Jimmy Choos."
Are ya worn out yet?? smile
Let's go with Caner/Leo and Virgo/Leo
(yeah, I know, I seem to have this thing with Venus in Leo men)
Posted by lildol
Are ya worn out yet?? smile
Let's go with Caner/Leo and Virgo/Leo
(yeah, I know, I seem to have this thing with Venus in Leo men)

I've actually done these already smile I think the Cancer with Venus in Leo is on Page 2 and the other is either on that page or on Page 3 smile
Oh, the second one is on page 4. I'm seeing some repetition with a lot of these submissions.
A lot of girls like guys that are born in summer and fall. hahahaha.
Sun Sagittarius/Venus in Capricorn (Karma paid him BACK for me..In FULL.)
Sun in Gemini/Venus in Cancer (My Stalker)
Currently plotting for:
Sun Capricorn/Venus in Capricorn (he stays on my mind..)

Posted by TAURUSbelle
Sun Sagittarius/Venus in Capricorn (Karma paid him BACK for me..In FULL.)

MUAHAHAHAHA. This is actually my ex boyfriend too!
"This guy can be a nightmare or an utter saint. True, all men can. But it??s more pronounced in this sign. Good looks are inherent to this man. His charm is infectious because he??s so damn down-to-earth and modest. He??ll tell you he??s not a good dancer, then sweep you off your feet. He??ll swear he can??t cook, then prepare a saut?ed-scallop appetizer, rack of lamb with a Di- jon mustard sauce, and buttery mashed potatoes. Flowery words of love are not his style , but you sense that he??s a romantic at heart and truly does love you.
When he says he??s in love, trust it. He doesn??t say it if he doesn??t mean it. Problem is, he??s well aware of his place in the world. His moral sense forces him to choose care- fully; who to settle down with. No matter. Once he??s made up his mind, he??s in it for the long haul. Insecurity, neediness, and distrust on your part are the only things that will make him head for the hills. He wants someone who is kind, together, sensible, sensitive, practical, grounded, and almost regal in bearing.
Like other Sag combos, he can turn to the dark side if he takes himself too seriously. It??s im- portant that he has a sense of humor about him- self. If his mother instilled good values in him, you??ll never lack for a good mate. He can be difficult to get along with, though. When something bothers him, he retreats into his shell and it??s like pulling teeth to get it out of him???painful, hard, and messy. Also, he loves children because he tends to identify with purity and innocence. He never loses his sense of awe and curiosity about the world???and is moved by nature and natural beauty; fascinated by human behavior. He honors his commitments; his word is as good as gold. He appreciates those who are loyal to him, and can get mean or belligerent if he feels wronged.
Or just distant and cool, if he??s mature enough to walk away. Don??t let his optimistic fa?ade fool you. He can be witty and cheerful, then end the conversation with some darkly cynical comment that will really make you think. That??s how he reels people in. It??s not a trick, though. It??s the way his always-pondering mind works. Because family is so impor
Because family is so important to them, many of these guys marry a little too young???and come to terms with it later. Even when they have extramarital affairs, they usually don??t leave their wives. And they make excellent fathers. Pick your poison wisely.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: He can be a good hubby if you don??t piss him off, suffocate him, or ask too much from him emotionally. He??ll get there in his own time???like an airline flight during holiday season. Low if you??ve got too many issues. He can??t deal."
Posted by TAURUSbelle
Sun in Gemini/Venus in Cancer (My Stalker)

"Remember the Peter Pan complex? Yeah. The creed here is: life is too short. He who has the most toys in the end wins. Strangely enough, this Gemini guy also likes to help the world???always has a worthy cause greater than he. He??s good at seeing the big picture, but his mate may get lost in the shuffle in the meantime. He??s a free spirit. And will rebel like a socialist in a third-world sweatshop if his political or sexual agendas are squashed or stifled. He needs to express himself like a child who talks on and on without taking a breath. Eventually, if you stop him from venting and sharing, he??ll respond as violently as if you just asked him to walk into a pharmacy to inquire which tampons are the most absorbent. In other words, you??ve just cut off his balls. Thats a no-no.
Again, there??s always that fear of getting old sitting on this guy??s shoulder???and his eternal toddler within is irresistible to the rest of us. Damn appealing. He??s like a wicked little imp with a devilish smile. His allure is almost tangible. Twinkly eyes, mischie- vous grin. And, truth is, unless he??s crossed over to ultimate jerk, he can be like a cat climbing up a fish tank. We forgive him ??cause we know it??s in his nature. His ???didn??t mean to do it?? mewing after the bowl tips over . . . breaks our hearts. We let him crawl into our laps five minutes later. Here??s the goody bag: he does love life. And sees the benefits of collecting things he adores. However, this doesn??t always have to be about monetary gain. Sometimes he surprises you and finds The One early one -- and that's the only thing he'll care about--- Forever. See. He can be committed . . . and not in an icky mental hospital sort of way. It just depends on what makes him tick. If he??s looking for a partner in life, he may just be regarded like a tied tennis game???Love, love. For you. You make the call.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: High if he??s true to his heart, not his wallet???and chooses well (not just based on looks). Very low if you get too involved in his business. He??ll want a wife. Not a business partner. Doesn??t like to mix the two. It??s like who-put-this-peanut-butter-in-my-chocolate? To him, chocolate is chocolate and peanut butter is used to make peanut butter sandwiches. No jelly
Posted by TAURUSbelle
Sun Capricorn/Venus in Capricorn (he stays on my mind..)

"This guy doesn??t really give himself a break. He??s as tough on him- self as he is on others (unlike Virgo???who doesn??t judge others as harshly as he kicks his own butt). He can be slightly masochistic, even???abusing himself with alcohol or pain pills if his self-esteem ranks low on the charts. He??s got a curious nature. He reads other people well and can be ultra-charming in a distinct, odd, complex way. There??s always some mystery shrouding his M.O. That??s no car accident. Sometimes, this guy has a thing for younguns. Girls. School uniforms. He loves to start from scratch; mold and shape. There??s always a purity thing with women and him. Not that they have to be virgins, but there must be something upstanding and good about the women he chooses. He??s not about overstated glam or fake eyelashes; it??s more Abercrombie and Fitch than Versace. He likes a down-home girl who??s pretty but more wholesome than vamp. He can be a little dirty (read: perverted). You can??t. He??ll grill you with questions, like Barbara Walters with Fidel Castro??? thoroughly. He only wants to make sure you??re right for him. Don??t try to answer according to what you think he wants to hear. He??ll sense if you??re censoring.
Creative and intelligent, this guy has a keen eye and a practical nature, though his patience may wear thin easily. If he??s got any Scorpio in his chart (which he might), he??s probably fascinated by the news and a little obsessed with death. That said, he??s a pretty cheery guy when he??s not off being tragic and isolated.
Boyfriend Potential Rating: Very high if the last book you read was Curious George Goes to School (a youngun, get it?). (See Howard Stern with wife. See Howard run. See Howard with extra-young Playboy centerfold.) Extra-high if you meet at an AA meeting and are determined to keep him off the wagon. Okay, if he??s really, truly in love???and considers you an equal. Or a supe- rior. Low if you leave him before he gets his act together. Which may take a while."
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Cancer sun/Leo venus
Can I be really self absorbed and request me? Libra (or scorpsmile) sun/Virgo venus.ta.

The first one is covered on page 2, sugar!
"This guy can be a nightmare or an utter saint. True, all men can. But it??s more pronounced in this sign. Good looks are inherent to this man. His charm is infectious because he??s so damn down-to-earth and modest. He??ll tell you he??s not a good dancer, then sweep you off your feet....Flowery words of love are not his style , but you sense that he??s a romantic at heart and truly does love you..Insecurity, neediness, and distrust on your part are the only things that will make him head for the hills. He wants someone who is kind, together, sensible, sensitive, practical, grounded, and almost regal in bearing.

I didn't like the fact that one of his exes,happened to work in the very SAME building as him, kept calling & texting him, when I mentioned it, he pulled the "DISTRUST" card on me..EFF outta here!! Some reassurance would have been nice.
He can be difficult to get along with, though. When something bothers him, he retreats into his shell and it??s like pulling teeth to get it out of him???painful, hard, and messy...He honors his commitments; his word is as good as gold. He appreciates those who are loyal to him, and can get mean or belligerent if he feels wronged.

Getting him to tell me what was wrong was like pulling teeth for sure, so I learned to just not say anything till he was ready.
Don??t let his optimistic fa?ade fool you. He can be witty and cheerful, then end the conversation with some darkly cynical comment that will really make you think.

He def had a smartmouth, but I served it RIGHT back, even spicier! At times it would be a "Battle of Wits and Sarcasm"
Boyfriend Potential Rating: He can be a good hubby IF you don??t piss him off, suffocate him, or ask too much from him emotionally. He??ll get there in his own time???like an airline flight during holiday season. Low if you??ve got too many issues. He can??t deal."..
click to expand

it was like walking on "emotional eggshells" with him, not worth the trouble. I want to be FREE with my expressions, not bound. NOone is perfect, but he certainly made me feel like I had to be in order to be with him.. not worth it. I'm happier Single, than bound and miserable. he sure DID look good though.. a pic post (of him) coming up!
boyfriend potential rating: High if he doesn??t drown in a pool of self-pity before the five-year mark. Seriously: Look to his mother. If he??s grown up in an unstable home with deceit, lies, too much criticism, or, on the other hand, too much adulation or idolization, he??s a Charles Manson psychopath (yes, also a Scorpio). Low if he??s got his therapist??s number on speed dial.
My current and so far favorite boyfriend :Sun Libra, Venus Libra.
Thanks Artemis!
Aquarius all the way--Sun,moon, Venus and Mars.
Though I am doubtful that there would be anything (on emotional level )to know about him
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Libra Sun, Venus in Virgo
The world is his for the taking, as he??s well aware. This Libra is shrewder than the others. For this reason, people tend to label him ???difficult.?? He deserves it. He is. He??s as critical as a heart condition. As demanding as a diva with requests for specific noshes in her dressing room. As snobby as the thickest Royal Family British accent (served up with tea and crumpets).
You??d never suspect it. He comes off as pleasant enough.
This guy, though, is looking for his equal. His match. Nay, his superior, if he can find her. He may seem insecure, but, deep down, he??s as sure of his ability to capture hearts as Bill Clinton is in a room full of single Democratic women voters.
Anyway, it??s a done deal once he gets over his fear of success. He wants it as badly as a teenage boy with blue balls. Though he??s not completely convinced he can make the commitment, afterward.
That??s who he??ll marry. Someone who??ll inspire him to climb Sound of Music mountains . . . ford every stream. The passion comes when you leave him in peace to find himself. He needs serenity, even when he??s with you, because his mind is always in turmoil. Like a nymphomaniac on a desert island with the ugliest man on earth, he needs time to resign himself to the situation. (Ever see Blue Lagoon? Yeah, being stuck on a deserted Caribbean island with a sixteen-year-old Brooke Shields. Tough.)
What he wants is soul-love that stems from beauty???inside and out. That Venus in Virgo gives him a philosophical, poetic bent; he needs to express his feelings and beliefs about how the world should be. If you??re his muse, he??ll never leave you.
This Libra guy can get seriously focused and narrow-minded. He works best when he??s in a calm, cool relationship???and can trust his partner to be his Dwayne Johnson Rock.
Oh. One last thing. Lewd, vulgar, or loud noises scare this guy away. Tread softly. Hide the big stick for later.
boyfriend potential rating: High if you crave peace like Mr. Britney Spears (Kevin Federline) craves media attention. Low, un- less you can be as grounded as a 747 during a blizzard.
celebrity correspondents with libra sun, venus in virgo

This is my current man smile Any tips?