The best Spiritual sex leads to deep attachment?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by saweetz1988 on Thursday, October 15, 2015 and has 52 replies.
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Long story short, we been on and off for the last year.. the point of our story is we have the most almost spiritual sex, love making, best sex whatvee we call it.. it gets even better after we fight (not in person) and we always go back to the same cycle... we tried to be friends and the same story goes... We never fight in person and our sex is almost spiritual. I know that great Sex isn't enough to keep our affair... but it somehow brings us back and eat both of us when we fight... Right now, We faught that much it became blocking and trying to cut each other off for good.. yet, after a few days after anger I go back to craving, wanting , yearning to speak to him and want him again. This is awful but I wonder if the sex has somehow scar me for life... Ofco he has a Venus in Scorpio.... now I realise our affair can't continue this way but now I have a baby with him and I need to figure out how to cut the cord of the attachment for good so I can truly be his friend just friends.... Sad I never experienced this before.. can someone please help?
If u have a baby then maybe u can try having a permanent relationship. Make a good family with him instead of cutting off with him. By now u should realize he is what u really want.
Our relationship isn't that toxic as we never fight in person ever only a very calm deep emotional connection. That's what I don't understand. When we are together in person, everything is smooth sailing... We normally fight when we r not in person normally because his lack of communication or his way of having more control( silence) etc...
Posted by starlover
Please get well soon and seek some help with your need to be in a toxic relationship

...and put your baby first

Thank you. Honestly, I am and will get a professional help soon just to help me understand our affair better of why things are the way they are. The main reason is him wanting an upper hand(silence control) 2, not being able to communicate his feelings property or feel comfortable to show or express any form of affection (without sex), and him being torned from in his first ever love affair that he's struggling to show love or even fall in love... with anyone or struggling to trust...
The cutting off each other was probably the best choice for now as I think we both need some space and maybe a lot of it to realise what exactly is going on and grow as two individuals before we become parents.. As for me, I think I can be that... I am honestly not sure how ready as a father he would be or want to be... I still have 7 months to figure that one out... and we can't keep going back and fourth anymore hence the cutting off was our decision.
Posted by channingtatumsneck
reminds me of my 1st relationship. we don't fight in person coz we had sex.

that's the part I never understand. In person, no matter how much fighting we have in texts, in person it's like nothing ever happened.. would look at each other with deep caring eyes. And spend most of the time making love.... we part and fight then after a while, we crave for that sex again... Like an addiction.... this is new to me, very new....
Posted by RainDancer
Was there ever a time when you felt a friendship connection outside of sex?

see, to me I always thought he's my best friend.. no matter what goes on in my life, good or bad I wanna share that with him and wanna tell him first.. yet we tried to just **be friends ** it doesn't work we always wanna sleep together or kiss each other.. he can't even see me now coz he can't control himself. I wanna try to only see him as friends only u noe.. no physical but he can't do it... it's very annoying .. he says, I'm his weakness and he can't just see me n not do anything.. a little touch from me makes him go crazy.. He mourns and eveything.... Sad how can we just be friends then ?
Posted by Arielle83
My husband and I have the same kind of sex. Intense, spiritual, connecting. When we argue it's intense, because we are both strong minded, dominant people. However, we just end up looking at each other and fucking.

Venus in scorpio as well. I have to let him dominate me to end the arguing. He likes feeling power over me sexually.

I just love his passionate side. Fighting us passionate as long as every thing else. However it's almost like they like to argue to have that intense sexual reaction. That can be toxic.

I feel you.. Totally totally totally feel you... Sad it's like he wanna let me go coz I keep stuffing things up (causing drama) which is caused by him( need for power, silence pushing my button ) , I go mad n crazy, he then go mad, later I apologise and he's ok then we make up sex.... it's sickening... we both wanna stop this cycle but I honestly think he's causing it (intentionally)... I don't want it anymore.. we r not married or in a relationship.. it makes things so much harder for me.... esp with this baby.. but I let him go, to find other girls but I think they all kind of failed to share that same intensity so he falls back to me... maybe this is final though who knows ...
Posted by Arielle83
My husband and I have the same kind of sex. Intense, spiritual, connecting. When we argue it's intense, because we are both strong minded, dominant people. However, we just end up looking at each other and fucking.

Venus in scorpio as well. I have to let him dominate me to end the arguing. He likes feeling power over me sexually.

I just love his passionate side. Fighting us passionate as long as every thing else. However it's almost like they like to argue to have that intense sexual reaction. That can be toxic.

in person though, he lets me dominate eveything like he's extemely submissive... not in person, he holds the power.. if that make sense? Is ur husband the same?
Posted by saweetz1988
Long story short, we been on and off for the last year.. the point of our story is we have the most almost spiritual sex, love making, best sex whatvee we call it.. it gets even better after we fight (not in person) and we always go back to the same cycle... we tried to be friends and the same story goes... We never fight in person and our sex is almost spiritual. I know that great Sex isn't enough to keep our affair... but it somehow brings us back and eat both of us when we fight... Right now, We faught that much it became blocking and trying to cut each other off for good.. yet, after a few days after anger I go back to craving, wanting , yearning to speak to him and want him again. This is awful but I wonder if the sex has somehow scar me for life... Ofco he has a Venus in Scorpio.... now I realise our affair can't continue this way but now I have a baby with him and I need to figure out how to cut the cord of the attachment for good so I can truly be his friend just friends.... Sad I never experienced this before.. can someone please help?

What makes it so spiritual? What is he doing actually that has you craving/wanting/yearning for sex from this guy? ima venus in scorpio gonna steal this guys' fawking move hahaha i know one or two chicks I want yearning from me smile Yeah I said it....spill the beans saweetz1988
To me it's simple, what's driving the fighting when you're not in person is the craving and that leads to frustration...which then leads to bickering. It's insecurity...nothing more or less.

The fact that you don't talk about it in person is the real problem. Why? Because it is the only way you two will be able to have peace when you're togpether or apart. You're going to have to risk that peace to get to the next level. What is happening is this "spiritual connection" through sex is meant to teach you to grow and mature. If you notice, while you're stuck in the sex, life is still happening and it's getting serious especially given you have a child together. So now both of you have the hard work of actually trying to be friends. Ironically, that is the foundation of any long term and fruitful relationship. The sooner you start the better. The longer you continue this way, the worse it gets.

You haven't described a spiritual sex connection ... you've only stated that it was.

What you describe is lust. albeit, insatiable ... but, lust never the less.

It was very immature and irresponsible of you to let a baby be made under these conditions. However, so long as this baby gets top priority, it doesn't really matter what circumstances were taking place during conception. Although, it is noticeable that the mentioning of a baby takes back seat to your rambling ons about the lust you are feeling, and that in itself might just be the belling ringing.

As in, if the baby isn't more important than the man, then your sexual lust is the least of your problem, or more accurately the baby's problem.

Since this isn't a relationship, and it isn't a spiritual connection, and in considering that you're pregnant .... your best course of action is end your fucking sessions, and seek legal advice. Make sure he takes the baby seriously ... which is questionable, since I don't see you taking it very seriously.

This man isn't boyfriend or husband material ... he's just your lover.

Put on your big girl pants to realize the difference, for the sake of your baby, if nothing else.
Posted by P-Angel
You haven't described a spiritual sex connection ... you've only stated that it was.

What you describe is lust. albeit, insatiable ... but, lust never the less.

It was very immature and irresponsible of you to let a baby be made under these conditions. However, so long as this baby gets top priority, it doesn't really matter what circumstances were taking place during conception. Although, it is noticeable that the mentioning of a baby takes back seat to your rambling ons about the lust you are feeling, and that in itself might just be the belling ringing.

As in, if the baby isn't more important than the man, then your sexual lust is the least of your problem, or more accurately the baby's problem.

Since this isn't a relationship, and it isn't a spiritual connection, and in considering that you're pregnant .... your best course of action is end your fucking sessions, and seek legal advice. Make sure he takes the baby seriously ... which is questionable, since I don't see you taking it very seriously.

This man isn't boyfriend or husband material ... he's just your lover.

Put on your big girl pants to realize the difference, for the sake of your baby, if nothing else.

You ruin every fawking thread.....
Posted by channingtatumsneck
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by channingtatumsneck
reminds me of my 1st relationship. we don't fight in person coz we had sex.

that's the part I never understand. In person, no matter how much fighting we have in texts, in person it's like nothing ever happened.. would look at each other with deep caring eyes. And spend most of the time making love.... we part and fight then after a while, we crave for that sex again... Like an addiction.... this is new to me, very new....

some people just get cranky without sex i'm one of those.
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Wayhahahaha u r so right about this. First few days of parting it's heaven omg I can't even explain how the sexnor love make making make me happy.. Then later he becomes silence and then I go mad and the cycle begins.. If he just let lose, let him have him everyday things wud b smooth sailing hahahaha
Posted by RainDancer
Posted by channingtatumsneck
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by channingtatumsneck
reminds me of my 1st relationship. we don't fight in person coz we had sex.

that's the part I never understand. In person, no matter how much fighting we have in texts, in person it's like nothing ever happened.. would look at each other with deep caring eyes. And spend most of the time making love.... we part and fight then after a while, we crave for that sex again... Like an addiction.... this is new to me, very new....

some people just get cranky without sex i'm one of those.

Just squeeze one out by yourself Big Grin
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Haha I already have and do myself without him.. Lol .. yet I still need him.. the thought of me having sex with another guy now isn't really on the list coz it will make me miss him more and met confuse things further
Posted by RainDancer
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by Arielle83
My husband and I have the same kind of sex. Intense, spiritual, connecting. When we argue it's intense, because we are both strong minded, dominant people. However, we just end up looking at each other and fucking.

Venus in scorpio as well. I have to let him dominate me to end the arguing. He likes feeling power over me sexually.

I just love his passionate side. Fighting us passionate as long as every thing else. However it's almost like they like to argue to have that intense sexual reaction. That can be toxic.

I feel you.. Totally totally totally feel you... Sad it's like he wanna let me go coz I keep stuffing things up (causing drama) which is caused by him( need for power, silence pushing my button ) , I go mad n crazy, he then go mad, later I apologise and he's ok then we make up sex.... it's sickening... we both wanna stop this cycle but I honestly think he's causing it (intentionally)... I don't want it anymore.. we r not married or in a relationship.. it makes things so much harder for me.... esp with this baby.. but I let him go, to find other girls but I think they all kind of failed to share that same intensity so he falls back to me... maybe this is final though who knows ...

You said you're "stuffing things up" but "he caused it"

No one can make you do anything, one.

It takes two to fight. And two to get along.

Why do you say your actions are caused by him? What actions are you talking about? What does stuffing up mean? What does he do that causes this?

What do you want and how is he not giving it to you?

Ask yourself how you feel.

Think you're mad because you give up sex thinking you'll get what you want yet he stays the same? I'm looking for clarification. My ex was scorp Venus, me too, and the sex was crazy. We couldn't be friends without having sex. It was tortourus. But we could have made things worked had we of taken the time to work together instead of fight against each other.

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I will explain in fsult details after I soend soemtimes analysing eveything smile
Posted by 13th
Posted by saweetz1988
Long story short, we been on and off for the last year.. the point of our story is we have the most almost spiritual sex, love making, best sex whatvee we call it.. it gets even better after we fight (not in person) and we always go back to the same cycle... we tried to be friends and the same story goes... We never fight in person and our sex is almost spiritual. I know that great Sex isn't enough to keep our affair... but it somehow brings us back and eat both of us when we fight... Right now, We faught that much it became blocking and trying to cut each other off for good.. yet, after a few days after anger I go back to craving, wanting , yearning to speak to him and want him again. This is awful but I wonder if the sex has somehow scar me for life... Ofco he has a Venus in Scorpio.... now I realise our affair can't continue this way but now I have a baby with him and I need to figure out how to cut the cord of the attachment for good so I can truly be his friend just friends.... Sad I never experienced this before.. can someone please help?

What makes it so spiritual? What is he doing actually that has you craving/wanting/yearning for sex from this guy? ima venus in scorpio gonna steal this guys' fawking move hahaha i know one or two chicks I want yearning from me smile Yeah I said it....spill the beans saweetz1988
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lol in all honesty I think when we first got together, the kisses were different he said kissing me is like kissing through my soul.. and the deeper we connect emotionally and maybe spiritually, it just gets more intense and insane. A few times I teared up coz it was that amazing.. lol.. n I'm a Venus In gem moon in Aqua, I can just sex and feel completely nothing.. but man this is a whole other world.. I can't explain what he does that gets me hooked, I think we give it eveything we got each time.. Each touch comes from the soul deeply and that's why we are able to communicate and transfer the vibe of sexual energy that deep.. my housemate came home once and thank god she didn't hear him mourning at the end lol... I find him submissive I think he noes what I like in bed ( I like to dominate soemtimes ) and he loves being dominated.. and we started doing crazy stuff too.. We r jus two freaks that can't get over each other sexually .. It's awful lol... Sad like a drug
Me and my guy didn't have make up sex until almost three months into the rship. Afterwards, he said, ", we need to fight more often!" Lol...make up sex can be addicting, but you don't want that dynamic in your rship for the longterm because eventually there will ONLY be fighting and no make up sex. You guys have to learn how to value what each brings to the table outside of the intensity. Sometimes as women, we have to lead our men into establishing a different dynamic with us, primarily by allowing them to approach us with tenderness that doesn't necessarily lead up to sex. Men need to know that they're appreciated for who they are, because at the end of the day when he can't offer you sex or money, he can still offer up himself...but only if you accept him for who he truly is instead of just an awesome sex machine. Someone said it best in one of the other forums, "boring relationships are good". It's because they're steady. You're relationship shouldn't always be threatened just because there aren't CONSTANT fireworks. Quiet and calm needs to exist with the understanding that the goal is to stay together and work together, not to have mind blowing orgasms 24/7. I mean, if that happens along the way...GRRRREAT! Lol, but that's not a primary rship goal in healthy relationships.
Posted by TachiMichiko
venus in scorpio.
is enough to make
you addicted and
feel like you are
suffering from
withdrawal when
you need him. i
know. my hubby
is taurus with the
same placement.

i have never had
anyone enrapture
my soul like him.
intense and insane
are right. when we
are at odds it makes
the sex even more
addictive. pain was
never so sweet.

i have his hand prints
and the soreness he
inflicts on me. he has
my scratches and the
bite marks i inflict on
him. we ravish each
other like wild animals,
but then it turns into this
gentle, loving merging
of life forces. i cannot
explain. simply addictive.

I am feeling your every words.... and can relate to every word you have described... if we were in a relationship, things may be easier to handle.. right now I'm trying my best to let him b and give him the space he needs before the baby comes.. I am trying to detach from the need of those drugs longing.. trying hard and walked passed some nice sexy costumes today and that made me sad.. funny coz I never ever once bought costumes or sexy outfit u till I met him... *sigh* just have to fantasise instead lol..
Posted by MsTeeq1974
Me and my guy didn't have make up sex until almost three months into the rship. Afterwards, he said, ", we need to fight more often!" Lol...make up sex can be addicting, but you don't want that dynamic in your rship for the longterm because eventually there will ONLY be fighting and no make up sex. You guys have to learn how to value what each brings to the table outside of the intensity. Sometimes as women, we have to lead our men into establishing a different dynamic with us, primarily by allowing them to approach us with tenderness that doesn't necessarily lead up to sex. Men need to know that they're appreciated for who they are, because at the end of the day when he can't offer you sex or money, he can still offer up himself...but only if you accept him for who he truly is instead of just an awesome sex machine. Someone said it best in one of the other forums, "boring relationships are good". It's because they're steady. You're relationship shouldn't always be threatened just because there aren't CONSTANT fireworks. Quiet and calm needs to exist with the understanding that the goal is to stay together and work together, not to have mind blowing orgasms 24/7. I mean, if that happens along the way...GRRRREAT! Lol, but that's not a primary rship goal in healthy relationships.

I feel you completely hence why I need to work out what exactly is going on here. Perhaps a nice long break for us before the baby comes is a good thing.. I am ready to give up the urging and the amazing sex so we can remain calm, stable , as u describe but god damn, I honestly don't think that attracts a Venus in Scorpio at all.. they are the easiest partner to work with .. so I'm trying to make a life long decision here and I'm leaning towards true friends.. Yet longing for his touch... ^blessing and a curse **

It's noticed by the viewing audience that once it was pointed out to you by me that you haven't described a spiritual connection .... you changed your words.

So that means you must be talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Posted by RumiLove
SPIRITUAL should translate in every other form of communication too in that case smile

When we r together we don't talk much we just usher stand each other.. I find us understanding each other more with less words.. that's our problem when we r not physically together.. more words more talk create problems.. I'm trying to fix that smile
Posted by TachiMichiko
the feeling is stronger
when you are pregnant.
you feel more and are
very sensitive. hormones
are through the ceiling.
they are hard to control
but you must think of
the child and keeping

hard i know, but doable.
reroute your thoughts
to the baby and having
peaceful surroundings.

Thank you for understanding smile have you gotten pregnant befor? It's my first baby hehe.. I'm trying to use my sun Taurus to calm my energy down. Hasn't been too bad lately, easier without the vis existence, I can concentrate on myself better..
Posted by retrogradexy
Sexual connection, not spiritual connection.

People feel as if they found their soulmate, soultwin, soulsister..whatever.. because the chemistry is great but it has to do more with the physical chemistry.

A spiritual connection take different parts and it is rare to find one who can fulfill all domains just like its hard to master the 6th sense.

I disagree, I have had amazing chemistry sex before but it's a different energy. I have had sex before but it's not sex it's very transformative.. my moon in Aqua normally allows me to detach easily but this affair is completely different.
Posted by saweetz1988
I disagree, I have had amazing chemistry sex before but it's a different energy. I have had sex before but it's not sex it's very transformative.. my moon in Aqua normally allows me to detach easily but this affair is completely different.

Thus far, nothing you've shared here is indicative of a true spiritual union...
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by RumiLove
SPIRITUAL should translate in every other form of communication too in that case smile

When we r together we don't talk much we just usher stand each other.. I find us understanding each other more with less words.. that's our problem when we r not physically together.. more words more talk create problems.. I'm trying to fix that smile
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Let me make it clearer for you; in a true spiritual/ Divine Union, sex (or any type of physical presence, for that matter) isn't even necessary for the kind of energy merging/sharing/exchange that goes on in these unions...

It is so, so far and beyond that...
You can't be friends with someone you're attracted to. Or if you had sex, still can't be friends there's too many expectations afterwards. You have to move on. If you have an air moon like me. IT is easier to let go after a minute or an hour.
Posted by exxtasyx
Why is great sex such a huge thing to keep you in a toxic relationship? Get a vibrator and move on if he's bad for you. You'll eventually find someone who is even better in bed and easier to get along with.

What a butter!
I hate when people who have not loved, had not had a good sex giving an advises. Sad
Negative for I am Thotimus Maximus and I slay hoes.
Posted by retrogradexy
Sexual connection, not spiritual connection.

People feel as if they found their soulmate, soultwin, soulsister..whatever.. because the chemistry is great but it has to do more with the physical chemistry.

A spiritual connection take different parts and it is rare to find one who can fulfill all domains just like its hard to master the 6th sense.

Ever orgasmed just thinking about person? There you
oh gosh, this is the taurus and i. he also has a gemini venus and aqua moon and i have a scorpio venus. i have realized i thrive on the intensity. it is very unhealthy and damaging in every way possible. we dont talk either, possibly because of fear of a conclusion or end. idk, but i personally think it all stems from deep emotional issues on both ends.
The difference in physical attraction and chemistry..equals to sexual attraction. Which may be infatuation instead of a healthy meant to be..

Air moon can detach and VIG is superficial..
Posted by Impulsv
A spiritual connection is beyond sex that is 3D
Would u still love him if sex wasn't so good??

I do and it wasn'tsmile
So the verdict is?
Posted by Impulsv
Spiritual is beyond the shallow sex, physical appearance, status ect.
It's is seeing that soul n loving , cherishing just for its mere existence. Just for being!!!

Exactly how it is. Just for being.
Posted by Impulsv
A spiritual connection is beyond sex that is 3D
Would u still love him if sex wasn't so good??

I believe the sex was (is) amazing or the best as over time we became even deeply more connected.. It gets better each time
I decided to leave him be and honestly trying to move on and getting over him. I am very close to it and getting there. The emotional pain was way way way too painful and I can't have that while being pregnant as well. Let's wait till 6 months to c what we both decide to do for the baby's sake. In all honesty, I think it's best or easier to pretend we don't have a baby together lol... The thought of being * just friends * with him sounds impossible.. Unless he can prove to me we can have a coffee and not needing to jump onto each other lol.... space for 3-4 years till the baby grows up sounds like a good plan... Man, I can't believe I have to stay away from him or we stay away from each other because the sex is the best lol. What a wired scenario....
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Impulsv
Spiritual is beyond the shallow sex, physical appearance, status ect.
It's is seeing that soul n loving , cherishing just for its mere existence. Just for being!!!

Exactly how it is. Just for being.
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I can connect to every word I said. I used to remember me saying to myself * if that man was 80 , old, can't have sex anymore n have no money, most likely I will still b by his side being there and loving his perfect imperfection ** and that's what scared me coz by begins that vulnerable to someone, I was giving him the knife to stab me and kill me too. So now I'm running the other the direction with his baby inside of me... smile
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Impulsv
Spiritual is beyond the shallow sex, physical appearance, status ect.
It's is seeing that soul n loving , cherishing just for its mere existence. Just for being!!!

Exactly how it is. Just for being.

I can connect to every word I said. I used to remember me saying to myself * if that man was 80 , old, can't have sex anymore n have no money, most likely I will still b by his side being there and loving his perfect imperfection ** and that's what scared me coz by begins that vulnerable to someone, I was giving him the knife to stab me and kill me too. So now I'm running the other the direction with his baby inside of me... smile
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I wish you worked it out somehow. Let us know please.
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Impulsv
Spiritual is beyond the shallow sex, physical appearance, status ect.
It's is seeing that soul n loving , cherishing just for its mere existence. Just for being!!!

Exactly how it is. Just for being.

I can connect to every word I said. I used to remember me saying to myself * if that man was 80 , old, can't have sex anymore n have no money, most likely I will still b by his side being there and loving his perfect imperfection ** and that's what scared me coz by begins that vulnerable to someone, I was giving him the knife to stab me and kill me too. So now I'm running the other the direction with his baby inside of me... smile

I wish you worked it out somehow. Let us know please.
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Thank you.! I hope so too but right now, what matters to me most is this perfectly beautiful baby of mine... and I'm just praying that everything will workout by itself.. I'm trying to b good friends with him again... but I doubt we can see each other without the sex.. plus now he's apparently seeing someone too... so yay... I'm s single solo mum now and maybe for a while but it's ok... I'm happy with the little one who I thought was made out of love making..
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Impulsv
Spiritual is beyond the shallow sex, physical appearance, status ect.
It's is seeing that soul n loving , cherishing just for its mere existence. Just for being!!!

Exactly how it is. Just for being.

I can connect to every word I said. I used to remember me saying to myself * if that man was 80 , old, can't have sex anymore n have no money, most likely I will still b by his side being there and loving his perfect imperfection ** and that's what scared me coz by begins that vulnerable to someone, I was giving him the knife to stab me and kill me too. So now I'm running the other the direction with his baby inside of me... smile

I wish you worked it out somehow. Let us know please.

Thank you.! I hope so too but right now, what matters to me most is this perfectly beautiful baby of mine... and I'm just praying that everything will workout by itself.. I'm trying to b good friends with him again... but I doubt we can see each other without the sex.. plus now he's apparently seeing someone too... so yay... I'm s single solo mum now and maybe for a while but it's ok... I'm happy with the little one who I thought was made out of love making..
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It suck! You are so strong but why can't you make it work with HIM???
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Impulsv
Spiritual is beyond the shallow sex, physical appearance, status ect.
It's is seeing that soul n loving , cherishing just for its mere existence. Just for being!!!

Exactly how it is. Just for being.

I can connect to every word I said. I used to remember me saying to myself * if that man was 80 , old, can't have sex anymore n have no money, most likely I will still b by his side being there and loving his perfect imperfection ** and that's what scared me coz by begins that vulnerable to someone, I was giving him the knife to stab me and kill me too. So now I'm running the other the direction with his baby inside of me... smile

I wish you worked it out somehow. Let us know please.

Thank you.! I hope so too but right now, what matters to me most is this perfectly beautiful baby of mine... and I'm just praying that everything will workout by itself.. I'm trying to b good friends with him again... but I doubt we can see each other without the sex.. plus now he's apparently seeing someone too... so yay... I'm s single solo mum now and maybe for a while but it's ok... I'm happy with the little one who I thought was made out of love making..

It suck! You are so strong but why can't you make it work with HIM???
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I must admit that I had a very rough week one week when we had a massive argument. A lot of hurtful things were said. I am now using this time to improve the mistakes I have made ( being more patient , listen more than talk, understanding ) and many others.... Meanwhile I know he's sorting his life out and fixing his issues eventhough he's with someone I know there's a reason for it so the pain is not there anymore after I came to realise what is important the and reality. I have never loved someone so much in my life but I need to love myself and the baby alot more.. My Aqua moon, allows me to detach easier and analyse what needs to be done.. would I fall in love again? Most likely not the way I did.. maybe when I give birth yes.... I can't force one to be ready when they are not. He's a one very stubborn man and I know the more I push the more he will go to another direction.. so I am prepared for this single mum route with all the support from my family and friends.. I am very happy with it at the moment... 😊 thank you, for your understanding
Posted by Impulsv
Was he with someone n u at the same time . Does he knows he will be a father. Does she know he will be a father?

Unfortunately yes.. When I fell pregnant I didn't know he was dating her. He kept it a secret till I found out later n we had a massive fight . He knows he will be the father and NO she doesn't know anything yet. Apparently he will tell her when the baby is born... I'm too tired to get involved with whatever they are doing to be honest.. I was sick about it for a while as I hate the other girl not knowing anything but I figure I better look after myself and the baby. The rest, I just let destiny do its work..
Posted by RainDancer
Was there ever a time when you felt a friendship connection outside of sex?

Yea someone... understand the situation wrong with most women... They can't even seem to be friends with many guys how do they expect to be lovers. Basically girls don't seem to be friends with guys they find attractive unless they seem a bit more aware. Although I can say guy need to do better about just knowing something is going to go no where with a girl and not waste her time... I however will still be friends because I value there company as much as any male friends because they have valuable insight often...

Posted by starlover
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Impulsv
Spiritual is beyond the shallow sex, physical appearance, status ect.
It's is seeing that soul n loving , cherishing just for its mere existence. Just for being!!!

Exactly how it is. Just for being.

I can connect to every word I said. I used to remember me saying to myself * if that man was 80 , old, can't have sex anymore n have no money, most likely I will still b by his side being there and loving his perfect imperfection ** and that's what scared me coz by begins that vulnerable to someone, I was giving him the knife to stab me and kill me too. So now I'm running the other the direction with his baby inside of me... smile

I wish you worked it out somehow. Let us know please.

Thank you.! I hope so too but right now, what matters to me most is this perfectly beautiful baby of mine... and I'm just praying that everything will workout by itself.. I'm trying to b good friends with him again... but I doubt we can see each other without the sex.. plus now he's apparently seeing someone too... so yay... I'm s single solo mum now and maybe for a while but it's ok... I'm happy with the little one who I thought was made out of love making..

It suck! You are so strong but why can't you make it work with HIM???


He is seeing another woman
click to expand

She said she thinks he does
Girl worry about your baby don't waste your time on any fool who cant treat you with decency. Your carrying his child and he dissed you? He's not worth it I wouldn't give him another shot. Its up to you.
yay, I am
Focusing on the baby... Saw him last night at his performance and OMG, meanwhile I was dancing having the best time with my friends and so was my guy friend too.... He hasn't left my mind since... It's a Torture, my body needs him sexually all day all night. What he has given me in bed or when we made love it was extremely addictive and exhausting... We truly had the best sex ever and it's this kind of crazy tension that makes me want him even more !!!! I need a rehab centre for this sexual tension..... It's like, I can be with another guy sexually and wishing it's him kissing me instead! I hate Venus in Scorpio they r so mean and addictive and exhausting...!!!!!!drugs rehab time ðŸ˜'
Posted by Impulsv
Yeah I read sex not spiritual

I feel more than sex... it's not even the sex it's the kisses travelling through th vibe mainly... He wanted to see me last night but I stopped it... too painful I couldn't do it anymore. He says he will end it with the other girl coz he wants me... It gets old... I don't want the cycle anymore so I'm stopping it unless he's doing something about us seriously coz now there's a baby... I'm seeing a psychologist to help me with this.. ... Thanks everyone smile
Posted by starwars
User Submitted Image

Easier said than done lol but that's my aim with him later haha
"He says he will end it with the other girl coz he wants me"

If there are secure signs that he ended it with that other girl, you have no other choice but trying the togethership with him. In that case you should stop worrying. You should stop seeing shadows. You should stop admiring the sex. Instead try to be a woman for him as a man.

"Easier said than done"
easy or not, a wo/man got to do what a wo/man got to do. More practice than theory please!
Posted by DwellingOnMove
"He says he will end it with the other girl coz he wants me"

If there are secure signs that he ended it with that other girl, you have no other choice but trying the togethership with him. In that case you should stop worrying. You should stop seeing shadows. You should stop admiring the sex. Instead try to be a woman for him as a man.

"Easier said than done"
easy or not, a wo/man got to do what a wo/man got to do. More practice than theory please!

Let's see what's happening in the long run I see him with issues still and I'm also there for him as his friend to fix it all up. I take relationship very seriously too and I want it to work out if we r together . I'm too scared if it doesn't the kid will suffer ......