Me first!
risign :scorpio
Sun :taurus
Moon :cancer
Venus :taurus
Mars :Scorpio
Saturn :taurus
Uranus :aquarius
Pluto :taurus
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Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
ahhh perfect chart in wat sense????
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Dec 27, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 429 · Topics: 62
looks tragically boring to me... not enough flame to reallie jump things off
uff i got scared off real easily...
from now on i will stay far from the flamers aka ~hopelessdreamer~
Dont be mean!:o
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Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
the perfect chart is "supposed" to look like this:
Ascendant: Libra
Sun: Leo
Moon: Cancer
Mercury: Gemini
Venus: Taurus
Mars: Aries
Jupiter: Sagittarius
Saturn: Capricorn
Uranus: Aquarius
Neptune: Pisces
Pluto: Scorpio
Midheaven: Virgo
when the planets are in their home signs, they are at the best, possible positions. i've got my moon and pluto in their home signs, so that should be a plus for me.
however, having a chart exactly like this one is merely impossible; unless, our galaxy takes a universal turn that changes our planetary positions dramatically.
but anywhoo, i believe that having a good chart is supposed to show beauty of the sort -- both inner and outer, depending on which planet one is refering to.
..this is just an fyi on basic astrology, btw, becuz i'm not necessarily sure of which, actual chart would be the "perfect" one for me..
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Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
"Actually, that isn't the perfect chart because the sun is actually ascending in Aries."
yeah, i know that the "supposed" perfect chart is conflicting, but that's just the astrological view. even so, a chart like that is impossible to acquire anyway.
the thing is, i don't really see that chart as an absolute whole -- i see each position separately, and i think that is how the astrologists see it, as well. although it's basically a chart, i use it simply as a map; it points out the planetary positions that tend to be the most favored and beneficial for an individual.
"Anyway, I know what you mean, but I think we were talking about individually what we thought a perfect chart for us would look like."
thanks for your input, but i actually did understand her question. i just wanted to post that theory as an fyi for those who didn't know about it. that's what i meant when i wrote:
"..this is just an fyi on basic astrology, btw, becuz i'm not necessarily sure of which, actual chart would be the "perfect" one for me.."
since i wasn't too sure about which chart would be ideal for me, i didn't post my prefered chart. i would probably pick that "ideal" chart though, but only becuz it doesn't sound too bad of a chart to me -- even though it's not perfectly a "perfect" chart lol.
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Mar 20, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
sun in cancer
moon in leo
mercury in leo
venus in leo
mars in virgo
jupiter in cancer
asc. - taurus
midheaven in aquarius
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Mar 20, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
venus vixen...
what does that say about me then, b/c my sun sign is ruled by the moon and my moon sign is ruled by the sun (sun in cancer, moon in leo)... does that mean i am royally screwed up??? LOL...
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Feb 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2525 · Topics: 50
never put a "p" next to an ":" if your trying to be serious.
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Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
"venus vixen...
what does that say about me then, b/c my sun sign is ruled by the moon and my moon sign is ruled by the sun (sun in cancer, moon in leo)... does that mean i am royally screwed up??? LOL..."
haha silly girl! =] but no, actually, i don't think that you're "royally screwed up" at all lol.
and becuz your sun and moon positions are switched around like that, it places you in a rather unique position -- which i wouldn't see as something bad. and even though i think that it all depends on perspective, i do know that the leo moon would help strengthen you as a person -- especially considering the fact that you're a crab, an emotional sun sign, afterall.
"The Cancer Sun/Leo Moon combination produces a Cancer native who will be a good deal less shy and demure than would normally be expected of those ruled by the Sign of the Crab. In terms of personality, these are positive and confident characters, with an emphasis on pride, dignity and self-respect. They appear open-hearted, amiable and outgoing, always striving to make a good first impression, due mainly to the fact that they are proud persons who care a great deal about the manner in which others perceive them. Cancer Sun/Leo Moon individuals expect and enjoy having a broad base of support and respect from those with whom they come in contact. Their security comes from the knowledge that they are well-liked by those around them. Indeed, they seem to crave attention and respect...which they tend to attract naturally given their warm and sunny personality. Despite this, Cancer natives governed by a Leo Moon are prone to keep most people at a distance and rarely become close to very many individuals. There is an underlying distrust of others in this Cancer Sun/Leo Moon combination, but there is also a tolerance of others' shortcomings and an innate personal feeling that most people and circumstances can be controlled. These Cancer subjects are not afraid to face unexpected situations and will usually "do the right thing at the right time." Their style is invariably neat and organized and they dislike being around people who are "sloppy" or involved in situations they perceive to be chaotic. Cancer Sun/Leo Moon individuals take themselves seriously...perhaps even to the degree of being a little pompous and self-righteous on occasion. Nevertheless, these are persons who know how to get their way while making others feel like the winners...indeed, this Cancer native is often perceived as being the one who has compromised. Under a rather gentle exterior, there is a core of independence and determination here, something others rarely see or realize."
see, moonchild8?? it's not something negative, whatsoever. it simply makes you more of a hands-on type of person, and a little less cautious than how the general cancer desription would perceive you to be. and besides, both Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks are from the cancer sun/leo moon family. so tell me.. does that tell you something?? ;D
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Mar 20, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
having the same sun/moon combo as tom cruise actually scares me!!! he is quite the wierdo. but thanks for the description... sounds pretty good to me! seems like a good balance.
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
in other words: ^^^^^^^^^is it possible at all? or is this the chart of Adam? Abraham?
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Jan 10, 2017Comments: 97 · Posts: 1727 · Topics: 46
I think I want
Libra sun
Leo moon
Libra mercury
Taurus mars