To what extent do you PLAY the dating game...

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by LibraLovesHim on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 and has 11 replies.
Emphasis on play. Do you make your intentions clear? Do you play a bit of cat and mouse? What do you think is the RIGHT way to do it when you want something serious?

Are you a woman/guy who has "tricked" your SO into proposing??....did it work out? Not that I genuinely believe someone capable of this would admit to it and discuss it here but maybe you are someone with insight?

Hi, thanks for your post! I am a Gemini sun, Aqua moon and I'm not going to lie, I love the game. I love the challenge. I don't know why I feel I have to prove myself.. but at the end of the day, is it more for validation or for soul mate like connection. Gotta get real at some point.. and find someone who doesn't make you wait around. smile
Posted by stopbeingdelusional
I don't play games at all.

I also hate it when people try to play games with me. I feel they either are wasting my time or they don't have anything more significant in their life to do.

I was proposed twice before. I just told them I wanted to get married and they went ahead and bought me an engagement right... But then I got a cold feet... I did return the rings though.
Third time lucky for us then maybe Winking

A friend and her boyfriend at the time spent a night asking each other tough, in-depth questions - a set of questions she had found online - she said it was the hardest night of her life, laying out all of her stuff like that.

Brave woman. I don't think I would have been able to do that all in one go.

Weeding through the bad apples is always hard, especially when you put yourself in such a vulnerable position.

so true, nothing that will last forever starts with mind games - would love to have that set of questions if you can find it and post the site ... yes it's brave but if you want to have a good relationship it is vital that you both know and understand each other and are willing to do the work to make it work

Posted by blackphase
For myself I always believed in being VERY upfront and honest in the beginning.. To the point where I kill all the mystery and expose my flaws and insecurities. I'm too fragile to waste my heart on someone who wouldn't be suited for me in the long run anyway and my feelings generally develop fast, so I almost paint myself in a bad light at the first to ween out the ones who just won't make it with me. Sounds fool proof.. Until you meet a liar..

So no games for me.. If anything I try my hardest to make it impossible to play games with.
Brave move
Posted by Feral_doe
How do you trick someone into proposing?
Trick maybe wrong word-maybe a misuse of manipulation?? It does happen, more often than you'd think.

Or black magic :-P
Posted by Feral_doe
How do you trick someone into proposing?
Women have been marrying men for their money/assets for years. I don't for one second believe all of these women are upfront about their intentions="tricked" "fooled"
Lol games vs manipulation, game recognize game playa.
Silly girl wanting Scorpio sperm.
Posted by littlenanobyte
I don't take dating or myself too seriously. If you do, and I have noticed a pattern on this site, you end up like, sad to say, certain cat lady astrology people on this site who haven't dated in years and blame their natal chart on all their lifes misfortunes, waiting for a "transit" to come and save them. Or even worse, the men hating threads "my shit doesn't stink and I'm amazing, why don't any men like me? I'm better than all of them anyway"


I find being so serious about a date and looking to marry a man and have him impregnate you immediately like that current Taurus thread on the astrology board to be deeply disturbing and completely pathetic. Men pick up on that desperation too.
no games here cos i need to know that he likes me for me and not for the games. i dont chase but i do show interest if i feel it. i wont hold back if i want to share something.

if i get standoffish suddenly is because im evaluating something that brought negative feelings or because im unsure.